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We walk over and sit on the park bench across from our house.

This was were we would sit and talk about how we feel. We only sat here on Friday nights to talk about this stuff. It was our thing.

"Maggie" Daniel says turning towards me

"Yes" I say looking into his bright blue eyes

"What happens if we forget about each other in the future. What'll we do if we break our promise?" My 10 year old best friend Daniel Seavey says.

"Then we'll fix it in another life" I tell him leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I will never ever forget about you Maggie Nicole Lawson" Daniel assures me squeezing my hand.

"I hope I'm never forgotten " I tell him

A.n: HI GUYSS! I'm the author of the book called "only the begging// why don't we" you should go read that. Ayyyyyyy always plugggg!😂
If you haven't realized. This is a Daniel Seavey fan fiction. Hope you in joy.

Forgotten// Daniel Seavey (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now