Ch.16 the big day

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November 1 2017
Daniel's Pov
"Do you think she'll say yes" I Ask Michelle

"Trust me. She'll say yes a thousand times" she laughs

"I told you she felt the same way" Corbyn yells.

"She's perfect for you" Jack says patting my back.

"She makes me so nervous. What if she says no. What if she doesn't like me" I worriedly ask

"She does like you bro" Jonah says

I sigh sitting down on my bed. The boys and Michelle are here helping with this. I can't thank them enough.

"Wait. How long as it been since you guys became best friends again" Zach asks

"Like a month or something" I answer "why" I ask

"Oh no" Zach mumbles

"I KNEW IT" Michelle yells jumping up. "ZACH HAS TO TRY ON GIRL CLOTHES" she sings

"Great" Zach Huffs "I was sure I would win" he says

"We all knew Michelle would win" Corbyn says

"It was so clear" Jonah laughs

"Even I know she would win" Jack says
I look around confused as they talk.

"Ugh" he groan. "Fine. You win" he sighs

"I WINNN" She cheers

"Win what" I ask confused

Everyone goes silent and looks at me.

"Michelle can tell you" Zach says.
I look over at Michelle confused.

"Well the day you and Maggie became friends again, Zach and I made a bet that you guys would start dating. I said a month and Zach said 2 months. And I win, it's been a month" she explains

"You saw this coming" I asks smiling

"Awww look at how happy you look at the thought of this" she smiles.

"Let's face it. Whenever Maggie's brought up or walks in the room he smiles" Jonah says

"I miss Christina now" Corbyn frowns

"Go talk to her" Jack says

"Already on it" Corbyn says walking out of the room

Time skip

"She's gonna be here any second" Michelle yells.

I take a deep breath.

"You're gonna be fine. She's gonna say yes" Jonah smiles

"SHES HERE" Michelle yells

Then everyone runs inside.

Maggie's Pov
I knock on the door to the boys house and Michelle opens. Weird.

"Right this way" she says leading into the house, closing the door behind me.

"What going on" I ask worried.

"Nothing. Nothing at all" she says walking me outside. I hear her foot steps go the other way and I immediately turn around but she's gone.

I look forward again and see rose petals on the floor. Butterflies fill my stomach. I start to follow them until I reach Daniel at the end on them. He's holding a rose in his hand.

"Daniel" I smile

"Maggie. I know we've been best friends our whole life. But." He starts "I'm sorry but I'm falling for you because you're so beautiful and gorgeous and funny and your just so perfect and I can't help it but I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date with me." He rambles hesitantly giving me the rose and the end.

"Daniel" I say taking the rose. "I'D LOVE TO" I yell smiling

"Really" he says as his eye go wide

"Yes really" I says hugging him.

He sighs in relief, warping his arms around me.

"MY SHIP" Corbyn yells

"They grow up so fast" Jonah says walking up to us.

Daniel breaks the hug keeping one arm around my waist. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Girl. Don't get all cozy. You need to get ready" Michelle says grabbing my arm and tugging me away from Daniel.

Michelle drags me to her car.

"Did that actually happen" I say leaning back in my seat.

"I helped him plan it and I'm shook" She says starting the engine

I don't even know what to think. I didn't even have time to say anything else to him. But I'm so happy this happened. I think I'm more nervous then happy though.


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