Ch.71 Doctors appointment

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October 19 2018
Maggie's Pov
I take a few deep breaths as I wait in the waiting room of my doctors office. I'm here to finally tell them that I need a new doctor with me. Someone less violent and someone who actually helps me.

"Don't forget. Take deep breaths" Charly quietly says.

Her and the girls finally got back from their trip around America. Right when they got back, the rushed to come see me. Gosh i love them.

"Stay calm" I mumble to myself

Minutes go bye and I'm beginning to get very impatient. I glance down at my watch, 2:30pm. He should be here any minute to bring me to his office. Any minute now.

The clock hits 2:31pm and I cross my leg over the other, impatiently tapping my foot on the ground, waiting for him to walk down the hall.

I look back down at my watch, 2:32pm. I start tapping my nails on the metal handle of the chair. Still very impatiently waiting in the complete silence of the waiting room.

I keep myself from looking at my watch and after what I think is a good 5 minutes, I look at my watch, 2:33pm. I let out a sigh and look around, trying to distract myself.

The tapping of peoples foot, flipping magazine pages, breathing, air conditioning, nail tapping, tapping on keyboards and every other little sound, starts to get to me. Those very faint sounds fill up the silence of this waiting room, making me want to pull my hair out.

I sigh again and look up at the clock on the wall, 2:34pm. I glare at the clock, wanting it to change but its useless since it's not changing.

I stand up angrily and everyone's heads turn to me. Charly immediately grabs my arm to sit me down but I don't listen.

"He's four minutes late" I tell her as I show her my watch

"Maggie he's a doctor, he has work to do, he'll be here soon" Charly quietly says as she pulls me back down onto the chair beside hers.

"Maggie Lawson" A familier male voice says

"See" Charly says

I stand up and smile at him as he leads me to his office. He sits down at his desk full of papers from the precious patient and I sit on the chair beside his desk.

"So how have you been doing" He asks as he piles up the files and sets them aside

"Horrible" I tell him. He looks at me with a confused and worried expression on his face. "I'm here to ask for a new doctor" I say

"What's wrong with Doctor McDonald" He asks

"He's very rude and he hurts me" I tell him

"He hurts you. How so?" He confusedly asks

"He tackled me to the ground and tied me to my bed" I say

"He tackles you to the ground and tied you to your bed" he repeats, trying to understand what I told him. "He tackled you to the ground and tied you to your bed" he says again, this time more quiet.

"Yes" I answer

"A lot of people like you, imagine things" He starts after a couple seconds of silence

"What do you mean, like me" I ask as I furrow my eyebrow

"Who, who loose it sometimes. They tend to say things that they think happened to get rid of their doctor, but it never really happens" he says as he rolls his chair closer to me. "This is very normally Maggie" he says

"I'm not imagining it though. He tackled me to the ground and tied me to my bed!" I say again, louder this time.

"Maggie. You and I both know, it never happened ok" He slowly says as he places his ends on my shoulder.

I immediately take them off and furrow my eyebrows again.

"It did! My boyfriend was there" I tell him

"Fine. May I please speak to him" he asks

"He's in Europe right now. He's not here" I more quietly say

He sighs and shakes his head.

"Get some rest Maggie" he sighs again as he stands up

"But-" I start but he cuts me off

"Doctors orders, get some rest" he tells me again as he opens the door of his office

I stand up as I glare at him and storm out of his office, angrily.

"So hOw did it go" Charly asks as she sees me and stands up.

I ignore her and walk down the hall and push open the doors, leaving this waiting room.

"Maggie Wait up!" Charly says as she rubs after me.

I come to a stop and harshly press the elevator bottom to go down to my car. Charly catches up and we both walk into the fairly small elevator.

"What happened" She asks

"He didn't even listen to what I had to say!" I angrily yell. Her eyes slightly go wide at my voice.

"What do you mean?" She asks, a little worried and scared


She stays silent, probably not knowing what to tell me and she looks down waiting for the door to open up again.

The next couple minutes happen so fast and it's all I blur. But I'm curled up in the corner of the elevator crying and screaming, gripping onto the handle

The next thing I know is, I see Tyler standing on front of me.

A.n: I'm lOvInG iT

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