Ch.45 Leaving

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February 27 2018
Maggie's Pov
I open my eyes and I wake up to the exact same position. Laying on my back, not moving an inch. I don't think I've had one actual good night sleep since the accident. Only another couple months, yay.

"Logannnnnn!!!!!" I yell "bring me downstairs!"

He soon comes into my room and lightly pushes me into the wheelchair.

"Maggie it's literally 2pm and you just woke up" he laughs

"You try falling asleep like this" I giggle

"Right" he says carrying me downstairs and places me onto the couch.

Today's the last day I'm gonna see Daniel, Michelle and the boys because they're going on tour for what seems like forever.

I planned on going with them for a bit, but now I'm stuck home, while all my best friends travel the world. Love that

It'll probably be a good couple months before I actually see them all again.

The doorbell rings and Logan goes to open it.

"Hey bro" I hear Logan says

"Hey Logan" I hear Daniel say. A smile creeps onto my face hearing his voice.

"I'm guessing she's on the couch" he chuckles

"Always" Logan laughs

The door closes and Daniel appears in front of me with a small frown.

"I'm gonna miss you" he frowns sitting next to me

"Aw I'm gonna miss you so much" I frown slightly

He wraps both his arms around me, hugging me very lightly. I hug him with my one good hand and smiles softly.

"It's not that long of you think of it" he says pulling back

"Daniel it's like 3 months" I say. He sighs and smiles weakly

"I'll call everyday" he promises then leans in pressing his loft lips onto mine. I kiss back and smile softly. He slowly pulls back and keeps his face close to mine.

"I love you so much" He softly says

I lean in pecking his lips lightly and smile

"I love you too" I say bitting my lip lightly while blushing. He glances down at my lips and smiles

"Gosh I love when you do that" He says quietly.

I blush more and look down smiling.

"Ok shut up lovebirds I wanna see my best friend" Michelle says shoving Daniel away and sitting next to me.

I laugh hard and look at Daniel

"Gosh darn this is the second time" He groans then laughs

"My bad" Michelle laughs

"Rude" I say playfully glaring at her

"I come here to say bye to my longtime best friend" she says wiping a fake tear "but she gives no fucks" she says over dramatically

"Shut up" I laugh and give her a hug

"That's more like it" she giggles and hugs me lightly. "Hey I'm gonna miss you a lot" she says smiling softly as she pulls back

"Ahhh I'm gonna miss you more, I mean I'm literally gonna be bored for 3 months" I chuckle

"I'm sure I'll keep you company while I face time you 3 hours a day" she laughs

"You say that buuuuuut, you might be to busy with Jonah" I says smirking slightly. The heat rises to her cheeks as she hits my arm

"We don't talk about that" she blushes. My smirk grows and I laugh hard

GOsH I'm gonna miss everyone so much. Like what am I supposed to do for 3 months without them. Sitting on my couch isn't what I would call "fun". Anywhos but I'm hoping to surprise them on tour later on, I mean if I can walk by then.

The rest of the boys come and we all talk until Jonah gets a call for them to head to the airport. A frown forms my face as they all stand up.

"Aww no I'll face time you everyday" Michelle says leaning down to give me a tight hug.

"Move I wanna hug my girlfriend" Daniel says pushing her away and hugging me tight also "I'll miss you baby" he mumble into the hug. I smile softly and pulls back kissing his cheek.

"I'll miss you more" I smile. He leans in connecting our lips softly.

"I love you" he mumbles into the kiss

"Guys keep things pg" Corbyn chuckles. We pull back and I laugh as Daniel blushes slightly.

"We have a kid around" Jonah says referring to Zach

"I'm not a kid" he defends

I laugh and say my goodbyes to everyone as they all step out of the door. Ah this is gonna be fun.

A.n: oh mY hECK I have the cutest scene for Maggie and Daniel coming awwjskakwkjs

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