Ch.49 Surprise!!

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April 23 2018
Maggie's Pov
I take a wobbly step towards Daniel. I feel like I'm gonna fall....but I stay strong and take another wobbly step.

Daniel realizes that I'm walking and immediately he covers his face with both his hands and crouches down in complete shock.
The boys gasp in shock and watch me walk. The crowd is literally so loud right now

I take a few more steps and Daniel looks up at me and wipes his eyes as he smiles weakly. I get lost looking at his smile and almost loose my balance. Immediately I grab on to the nearest persons arm, which happens to be Corbyn. He quickly places his other hand on my back to keep me balanced

"You ok" he says.

I nod my head smiling and let go of his hand. I take another step and as I'm about to take another one. Daniel runs into my arms giving me the biggest hug ever. As he does that, the crowd goes crazy and let out a bunch of Aws

Immediately I hug him back, burying my face in his chest. At that moment I hear nothing else except the sound of his heartbeat. I zone out any other sound. I'm just focusing on Daniel and this hug. Gosh this hug, it's something i never knew I needed for so long. Sure it's just a "hug" to you. But to me this is like the one thing I really needed from someone. Having an actuel hug feels amazing. I couldn't be happier right now honestly.

As much as I don't want to, I pull back and look into his beautiful blue eyes that are a little watery. My heart melts as he smiles so big.

"I love you" he whispers in my ear softly

I bit my lip at how cute he is, then smile. Oh my, I missed him so much. I mean it's been like months since I've actually seen him.

Logan then picks me up and we go off stage so the boys can bow and finish off the show.

I sit back in my wheelchair right  backstage so I can watch them bow. I can't stop smiling now ah.

When the bow and come back up, Daniel sprints off Stage, running over to me. I stand up opening my arms for another hug. He runs into my arms hugging me again. This time tighter.

"Oh my god Maggie" he mumbles into the hug

"Surprise" I giggle hugging him back.

"Y-you never told me you could walk again" He says smiling so big as he pulls back, keeping his arms around my waist

"I wanted to surprise you" I smile

"Oh my god I love you so much you don't even understand" he sigh and hugs me again. I hug him back, laying my head against his chest

"I love you too Daniel" I smile softly against his chest

We pull back again and as he's about to kiss me, the guys ruin the moment

"Ok get a room lovebirds" Zach laughs

"Honestly Zach this is why you're my least favourite" I say sticking my tongue out at him and sit down on my wheelchair

"Ha looser" Corbyn chuckles. Zach huffs and crosses his arms

"You know you love me don't deny it" He says playfully glaring at me

"Um well I don't. Sorry bro" I smile innocently "I like Jonah and Corbyn and Jack. I don't know about Danielllll" I laugh

"No! I'm You're favourite remember" Daniel says

"We all know I'm Maggie's favourite" Corbyn smiles

"We gotta love bean" I laugh

"Hey what about me!" Jonah says crossing his arms

"And me!" Jack adds

"Face iT Guys she likes me most" Zach smirks

"Shut up Herron I like Corbyn most" I say wheeling myself into the room where everyone is sitting

"Actually scratch tHaT" I say

"What no you already said it! No turning back" Corbyn says looking over at me

"Ebens my favourite" I smile

"This is whyyyyy I love Maggie" Eben laughs

"Is this what heartbreak feels like" Corbyn says wiping a fake tear

"Sorry Bean" I say holing back a laugh

Soon enough, the boys go into Limelight and they offered if I wanted to go but I didn't want to, wayyyyyy to much people would be there. Way to much for me to even move around probably

Time skip

The boys all washed up and now we're hanging in my hotel. Christina came also!

"Christina who's your favourite in the band" Corbyn asks

"Maggie" She smirks

"But shes no—" Corbyn starts

"I said Maggie" she laughs

"Yup Christina's my favourite for sure" I laugh

"These girls" Daniel says shaking his head

"The ones that you bring home to mama?" I smirk

"Or the ones who love all of the drama?" Christina continues

"Heyyyyy they know the lyrics" Jack laughs

"No dUh" I laugh throwing a pillow at him

"Love her" Christina laughs

"I'm scared Maggie's gonna love Christina more the me" Daniel laughs

"I thinks he already does buddy" Zach says

"That's the only thing you've said that's right" I say looking at Zach

"I'm hurt" Daniel says placing his hand over his heart

"Dang it I lost my girl too" Corbyn chuckles

We all basically pull an all nighter, talking and laughing. Ordering a lot of food, of course and watching a lot of movies.

What a great day!

A.n: Daniel and Maggie are honestly tHe cutest couple ever wOw

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