Ch.55 misunderstanding

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June 26 2018
Maggie's Pov
My eyes open and I squint as I look around at what seems like a hospital room. Everything is blurry. I move my gaze around as it starts getting less and less blurry, then my eyes meet Daniel's.

"W-what ha-happened" I mumble as i rub my eyes.

"Well you see" He chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck "The doctor said you were uh, um p-pregnant and you fainted" He explains

"IM PREGNANT!" I yell surprised

Oh wait. I'm pregnant. Right

"Oh right. I'm pregnant" I groan

"Well dang Maggie. Love the attitude" He says

"Literally not one of us wants a baby. Do you except me to be happy" I snAp

He stays silent after I say that. Did that come out rude, I feel like came out rude.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want this to be happening right now" I say

"I-I know Maggie. You have no idea" He sighs

"We're literally 19 Daniel! Do you know how much shit we're both gonna get!" I say louder

"Baby baby calm down ok" He softly says as he holds onto my hand. "Everything's gonna be fine. I promise" He says

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Calm down Maggie. Just calm down. I keep telling myself that but it doesn't work. I hate this feeling. Having a kid is gonna ruin our lives. Maybe even Daniel's whole career. All because we were both so stupid. It was just. In the moment, I didn't think about what could happen. I didn't even think anything of it until a week or so later when Michelle asked about it.

Oh my god literally nothing is gonna be fine. Nothing at all. My parents are literally gonna disown me if they ever find out about this. And Daniels's parents and family are gonna most likely force Daniel to break up with me, they're gonna hate me if they find out too.

"Nobody can know about this Daniel" I finally say, after a couple minutes of silence "not one person" I continue

"D-don't you think th-they'll notice after a while." He says

Before I even have time to open my mouth and answer. A doctor comes in and Daniel's head turns to the door.

"Hey" he smiles cheerfully "I have a bit of news for you two" he says. I gulp as he says that. Not more news oh my

"What is it, uH doctor" Daniel nervously asks

"I'm sorry for this mixup but you're actually not pregnant" He says.

I feel a huge weight, and when I say huge, I literally mean a huge weight lifted off my shoulder. Daniel let's out a huge sigh in Relief and so do I.

"Really!" I ask

"Ya um there was a confusion in the back, and we gave you the results of someone else" he explains

"Wait so why was a sick in the mornings" I ask

"You know, just a regular stomach sickness" He chuckles. "And your period should come in the next couple days, I guess it was just a little late" He shrugs

"Thank the lord! oh my god" I sigh in relief

"I'll let you to pack up and leave" he smiles then walks out into the hallway.

When he leaves I immediately jump up and hug Daniel tightly

"Oh my god I'm so happy right now" I laugh

"I love kids. But I don't want one now" he chuckles

"Same" I agree

We pull back and get our stuff then decide to walk to a cute restaurant for lunch.

We sit at our table next to the water and I admire the view.

"I mean having a little you running around would be pretty great" Daniel says

"Oh shUt up Daniel" I laugh

"I love seeing you with babies and kids" He chuckles

"Hm well I love them" I giggle

"Seeing you with them is so unbelievably hot and cute" he says "It makes me want to have a kid with you. But like, when we're older" he continues

"Hm you think we'll be together that long" I tease

"Of course" he smiles "I know we will. And I know you're the girl I wanna be with" he softly says

"I love you so much wow" i blush hard and smile a little

"I love you too" he chuckles

We get our food and talk while we eat. You know, a cute little date. Nothing special.

We make our way back to my house but as we walk back, I stop.

"Why'd you stop" he asks

"There's a bench" I point to the bench at the park, across from my house

He smiles and grabs my hand then we walk over to it and sit down. We sit down and he takes his hoodie off, and hands it to me since it's gotten colder now cuz it's the evening. I put it on the cuddle up to his side as he wraps his arm around me. We silently watch the sunset together. In a nice calm silence, nothing but the slight breeze, moving the leaves and bushes.

I let out a breath and look up at Daniel, who's still admiring the sunset. I admire his perfect face and smile to myself. He then looks down at me and catches me staring at him. I blush as he smiles at me.

"We're you even watching the sunset" he chuckles softly

"I think my view was 10 times better then the sunset" I smile

"You're so adorable Maggie" he says and softly kisses me

I smile into the kiss then pull back. I love this kid so much, like it's crazy.

"You honestly mean everything to me" i blurt out, out of nowhere. "Wait no I wasn't supposed to say that" I mumble and blush

"Hey. You mean the world to me" he says softly and as pulls me into a hug.

I couldn't ever ask for a better boyfriend.

A.n: hA pregnant at 19. Ya right! noT in this Christian household.

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