Ch.51 new house!!

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June 1 2018
Maggie's Pov
I skip down the stairs and grab the last of my boxes and walk outside to put it in the moving truck. Ah moving day as come my friends

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Michelle screams happily

Before I have time to say something, Logan comes rushing in.

"What! what happened!" He panics

"We're moving!!" She screams

"Holy shit Michelle I thought you broke another one of your lamps" he sighs in relief

"Oh fuck off logan it happened once" She Huffs

"How much do you bet it was my lamp" I laugh

Logan and Michelle look at each other then back at me. I quickly realize that it was most definitely my lamp. Gosh darn

"Michelle!!" I yell

"Sorry! It was so heavy" she laughs

"Shut up" I chuckle. "I'll just break one of your stuff to make it even" I smile

"Oh shit ya'll shouldn't live together" Logan laughs

"We're perfect together" I say locking mine and Michelle's arms together

"Ya what do you mean Logan" she says

"Thank the fuck you're leaving" he laughs and walks away

"It was a blessing to have me" I smile.

"Not gonna lie little munchkin, I'll miss you" he says

I hold my heart and smile.

"Awww Logan's gonna miss me" I giggle and let go of Michelle. "I'll miss you to" I say opening my arms for a hug. "I know you want it" I laugh. He gives in and hugs me.

"Don't burn down your new house" he chuckles and pulls back

"I mean it doesn't matter since your paying for any damage" Michelle smirks and skips outside. He looks over at her as she skips away into the driveway, then Back at me

"She's kidding right" he laughs hesitantly

"Yaaaaaaaa" I say smiling awkwardly and go to the door, stepping outside. "Anywhos I'll see you tonight" I laugh

"See ya Maggie" he laughs "have fun moving in" he says

"Ya it'll be fun when you come to unpack it all with me" I laugh then get in the passenger seat of Michelle's car. The truck with all of our stuff leaves and we follow right behind it.

After like a 5 minute drive we arrive at our new home. Ya'll have no idea how pumped I am for this house.

Moving in with my best friend, in our dream our. Gosh I can't wait for this new chapter.

"Ahhhhh we're here!!" She excitedly says.

"Oh my heck I can't wait" I smile and get out

The truck backs into our driveway and soon after we open the trunk, the boys pull up.

"Ah yes we love helping hands!" I laugh "every box has the name of the room written on the top, find the room and put the box in it" I explain

"That's easy" Corbyn chuckles

"What if I get lost" Zach asks

"Shut up Zach" Michelle says hitting his arms playfully

"Got it m'lady" Daniel says

"This is your house" Jack says in shock

"nO iTs oUr tReE" I sarcastically say

"Oh snap the attitude" Jonah laughs

"Get to work boys! You guys aren't leaving until we're all done" Michelle says and sips her and iced coffee. Jonah rolls his sleeves up, revealing his muscles perfectly gazed by the sun. Michelle spits out her coffee as he does that.

"What the fuck Jonah" She says wiping her mouth. He winks at her and carries a box inside.

"Oh dang" Zach laughs as Michelle follows Jonah in.

Daniel looks at me and starts to roll up his sleeve but I immediately slap his arm down.

"Get to work Seavey" I say and grab a box then walk inside

"She's a tuffy Daniel" I hear Corbyn say

"Oh shut up and bring the boxes in" I laugh

"Oh shit" Zach says from behind me "this house is huge" he says standing next to me

"Ya I figured you guys would be here often sO" I shrug putting the box down as I get in the kitchen "go big or go home" I laugh as he puts the box down next to mine

"I mean you definitely have the room" he chuckles

"I'm moving in" Daniel says in awe as he looks around the kitchen

"Ummmm I think noT" I laugh

"I swear this girl hates me" Daniel chuckles

"Well who wouldn't" Zach says patting Daniel's back the goes back outside

"Hey I do noT hatE you" I laugh

"Mhmmmm" he rolls his eyes playfully and pecks my lips then goes outside to get another box.

I smile a little then follow him to get another box.

Time skip
We all lay across the couches with boxes literally everywhere. Hey we unpacked the whole main floor so that's great. But now it's covered in empty boxes.

"Dang I'm pooped" I say as I lay between Daniel's legs. Who's stretched out across the couch

"You guys have a Shut tone of stuff" Jack says

"Seriously how do ya'll have so much stuff" Corbyn laughs

"2 people equals double of everything" Michelle says in a dUh tone

"Agh tomorrow we have to do the rest of the house" I groan burying my face in Daniel's chest

"Aw poor baby" Daniel laughs as he starts to  plays with my hair softly.

"But seriously your house is so nice" Jonah says

"Thanks" I mumble into Daniel's chest

"Thanks baby" Michelle says. Love that
Loooooooveeeeeee thattttttt

The rest of the night we talk until we all one by one, fall asleep on the couches. Yay another days of work to coMe

A.n: Hmm what's something interesting that should happen hA

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