Ch.74 Rehab

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November 11 2018
Daniel's Pov
"I just wanna see her" I beg to Michelle as I stand at their front door "please" I softly say

"She's not here" Michelle says

"I-I can wait until she gets ba—" i start but she cuts me off

"She's in rehab, Daniel. She'll be there for a while" She says

"WHAT!" I yell as my eyes go wide

"I know I know. I don't wanna talk about it anymore ok Daniel" she says as her eyes start to tear up a little "She's not doing good, at all" she softly says as she looks down

I take a second to wrap my head around the fact that Maggie's in rehab and there was nothing I could do to help her.

"I-I should g-go" I quietly say as I quickly make my way back to my car.

I get in and quickly drive off, making my way to the rehab centre.

I quickly get there and run inside.

"Maggie Lawson!" I almost yell as I run up to the front desk "I need to see her" I say

"Name please" She asks

"Daniel Seavey" I quickly respond

"There's 10 minutes left in visiting hours but ok" the lady says as she types some stuff of her computer then makes a quick phone call.

"Right this way sir" She says as she gets up and walks around the huge desk.

She signals me to follow her and I do as told and follow her. She walks down the halls and leads me to a room.

"This is her room. You now have 7 minutes" she bluntly says then walks away.

I nod my head and hesitantly knock on the very thick door. After a few seconds that feel like forever, the door opens revealing a blond nurse.

"Are you  Daniel Seavey?" she smiles

"Mhm now can I come in" I say as i peek into the room

"Ya but Im gonna be standing right here so you leave on time" She says

"Ok now can i see her" I ask

"Go for it" she smiles and steps aside

I step into Maggie's room and close the door behind me.

I stand there, starring at her as she looks out the window. She's so small.

"Maggie" I softly say as I walk closer "why" I ask as I stand next to her

"Why are you here" she asks as she continues looking out the window. I looks at her for a few seconds as I frown slightly.

"What happened Maggie. What happened to the happiest girl alive. What happened to my gorgeous girlfriend who's smile would never leave her face. What happened to talking to me when something was wrong" I say as I hold her fragile hand in mine "what happened to you" I softly say as she pulls her hand away from mine.

"I don't know who I am anymore" She says "I don't know where Maggie went." She says and continues looking outside

"Sh-She didn't go anywhere Maggie—" I start

"You don't understand Daniel. You don't understand the pain I've been threw. I hit rock bottom Daniel. I'm done. Nothings gonna get better for me ok! This is how my life is gonna be from now on. Not everyone gets a happy life. Not everyone gets a happy relationship..... Not everyone gets a happily ever after. Some people just end on a low note." She says and sits down on her bed.

My heart shatters at her words. She deserves a happily ever after and she deserves all the happiness ever. She's done nothing wrong ever. She deserves the world. Not this.

"Today was supposed to be our one year anniversary" I softly say as I sit next to her. She doesn't say anything and just looks down at her feet, dangling off the bed.

"I just wanted to say that those 11 months with you were the best times of my life. You made me happier then ever and I was so lucky and thankful I got to call you mine. I loved you more then anything, Maggie. I still love you more then anything and I hope you know that. I know you're gonna get out of here because I know how strong you are and when you get out of here, I hope you get the happily ever after you deserve. I pray over your happiness and I hope you get your dream career and the future you've always wanted. Even if I might not be in it, I hope you don't settle for a half ass guy who doesn't love you. Know your worth. You deserve everything. You got the Maggie" I say without think, everything just spills out of my mouth like I've wanted to say this for so long.

I don't even have time to hear her say anything else until because I get dragged out of her room.

"I love you" I say before the close the door.

I look at her door and frown as I turn around and sadly make my way back home.

A.n: well I'm crying and this isn't ok!

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