Ch.38 "We've done all we could"

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February 5 2018
Daniel's Pov
Doctors run into the room pushing past us and doing stuff with the machines. Other doctors push us out and shut the door.

"Maggie" I mumble sadly looking at the now closed door

"What did you do!" Michelle yells in anger. "I'm gonna fucking kill you" she yells

"I.I didn't do anything" I quietly say

A small blond nurse steps out and closes the door.

"What happened in there" She asks

"Nothing" Corbyn says

"I say next to her and kissed her hand then the machines started going crazy" I answer. She looks at me sympathetically.

"She's you're girlfriend isn't she" she asks. I nod my head sadly as a tear falls down my face.

"Young love" she sighs as she walks back in

I turn around and everyone looks at me. I push past everyone and run to the bathroom.

Jack's Pov
I sit down trying to process everything that's happening. Not even 3 hours ago, Maggie was with us at our house and now she's here, dead. This is like a nightmare that's reality.

"Oh hey David" Zach says

I look over to see him on the phone.

"What no" he says almost yelling. "We're staying here" he says. He doesn't talk for a few seconds. "Fine" he says, then hangs up.

"What" Jonah asks

"We have to go home, we have rehearsal tomorrow. Well actually today" Zach says

"No" Corbyn says

"I'm not leaving" I say

"I'm not leaving until Maggie is out of here" Jonah says

"Dead or alive, I'm here with her until she's out" Michelle says standing next to Jonah

"He said we leave now or can we can't meet our fans or take pictures with them during tour" Zach sadly says

"Guys get Daniel and go, Michelle and I will be right here" Logan says

Suddenly the doctors run out the door with Maggie in the bed and wheel her off Down the hall rapidly.

"She has a 0.1% chance of living" the doctor yells running down the hall

"What" Michelle yells

"I'm going to get Daniel" I say walking off to the bathroom. I step in and see Daniel standing there hurt, staring at himself in the mirror.

"She's dead" he says "The love of my life, is dead"

"W.we need to go home" I say

"I need to say goodbye. At least" he says turning to me

"She's in surgery again" I say

"Is she ok. Jack please tell me she's ok because if she's not I can't go on tour, I can't live my life knowing my best friend is dead because of me. Jack I can't" Daniel says with tears threatening to fall.

"0.1% of her living is all they said" I frown. He lets out a shaking breath and pushes past me walking out of the bathroom.

"I'm not leaving" Jonah says

"We need to go, we need to see our fans on tour" Zach says grabbing Jonah's arm

"I don't care I need to be here for my best friend" he yells getting out of his grip

"Please lets just go" Corbyn says

"Someone needs to be here because her boyfriend obviously doesn't care" Jonah says glaring at Daniel.

"Jonah stop we'll be back tomorrow" I say

"I do care Jonah. I'm absolutely broken inside knowing the love of my life died because I was being stupid. You don't understand how horrible I feel. You don't understand that my heart broke. You really think I could live knowing this is because of me. But I'm obviously not wanted in the hospital so I'm just gonna go home" Daniel says with tears falling out of his eyes.

With that Jonah's face falls and walks over giving Daniel a hug.

Jonah gets in his car and Daniel gets in his and the rest of us go in Corbyns and we all drive home.

When we get home everyone stays silent and goes to their rooms.

I sit on my bed and see Maggie's Jacket on my bed. I grab in and a few tears fall down my face.

I walk out of my room and I peek in Daniel's and see him crying so much. I turn to Jonah's and see him singing her favourite song as he writes in a notebook. I look in Zach's room and he's just laying on his bed expressionless. I turn to Corbyn and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes and shuts his door.

Your beautiful soul with truly be missed on this earth Maggie and we all love you so much.

Logan's Pov
"She will live and I know it" I say

Michelle picks her head up off my shoulder and wipes her eyes.

"She's s.strong enough beat anything" she sniffles wiping her eyes.

"She's going to beat the odds and live. This isn't how it's supposed to end, and this isn't how it's going to end." I say brushing her hair out of her face.

"She was my only family Logan" she cries

"She's going to be ok. I promise" I say wiping under my eyes.

I know Maggie's going to survive, she's the strongest girl I know. She can beat anything and everything.

Time skip

Michelle fell asleep in the chairs an hour ago and now it's just me. It's now 3:49am and she's still not here. I'm starting to loose hope.

Someon clears their throat and my head shots up.

"I'm afraid we've done all we could" The same
Blond nurse as before says"And it was worth it. This girl is truly an angel and she's beat the odds. I truly believe that when she felt the kiss of her boyfriend, she couldn't leave him. She'll be up by tomorrow night. God worked his magic on this angel." she smiles

My eyes go wide as I stand up.

"Are you serious" I ask. She smiles at me and points to her room and walks away.

"Michelle" I say shaking her awake

"What what" she says rubbing her eyes

"She's alive. She won" I cheer

"Maggie" she says as tears fall down her face

She runs into her room and sits next to Maggie.

"Aw Maggie I knew you wouldn't leave me." She cries "I love you so much. Just know that I'll be with you threw every step of recovery" she says

"I knew you could do it Lawson, I always knew" I smile

Michelle falls asleep on the chair holding Maggie's hand and I sit on the couch and fall asleep shortly after


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