Ch.44 jOnAh?¿

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February 7 2017
Maggie's Pov
"We're over" Michelle sobs

"What! Who, who's over Michelle" I ask slightly worried.

I turn my head to see her but pain rushes threw me so I immediately turn my neck back and rub the back of it.

"Agh that hurt" I mumble under my breath

"BEN AND I BROKE UP" She cries "HE CHEATED ON ME" she continues

Daniel and I look at each other. His eyes go wide as I gasp slightly.

"Oh my god Michelle I'm so sorry" Daniel says as he gets up and rushes over to hug her. I hear her cry into Daniel's chest. ah I wish I could be there and hug her.

"Aww Michelle come here" I say opening one arm for a hug. She plops next to me and cries onto my shoulder as I rub her back lightly.

"Michelle no don't cry, don't waist your tears on him. Boys are stupid anyways, especially boyfriends" I say trying to cheer her up.

"Hey!" Daniel says standing in front of me "i am not stupid" he says playfully glaring at me

Michelle pulls back and sniffles wiping her eyes, witch was pretty useless since more tears come down.

"No you wouldn't know how this feels" She sniffles "Daniel loves you more then he loves himself, he wouldn't do shit to hurt you. Purposely. You found yourself someone who wipes your tears. And me, I found myself with someone who keeps going away to be with someone else behind my back" she rants and immediately starts sobbing again.

Daniel and i look at each other, and I can't help but blush slightly at what she said. Wow

Time skip
I'm in my wheelchair, wheeling around the kitchen as Daniel sits on the counter. Michelle is sitting on the couch crying her eyes out with a tub of ice cream.

"I'm calling Jonah" I quietly say

"What why Jonah" Daniel asks confused

"Because Jonah would know how to Cheer her up" I say opening up my phone "and it's pretty obvious he likes her" I add. I call Jonah and after a couple rings he picks up.

"Hey Jonah" I say wheeling into the other room

"Hi Maggie" he greets

"Um so Michelle's here..." I start but he cuts me off

"She is!" He cheers and almost immediately clears his throat "I mean, uh ok" he says. I bit my lip holding back a laugh, how cute Jonah

"Ya she is And I need you to come over, like now" I tell him

"Wait why now" he asks

"Jonah bro I know you like her and uH she's single now so come cheer her up" I quickly say and hang up. I wheel back to the kitchen where Daniel is.

"Is he coming" he asks

"Oh yeah" I giggle

"Ah I sEe Cupid is working her magic" He laughs.

"Just a little Bippity Boppity Boo and poof" I smile. He looks at me trying to hold back a laugh but fails.

Time skip

Jonah came over and Michelle is smiling and laughing with him. Gosh they're cute. Daniel and I are still in the kitchen watching them and smiling.

"Once I can walk seavey, I'm gonna be allllll over you" I laugh to myself, not realizing what I said

"Well dang Maggie. I can't wait for that day to come then" he chuckles and leans down pecking my lips

My face instantly heats up. Dang that was supposed to be in my head.

I clear my throat and turn my attention back towards Jonah and Michelle but they're getting up.

"Uh we're gonna go out for a little" Jonah says a little awkward

"Heheh have fun lovebirds" Daniel laughs

"Cupid works wonders" I smile

Jonah blushes as Michelle flips us off. Ah the difference.

A.n: lol this chapter is sO bOrInG ahhh but um this was just a filler chapter heheh

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