Ch.73 breakup

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October 28 2018
Maggie's Pov
"W-What needs to stop" he stutters

"This" I Repeat

"T-This" He asks as he points to both of us

"I don't-" I start but pause for a second "I don't want to date you anymore" I bluntly say with no emotion whatsoever

"M-Maggie-" he starts as his blue eyes start to tear up. He holds my hand tightly and looks me in the eye. "Y-You're not thinking a-straight." He continues

"I'm no good for you Daniel" I say, with still no emotion.

"N-No you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're my everything. You make me happier then I've ever been" he says and more tears fill his eyes

Maggie stop. Kiss him, hug him, tell him you love him. Don't do this. Stop doing this to yourself! Don't do this to him.

"Baby please" He softly says as he holds my hand tightly. I move my hand away from his and take a step back.

I feel my eyes start to tear up also but I angrily wipe them away.

"Don't call me that anymore" i mumble "I'm sorry" I say

"Please Maggie. Don't do this. You know I love you more then anything." He says as a single tear slips out of his eye and runs down his cheek.

"I-I think you should leave" I say as I fight back my tears and anger. It takes everything in me not to scream in sadness and anger. I form a fist with my hand, squeezing it very very tightly. Daniel looks down at my fist then back into my eyes.

"I-I love y-you" He softly says as he wipes his eyes.

He turns around and makes his way out the door and into the his. I stand there and watch the love of my life, walk away. This was the right thing to do. No it wasn't, it was far from right. This is what was best for me and definitely for him also.

I hear the car door shut and him driving away. After a couple minutes of just standing there, emotionless, tears rapidly stream down my cheeks. My hands go to my hair and I scream in anger. I pull onto my hair hard and fall to the ground sobbing.

Daniel's Pov
I drag myself into my house, wanting to be alone. But I can't since I share it with the boys. Tears fill my eyes, making my sight a bit blurry.
I open the door and throw my keys into the table.

"You're back quick" Jack says as he glances over at me then back at the TV.

"I know" I say. He turns back to me and looks at me for a second before saying some else.

"What's wrong" he asks as he pauses his movie

"Nothing" I say

"Daniel what happened to Maggie!" Jonah yells as he storms into the house

"Nothing" I repeat

"What's wrong" Jack asks, a bit worried

"Michelle called Maggie and she was crying hard so she went back to see her." Jonah says

"She broke up with me" I mumble

"She what!" Jack yells

"What's with all the yelling" Zach yawns as he walks into the room rubbing his eyes

"Maggie broke up with you!" Jonah yells

"I don't wanna talk about it" I mumble as I wipe my eyes again and walk into my room, slamming the door shut.

The boys knock at my door but I can't bring myself to answer. The only thing I want is for Maggie to come. I only want her right now.

I pull out the photo albums we have with each other that we made since we started dating. As I scan threw the pictures of us smiling and laughing, being all goofy and crazy, I can't help but start to cry.

She's my everything. She means the world to me and I really thought we'd be together for years. I truly saw my future with her. She's the girl I want to marry and have a family with. She's the girl I want to wake up to everyday. We would talk about the future just for fun but she never knew that I was imagining her in mine. Her smile makes my heart melt and just her being in the room makes me smile. I really love her more then I love myself.

In a couple weeks it would've been our one year anniversary and I had so much planned, we had so much planned. I know, one hear isn't a lot but we're known each other for ever. I've loved this girl forever.

She's been threw so much, and she's still going threw a lot. She's not herself at all but I don't care. I want to be there for her and let her know that I'm here.

The door opens and I quickly wipe my tears and move the pictures under my bed.

"Daniel" Jonah softly says as he walks in. "I'm sorry" he says as he sits beside me

"I love her so much" I say as I wipe my tears again.

Jonah pulls me into a hug that I never knew I really needed. But I Hug is exactly what I need.   

My heart's broken into a million different pieces.


Anyways um so someone told me that someone copied my book and oOooOof. But if you guys read a book and it ressembles mine please tell me!! Anyways thanks to the person who told me ahah idk what I'm gonna do but love you for that!

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