Ch.47 New york

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April 22 2018
Maggie's Pov
I wake up with a huge smile on my face. Today's gonna be so exciting, I actually can't even wait anymore, that's how excited I am.

"Maggie are you sure you wanna go" Logan asks walking into my room

"Logan oh my heck You've asked this question like 100 times. The answer is Yesss" I laugh

"Just making sure" He says as he picks me up

He walks downstairs and places me on the couch and Brendan follows with my wheelchair and suitcase

Oh and guess what! I have no more casts on my legs! I mean, I still need a wheelchair and all, but like still. I started to learn how to walk again and I'm a little wobbly but I'm getting used to it again. I'm so happy, I hate being pushed around in a wheelchair.

"Well let's get going to the airport" Logan says "the Uber's here" he says placing me into the wheelchair and pushing me outside

Logan wheels me to the Uber and carries me into a seat, then puts everything else in the trunk.

We drive off to the airport and the closer we get the more butterflies fill my stomach and the more excited I get. Like how could you not be excited, it's been literally 2 months since I've seen any of them. The closest I've been to Daniel was having my instagram story was next to his.

"Maggie!" Logan calls

"Whatttttt" I groan then laugh

"Are you deaf or something" he laughs

"We've been calling you for like 2 minutes" Brenden laughs

"Sorry I tend to drown out annoying voices like yours" I smile

"Maggie, sweetheart, I can literally leave you in the Uber and you wouldn't be able to do shit soooo" he says getting out

"Just help me out" I say rolling my eyes and laugh

He comes around and opens my door then helps me into my wheelchair. We all get inside the airport and wait in the lonnnnnng lines that seem to take double as long. Gosh this is gonna take forever.

"Ready munchkin" Brendan laughs as he wheels me to our gate

"Shut up Brendan" I giggle

"Ah the attitude" he says

"Careful she's feisty" Logan says

"Hey! Am not" I huff then laugh

"Mhmmmm sureeee" Brendan laughs

"This is whyyyy i don't like you guys anymore" i say

"The real question is. Did you ever actually like us" Logan laughs

"Ummm nOpe, I cant remember one time in my life that I did" I say playfully glaring at them both

"Fuck you Maggie" Logan laughs

"Swearing is rude, child" I say

"Oooooof Maggie the sass" Brendan chuckles

I smile innocently at them both. We continue to talk for around an hour or something before they start calling for first class people to start boarding.

"Finally" I say as Logan gets up with Brendan. Logan wheels me in line with him and we wait again for our turn.

After all that airport stuff Logan wheels me into the plan, he finds out seats and Brendan picks me up off the chair and Logan closes it then puts it in the bin above my head.

Brendan lightly sits me down and lays my legs softly against the whole seat. I mean it's first class so we definitely have enough room.

Soon enough the plane takes off. An 8 hour flight awaits us. New York here I come

Time skip

I wake up to Logan placing me onto the wheelchair.

"Are we there yet" I mumble tiredly

"No we're getting ready to jump off the plane" Logan sarcastically says. I tiredly but his arm, not to hard

Again, he wheels me out of the plane and we go threw the airport to get our bags. I smile and watch Brendan and Logan do all the work. hA losers

"I can't wait to go sleep" Brendan yawns

"Thats the one thing I agree on with you" I laugh

"Let's go sleepyheads" Logan chuckles

Again, he wheels me out and we get in an Uber and make our way to the hotel.

"How is it already 11:30" I yawn as Logan opens the door to our hotel room

"Because time went by" Logan says wheeling me in

"You're actually the stupidest person I've ver met" I say somewhat seriously

"Thanks for the compliment Maggie" he chuckles rolling his eyes playfully

We all kinda just hang out in the hotel room, sitting on the couches and eating snakes while watching TV. I check my phone and it's 1am ooof dang

"Carry me to bed pleaseeee" I smile opening my arms

"The princess demands sleep huh" Brendan laughs

"Again, Shut up" I giggle

He laugh and picks me up, carrying me to my room and puts me under the covers.

"Night bro" I smile

"Goodnight munchkin" He chuckles and turns the light off, closing the door

Tomorrow's gonna be so exciting!

A.n: Honestly it was so hard to drag these few chapters on akwkwlwkwo like i just wanna write what's gonna happen AHAHAH

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