Ch.29 Always loved you

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January 5 2018
Maggie's Pov
We've been in LA for a couple days and honestly, I'm just not ready to vlog. I need a break from everything.

Logan and I are all over social media and the TV. It's crazy. And we've been getting double the hate now. I'm taking it harder then Logan. It's a lot. I've never had this happen before.

I had made a video explaining some stuff when I first came back but I couldn't upload it. Today I did. The video has me crying, a lot. It just needs to be out there so I can explain.

I explained what happened, how we saw it and why it affected me so much. I never cried so much in a video.

I haven't cried after that video. It's like all my tears are stuck. I just have a blank expression. All I need is a shoulder to cry on. And yes I know I have many. But I don't want to see anyone right now.

My phone rings for the 5th time in the past 3 minutes. I ignore it and just look outside. Then it starts beeping. I check who it is and it's Daniel.

He's been worried sick. Daniels wanted to see me since I got back but i never did. He's been calling and calling but I never pick up.

I just needed to be alone for a little and think about life. That's all.

This time when he texted me, it's different. He's telling me to go see him not asking for me to go over. He's waiting for me this time not taking no for an answer. He's genuinely worried.

I put on some ripped baby blue high waisted jeans, white tank top, a pink and white flannel with white slip on vans. I grab my phone and put on black sunglasses and walk out of the house and into my car.

The car ride to his house seems like it took forever, but I finally arrive.

I nock on the door and wait nervously for someone to answer. The door opens and Daniel stands there. I step inside and he closes the door and frowns. He looks at me from head to toe and engulfs me into a big hug.

The tears that have built up inside me, come rushing out. I sob into his chest.

"Baby everything's ok now" he says rubbing my back. I continue to cry and cry.

"I.I.It c.could've b.been" I sob not able to finish my sentence

"Maggie, Maggie I know" he says leaning his head on mine. "You're here now and you're ok. That's all that matters" he continues

I warp my arms around his waist holding him tight. My tears slow down a little. He breaks the hug keeping his hands on my hips.

"Please don't cry" he says wiping my tears with his thumb.

"I.I'm sorry" I sob

He gives me another hug, this time, tighter. His grip is tighter. His body is completely pressed against mine. Gosh I love him.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer you the past week" I say as I wipe my eyes and break the hug

"The last thing I want to hear from you, is you saying sorry. But You need to know that I'm always here for you. The only thing I want is to see you smile. And if that means going out of my way to do so, then I will" he says with his ocean blue eyes staring into mine. I can see the little sparkle.

"I love you" I say giving him another hug, without realizing what I just said. I don't feel him hug me back. I look at him and he looks stunned.

"D.did you j.just" he stutters. Then I realize what I said. I gasp a little.

"I love you Daniel James Seavey" I say stepping back a little, a bit confused. "And I always did love you" I say more confident

He doesn't say anything for a couple seconds, which seemed like forever. It starts to worry me, does the boy I love, not love me back. Then he grabs my hand in his.

"Remember when I gave you those roses when I asked you to be my girlfriend" he asks

"Um ya" I answer

"I said. I will love you until the last rose dies" he starts

"That's why their was one fake rose when all the others died" I say realizing what he did

"I always loved you Maggie. And I always will love you" he says.

A tear slips out of my eye as he wipes it away with his thumb. He looks me in the eye, out faces inches apart. I break the gap between us and kiss him.

He breaks the kiss and smiles at me. "I love you" he smiles

"I'm in love!" I cheer

Time skip
We ended up going out to dinner and came back to his house.

Daniel laid on the couch with one leg on and the other off. He's just minding his own business as I lay down between his legs and place my head on his chest. I lie down on my stomach and cuddle with him closing my eyes

The feeling of his chest moving up and down his the cutest thing ever. After a few minutes I look up to see him sleeping. My hair falls over my face making me not see anything. I end up falling asleep shortly after with a smile on my face and the boy I love in my arms.

And that's how Daniel can change my mood in 10 minutes. How can you not love him

A.n: I'm dying from the cuteness oh my god😂

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