Ch.68 Borken :(

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September 27 2018
Maggie's Pov
"So you went to Australia for a while. How come" the interviewer asks.

I came back to LA yesterday and so much stuff went around about me and so much stuff happened so I'm here and they asked if I could explain. So I agreed.

"I did. I went without cameras and laptops. Just my phone. I didn't want work. I wanted to just be away from it. My parents are there for a couple years, so I knew that's where I needed to be" I smile softly

"So why did you go with only telling a few people" she asks

"I-I was literally going crazy here. What caused me to actually go was, I was standing in front of my house ready to leave, talking to Michelle and Daniel." I start then take a second to pause

"I don't know what happens but, I start yelling and crying. My whole body was shaking and I felt like pulling my hair out. Cody, Tyler and Giorgio were there trying to calm me also but nothing worked. Then I blanked out and wake up in a hospital" I explain. She nods her head, listening intently.

"I lost my memory for some reason. And when I got it back, I start getting mad at Daniel and Michelle again. This time I calmed down when Daniel starts talking to me. And at that point I knew, I needed to see my parents. And Michelle wasn't doing any better so we were just a mess. So she went to her family and so did I" I continue

"Now. You told us, Australia wasn't a good time for you. What really happened over there." She asks as she crosses her leg over the other

"I-It was so hard for me"I tear up "it was the hardest 7 weeks of my life" I say, wiping my eyes "There's not one day I didn't cry my eyes out and go crazy and start throwing things" I continue then pause.

"I was crazy. I didn't know what was wrong with me and my parents didn't know what to do" I say wiping my eyes "One time. It got so bad that I started throwing things and screaming, they had to call the ambulance" I say as I start crying "They had to tie me down to my bed until I calmed down. I was laying there tied up, all night" I cry.

The lady wipes her eyes also and hands me a tissue box so I can wipe my tears.

"I thought I was gonna die. I wanted to die. I thought my life was over" continue crying and wipe my tears with the tissue

"I'm so sorry" she softly says as she rubs my arm and I smile softly at her.

"I wish I could tell you it gets better. But it doesn't. It gets bigger and bigger and makes you feel more and more useless. It makes you feel like you've lost everything" I sob

She sits up a little and leans over, giving me a hug and rubbing my back.

"You're so strong" she says into the hug

"Thank you" I smile threw the tears

"Recovery. How are you gonna recover and get better" she smiles weakly

"I don't know. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. All I knew is that I need a doctor with my a lot" I say "But I know for a fact. What makes me happy is my fans. They got me threw so much more then they actually know" I smile

"They love you a lot" she smiles

"I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing people. But thank you guys so much. From the bottom of my heart" I say wiping my eyes.

"So the drama about you kissing someone else. What happened" she asks

"I didn't cheat on Daniel. He was very aware as to what I was doing. We didn't want it to come out this was but the amount of hate and death threats I was getting, on top of me going crazy. That day made me feel like I literally hit rock bottom. But Tyler, the guy I was kissing, took to Twitter to explain that we're dating in a movie and needed pictures together" I explain

"And one more thing before we end this" she smiles "what do you have to say about everyone telling you that you're life is perfect and all that" she asks

"Selena Gomez said this, and I didn't understand at the time but she said, I had everything, and I was absolutely broken inside. I finally understood what she meant. It doesn't matter what you look like, where you live, what you have, or how much money you have. None of that makes your life perfect." I say

"Thank you so much for coming her today" she smiles as we both stand up. "Stay strong and take care of yourself" she says and gives me a hug

"Thank you" I smile softly

With that, we turn the cameras off and I gather my things then get in my car and drive home.

I get to my house and recognize Daniel's car in the driveway. Gosh I haven't seen him in so long. I haven't spoken to him in 3 weeks. He doesn't know anything about Australia but I'm sure he figured out from the interview that was live on TV.

I take a breath and open the front door and put my stuff down. Daniel's head shoots over to me and literally runs into my arms. I almost fall but immediately hug him back.

"Maggie oh my god, y-you didn't tell m-me" she stutters into the hug

"I-I-I'm so-sorry" I mumble

He doesn't say anything and just holds me tightly. Tighter then ever.

"Baby why didn't you tell me" he softly says as he pulls back, keeping his hands around my waist

"I d-don't wanna t-talk about it" I stutter as I wipe my eyes and look down.

He softly lifts my head up and looks in my eyes. He wipes my tears and pecks my lips.

"I just wanna go to bed" I mumble

He frowns slightly and nods his head, letting me go. I smile weakly and grab my stuff and run up to my room.

A.n: *wipes tears*

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