Take You Down

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                                            Chapter One 

My entire family and I wait anxiously in the crowd as passengers from the Viva Air Airlines flow into the meet and greet section of the airport. Today, we are supposed to pick up an exchange student from Mexico named Pablo Remires. My five year old brother, Jake, holds up a sign that says "Lockey Family"  so that when he comes out, the student will be able to identify us by our last name.

"Hold it high, sweetie." Mom instructs. She looks calm and preserved, but as the passanger flow begins to slow down, her green eyes fill with worry. A traditional characteristic that runs in the family--stress--overwhelms her features as the creases on her forehead exaggerate into deep crevices. 

I scan the crowd, slightly hopeless as I realize I don't even know what to look for. None of us do, actually.

Jake tugs with his free hand at dad's shirt, "Dad, is he coming?"

"Yes, but it's only a matter of time." He answers sweetly, ruffling Jake's hair.

Then, as the final passengers walk past the gate, I catch a pair of eyes searching all over the room for something in particular. I notice him first as all the other passengers have definite and fixated stares. I run to mom and tap her on the shoulder.

"Mom, that might be him." I declare, nodding my head in his direction.

We both turn to observe the boy who could be part of our family for one whole year. My heart slams when I take in his tall, lean figure. Soft, brown curls touch his tanned skin and the image of flowing honey enters my mind. My eyes drift in a daze down and I observe the chiseled features thart pave way for an ironically rough heart shaped face. Though his eyes are frantically darting around the room, his walk is perfectly calm and collected. Contrary to the way we Lockey's would react, his doubt doesn't replace his confident sauntering. 

Almost as if he felt my entire family's stare on him, he turns his head and hesitantly locks eyes with Jake's. Whether my brother's vast and slightly humiliating movements caught his attention first or not, he did what he had to do. 

Jake's eyes light up, and he begins to jump up in down while waving the poster that is much to big for his body.

"Pablo, Pablo Remires!" He calls out, his sign as high as he can carry it.

For a moment, I catch a wave of relief cross his face. Dad jerks his head to his direction and points to the board. The boy instantly grins and pulls himself out of the line of passengers. As he approaches us, he nervously readjusts the strap of his carry on and then ruffles his disheveled hair. He stops in front of me and concentrates his hazel eyes on my face. Under his gaze, I feel my face heat up despite my inner cursing. Just as I feel as if my face is going to explode, he tears his gaze away from mine and then observes the rest of my family.

After a few moments, he clears his throat and says, "One younger brother, a mother, a father, and a daughter con pelo cafe y ojos verdes--I think you found me." 

He nervously flashes a grin and looks back and forth between us. Upon the silence, dad let out a forced laugh and nudges Jake to begin laughing as well. 

"And you must be Pablo Remires." He states the obvious, reaching forward to give Pablo a warm pat on the shoulder.

"I've always wanted an older son!" My mom says as she walks up to Pablo and gives him a warm hug.

Dad chuckles, "Two kids just isn't good enough."

Pablo looks taken aback when he retreats from the hug, but his expression transforms into one of surprise when Jake attempts to leap onto his back. Pablo freezes and looks over his shoulder just as Jake leans forward so that they are face to face--sideways.

"I'm Jake!" Jake exclaims while throwing his hands up in the air. Pablo jerks as his hand nearly thwacks him in the face, and try my best to contain my laughter. 

Pablo offers his big hand to Jake's and says, "Hola Jake, I'm Pablo."

"Welcome to California." I pitch in, stepping an inch forward. 

Pablo flashes me a subtle smile and says, "Thank you."

"Let's get your bags and head home. We'll talk more there." Dad interrupts when another silence seems to overwhelm us both again. 

Pablo alertly looks up, and nodds in agreement, probably to nervous to speak out.

Dad gathers his heavy suitcases and motions for me to pick up his backpack and laptop before walking off towards the parking garage

As I reach down to pick his items up, Pablo grabs my attention by lightly touching my arm. 

"Don't worry, I've got this." He assures me with another one of his sweet smiles. 

"Okay," I quickly drop my hand and stand up straight as he takes over and grips what I was about to lift on my own. I wait until he has everything in his hands before following behind him to the garage.

When we reach the car in silence, Dad places all the suitcases and his extra belongings into the trunk and shuts it closed.

"Up front Pablo." Dad orders gently to Pablo.

We all get in the car with the engine on and calmly wait for Pablo to get settled in as well. As dad backs up and drives off, I plugged in my earplugs, knowing full wel that with Pablo in the front with dad, no one else is getting any time to talk with him.

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Hey everyone!

So I've decided to write two stories at once, because it helps me brainstorm ideas way easier.

I hope this story is enjoyable so far, even though it's the first chapter. Please comment feedback, vote, and fan if you feel like it! I take all feedback seriously. :)

Happy reading!


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