The Wolverines Daughter

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The doorbell rang. It was raining very hard. It rang again.

Kitty Pryde walked sleepily to the door. It was 11:30 and she wanted to sleep along with the other x men in the ginormous mansion. But no she had to answer the door. The bell rang once more and Kitty opened it a few seconds later.

"What do you wa-" she looked down and found a baby wrapped tightly in a purple blanket. She looked to be about two years old. Kitty picked up the baby and carried it inside. It was heavy. She set the baby who was fast asleep down and went to wake the rest of the x men.

She didn't feel the need to wake all of them. Just a few. She would need Logan, storm, Hank and maybe Jean. Kitty walked silently to Jean's room, but when she entered she was awake all ready out of bed. "I'll wake Hank and Storm." Great she had to wake Logan. What a good way to die.

Kitty knocked gently on the door. "Um... Logan? Logan wake up." She advanced a step at a time cautious of her movement. "Logan" she whispered again. Logan sat up groggily and unsheathed his claws. Kitty panicked. "It's kitty don't hurt me." She whispered a little louder. Logan put his claws away and stood up. "What." He said to kitty as he shuffled over.

"Logan I need you to come with me to the Living room.There's something you need to see." He accepted the brief answer and followed kitty to the living room where she left the baby.

"What's this all about kitty? I want to go to bed." Logan said rubbing his eye. He saw Jean holding the baby that was still sleeping soundly. " I found it on the door step"explained kitty. Hank took the baby and was examining her to make sure she wasn't hurt or sick. He found a letter wrapped in the blanket. It was addressed to Logan. Hank handed it to him and he opened it. As he read his face grew pale. Of corse Jean was first to know. She looked shocked. Kitty took the letter from Logan and he didn't seem to notice. It said


This is your daughter, Nina. She is two on November 27.

I know you probably don't remember me, but I'm on the run. I couldn't take her with me so I thought she could stay here. Don't give up on her.

The letter wasn't signed.

"She seams healthy." Said Hank as he finished his examination. "I'm going to bed." Hank went back to his room and shut the door.

"I have a daughter..." Logan said whispering. He still looked pale. Storm has picked up the sleeping baby and was rocking her back and forth in her arms. "Logan, Jean and I will look after her tonight. Go to bed." When Logan didn't move, Kitty grabbed his arm and lead him back to his room. He didn't object. As kitty closed the door she heard a faint whisper. "Nina..."

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