Chapter 18

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Nina pov.

I rode down to where the loggers work and parked by their trucks. Cory came over again. "Hey Nina! Come back to help eh?" He said. "Yes but I have to leave around 11:30." I said. He handed me an ax and I went to help by Chris. "I see you are back." He said chopping off a couple more branches. "Yep. Where do you want me to start?" He pointed to the top of the tree where there were more branches. We went tree by tree until break at ten. Chris and I stood just inside the shade of the forest sipping our waters. "Hey. Do you want to see something cool?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I said following him a bit deeper into the woods there was a small creek with small waterfalls. "Aww it's so cute." I said bending down to touch it. When I stood up again he pressed me against a tree. "I know you like me. And I like you too so you can stay here with me and you will be mine." He said. I wasn't expecting that. "Um no." I said. He pressed me harder to the tree and tried to kiss me. This logger was a bit off the deep end. My options were stab him kick him or go with it. The first was a bit to mean and the third wasn't happening any time soon. Option two won. I kicked him hard in the shin. He fell and I ran through the woods turning every once in a while until I reached my bike that I had parked just inside the woods. Good thing I told Cory my dad dropped me off.

I drove back to camp. They were all sitting around the fire but mike was off in the corner. Wonder what happened.

"I'm back." I said as I sat by the fire. "Just in time for lunch." Matt said. He passed me a sandwich as jack pulled me next to him. "So what did you do?" Jack asked me. "Worked a while, got bored. I was thinking about taking a nap." I said yawning. I ate the sandwich. I got up and started for the tent. I heard my dad say something to jack. It kinda sounded like "go with her. We don't need to buy a new tent." So he got up and followed me. I glanced at mike who was staring at me. "What happened to him." I whispers to jack. "I'll tell you inside." We went in and laid down.

"To make this short, mike saw us by your bike and after you left he went crazy. Slammed me against a tree and talked for like half an hour." I sat up. "HE DID WHAT!" I yelled. "I am going to hurt him so ba-"

"Nina you don't have to. Logan and friends beat you to him." I laid back down. "They insulted him pretty bad. He accused me of not having powers. Poof! Ears and tail! He fainted like you predicted. Turned to lead even. Matt dragged him back. He woke up around thirty minutes ago." Pushing the button on the watch I laughed. "How could he be scared of that. You wouldn't hurt anything. Except breakfast, people who try to hurt me, other." He laughed as I petted his fuzzy head. Even his dark blond hair was fluffy. "I bet mike falls into more than one of those. Now tell me. You left out some details about your time away." I admit he is rather good at seeing holes in my stories. "Well, like your day like mine involved trees. You remember Chris, right?" He nodded. "He tried to kidnap me. I think I broke his leg. Anyway, I'm not going back there anytime soon."

This time he attempted to sit up. "No. Stay here. I think a broken leg is plenty." This is one of the things I love about our relationship is that we're both willing to kill anyone who hurts the other. "So Annie says I have another power besides my fuzzy self. She says I can give dreams. And take away nightmares." Now that he said it did make sense. "So I have my personal dream catcher. Awesome!" I said kissing him. "I guess so." He said hugging me.

I realize we'd been talking for a while and I told my dad I was sleeping. I put my head on his chest and fall asleep.

I woke up hours later finding that jack had also fallen asleep. I got up and went out of the tent. It was dinner time. I went to the fire and sat by Annie. "Where's Matt?" I ask. "He and your dad went fishing. The normal way." I laughed. No one would be sane enough to fish like I do. "Wanna go to the bar?" I ask her. "Yeah why not." We got up and I went to the tent as she went to my bike. "Hey jack, I'm going to the bar for dinner. Ok?" He groaned slightly. "Be carful. If someone tries to burt you kill him." He said turning over. "Ok. Dad and mike went fishing. Mikes still here." I said going over and kissing him. "Bye." I said zipping the tent behind me. I went to my bike. When I found Annie waiting I found mike. "Where are you going." He asked. "Bar." I said pushing past him. "Why are you dating him? He's a monster!" I turned around and got up in his face. "Have you ever heard of inner beauty? Because if I didn't have it then no one would come near me." That shut him up. I put on my leather jacket and scarf and handed Annie another and a helmet. We drove off leaving mike in the darkness.

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