Chapter 9

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I woke bright and early.i looked out the window. It wasn't very bright, but it was still early. And four days before my birthday. I dressed and went down to the tree. It was a nice sized oak with spreading branches, and some patches of green moss here and there. It was my favorite. "Nina? Are you down there." I climb up and see jack sitting on a branch. "Yeah. Why did you want me so early?" I yawn. I sit next to him on the branch; swinging my feet in the open air below me. "I was wondering." He started nervously "if you want to go out with me sometime." He looked down at the ground and i scooted closer to him. "Yeah sure. One question. Why me again?" I ask climbing up next to him. "How many times do I have to tell you. You are seriously the most amazing girl I have ever met. Why wouldn't I?" He had a good point... "Ok I have nothing against that. How long have you been out here?" I ask touching his hand and feel the cold. "All night." I take his hand. "Jack your going to freeze to death! It's the end of November. Come on let's go inside." I start to drag him down with me but he won't move. "No I'm fine really I just want to see the sunrise." He said. The sun won't come up for another 45 minutes. "But your so cold." I try to warm his hand, but the rest of him was still cold. He wasn't wearing a coat, and I could see him shivering slightly. I couldn't just sit there and watch my friend freeze, so I started taking off my favorite yellow hoodie.

"What are you doing? Now you'll be cold." He said refusing the jacket. "No I won't fuzzy. I'm always warm." He put it on but he still looked cold. I crawled over and onto his lap. He hugged me and I laid against his chest. "Are you warmer?" I ask looking up at him. He was star wing at me, his eyes shining. They looked the normal blue green, but with a hint of silver. "Yes, my space heater." And he kissed me. He gently pressed his lips against mine. Just as the sun came up. We broke apart moments later watching the rising sun. We looked at the colors of the sunrise for a while. There were some small dots on the horizon but I didn't really pay attention. Until they got closer. "Jack go wake everyone. Ill get my dad. Be as fast as you can. Sound the fire alarm if you have to." I said pushing him out of the tree, and following him down. "Send all the x men out. Please hurry." I pushed him towards the house in front of me. "Nina what did you see." I continued pushing him. "Remember the mutant hunters from yesterday? There's a whole army coming right at us." I pushed him through the door and I automaticity hit the alarm. "Nina what the hell is going on." My dad said as he stumbled out of the kitchen as the alarms blared. I yelled at jack. "Get the x men have them come to the front. Find Annie and tell her. Then help her and the others get the younger ones out the emergency exit." I turned to my dad. "The hunters are coming." He ran out the front door. I noticed that jack was still standing there. "But what about you. Do you seriously think you can fight them. Your not even a x men yet. come with me." I gave him a hug. "I can fight I've been an x men since I was thirteen. I just wasn't allowed on serious deadly missions. I was just in the class so I would have friends. Now hurry up fuzzy." I gave him a small kiss and shoved him up the stairs. I ran out front and found all the x men there. Wolverine was right in the middle of a plan. "Storm and jean. Attack from the air. Kitty and Kurt. You two are the safety team. Hank we need you with the younger ones, get them to the safe house, and bring Charles with you. Scott, rouge, Nina, and I will be the ground attack team. Got it?" We all nodded.

We have a safety team, if one of us can't get out of a battle. That's why it's Kurt and kitty. My dad came over to me. "Dad I might have to kill them. I don't want to." He gave me a hug. "I know you don't. But if you have to, it's to protect the institute. To protect everyone." I still hate killing. Dad went over to rouge and Scott I heard something about me and they nodded. I think they agreed to protect me. I don't need protection, and they know it.

The troops were coming closer. We got in our positions. Scott and rouge took left, wolverine in the middle, me on the right. There looked to be around a thousand soldiers, coming right at us. And it only looked around 8:30.

The air attack had already started with storm making it rain and growing lighting at them, and jean doing things like causing trees to fall on them. We advanced and I noticed that they had stun guns. At least they wanted us alive. We reached them on the ground, around a quarter mile from the mansion. My dad had given me the side that borders the woods. I ran into the trees having maybe ten of them follow me. I pounced on them swiftly breaking their necks. It killed me inside to kill them, but it was nice knowing that their deaths were painless. I ran back out of the woods seeing that my side was advancing forward a bit more. I was in front of them in seconds. The man in front stopped them and said "what are you going to do girl, shoot lightning out of your eyes?" I laughed "no but that would be awesome. And it seams like your friends have met my father over there." I said pointing towards the ravening wolverine. They looked very scared. They looked even more scared when I unsheathed my blades and lunged at them. They tried to shoot me with their pathetic stun guns, and missed. I then started slicing all the soldiers in my way.

Around halfway through the battle one of the worst things happened. I turned to see jack running at me. Why couldn't he just listen to me. "Nina!" He called as I slashed at more soldiers. "I came to help."

"Jack why couldn't you listen to me. Please go back." I didn't turn as i clawed at more when they approached. "I'm going to help you. We got everyone else away." He said determined to help me. "Jack please. I just want you to be safe. I can handle it.please go back." There were tears in my eyes. He still wouldn't move. I slashed at a couple more soldiers and quickly knocked jack out. I fought off the encroaching soldiers as I yelled for Kurt. The blue elf appeared next to me. "Kurt could you please take jack back." He did as was told and teleported my fuzzy wolf to the mansion. I focused on the battle and by three, there was no one left standing.

When I looked at all the bodies laying around me, I realized that I killed at least four hundred people. I started sobbing and ran into the woods. I could hear voices behind me, but no one was following me. I ran for a while, then slowed to walking, to eventually slumped on the ground, crying my eyes out.

I had killed so many people. How do the other x men deal with it? When you really think about it, they don't kill too much. It's mostly my dad. He just goes around killing people. Maybe that's why he doesn't care about too many people. Unlike me he's been killing for so long that he could care less.

I heard a sound in the bushes. "Nina!" There goes jack, right back at it. He sees me and rushes over. "Nina what happened after the battle everyone was looking for you. " I did t have the energy to be mad at him. "I-it's just that I-I killed s-so many p-people." I sobbed. He pulled me into his lap and let me sob into his chest. He rubbed by back occasionally saying "it's all right." Or "it's all over." Which made me cry even more. He's only know Me for five days, and he already comforts me more that my dad. When I finally stop crying. He hands me a water bottle, which I quickly drain. "Thank you jack." I notice the bump on the side of his head. "I'm sorry." I say as he passes me a sandwich. "It's ok."

"You know I only did it because if anything happened to you I would have no one. I feel like you are the other half of me. Not the me everyone else sees, but the me you know." I say as he pulls me closer. I'm not normally mushy and sentimental so just give me a break. "That's why I came back. I had to know if you were safe. If I lost you..." I realize that I must look horrible right now, but even if he noticed, he didn't care. I finished my sandwich, and stood up. "I'm going to wash some of this off, ok. There's a stream right back here." I say as he nodded. How I knew there was a stream it was a lucky guess.

The stream was icy cold and made me feel a bit numb. I washed most of the blood off me, but there was nothing I could do for my clothes. I wander back to jack, who handed me a small backpack. "Annie gave me these before I went to find you. She said you would need them." Annie was right. I went back to the stream and found a new change of clothes, a hair brush, and my hoodie. I changed, brushed my hair, and went back to jack. I sat down next to him and he started playing with my hair. He then tried braiding it. I went through the rest of the bags contents and found: a chocolate bar, a blanket, a spare jacket, and my teddy bear. I held my bear and hugged it. "Is that a teddy bear?" Jack asked. " i nodded. "I got it for Christmas when I was three." I gave jack the jacket and noticed it was getting dark. "Maybe we should stay here until morning. It's getting dark" jack said spreading the blanket. Over both of us as we laid down in the grass. I snuggled up to him, trying to keep both of us warm. Something cold and wet landed on my cheek. "Jack look its snowing." I said into his shoulder. "Hey Nina. You know I love you right?" He says as I shift so my head is on his chest. "I love you to fuzzy." I say kissing him. I forgot to breath for a minute. When we broke apart i snuggled back Into his shoulder and we drifted off to sleep, as the snow fell around us.

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