Chapter 28

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Jack pov

"Have they found her yet?" I asked storm. she was typing stuff into the control panel on the jet. "Not yet..." she responded, a bit harshly, even if it was only my third time asking. I walk to the back of the jet, and sit next to Annie, and across from Logan. We also brought along the the professor, to locate Nina, and Scott. I guess that he was just here for backup, but either way Logan wasn't very happy about it.

Something started beeping at the front of the jet. "I think we found her!" storm yelled back. So naturally we all went to the front. Scott, who was driving, told us all to sit down. Pushy.

At least we found her.

Nina pov

"So are we clear?" I ask the people involved in my plan. "I think so. But how are we going to get free again?" Matt asks from inside his box.

"You see, someone gets the gloves off Stephanie over there. Then she melts the person or something and melts her cage. Then comes over to me and heats up my claws." I pause and unsheathe them "I cut through the animantium on my chains and Matt's box. We free the other people here and get them out. And tada! we're out."

"How should I get someone to get these gloves off?" Stephanie asks. I shrug. As much as I could with these cuffs around my wrists that are chained to the concrete floor. "That is up to you. It would be nice if you could start in a few minutes." She had a wicked smile. I just noticed that she has platinum blonde hair. Shoulder length. She looks really pretty.

"I must warn you. I was number one in the drama class. Work with me, try to make it convincing, and hope that a stupid doctor comes to my aid."

She then throws herself against the metal great and starts screaming. Not like roller coaster scream, bloodcurdling, help me, scream. "Help! help! I can't feel my fingers! I can't feel them!" she starts sobbing and slumps against the bars. "I can't feel my fingers! help me!"

A young doctor comes running around the corner. Young and stupid. "What's wrong!" he yells running up. "What do you think! I can't feel my fingers!" he grabbed her hands through the bars and took off her gloves. She stopped crying. "I'm sorry your so stupid." She then punches him in the face. Another man comes around the corner. "What are you doing! you can't remove the gloves! she can melt stuff with her fingers!" he comes a bit closer, just as Stephanie melts the bars. "I'm sorry your friend is so stupid." She then drop kicks him. And he's out. But not before he hits an alarm button. Great.

She came over to me. "I could just melt through everything if it would be faster." she suggests. Since the alarms were sounded, we don't have much time. I nodded. She quickly melted the chains. I'll deal with the cuffs later. I went over to Zack, and got him out. Then mike. Stephanie was working on getting through Matt's box. It was at least a foot thick, but she was making good progress. I heard footsteps comming closer. Crap.

Jack pov

"Hurry up! we have to find her!" I yelled following the sound of alarms. Storm dropped us off and was waiting in the air with the professor on the jet. Logan was leading the way, taking out the guards. I was closely behind, follows by Scott. We followed a small group of doctors or scientist, whatever they are. The only thing that wasn't normal, were that they all had guns. Logan took them out and we found a a door to a big warehouse.

We broke down the big rusty door and found a bunch of cages. There were different types. Some were normal dog crates. Others were solid boxes. But they all had one thing in common. They all contained mutants.

There was a big commotion over in a corner by the biggest metal box. I laughed silently to myself because the box was around 7'. It was funny because Matt is 6' 7". The smile faded from my face. That's because Matt was in the box. Logan had started freeing the other mutants, probably hoping to see Nina in one of the pathetic cages. But we both knew she was one of the most dangerous ones here. So I rushed over to the commotion in the corner.

Nina pov

Matt could almost fit through the hole Stephanie made. "Just a bit longer" she told him. I went around freeing people around me. Sadly, including mike. I went all around and got everyone out of their cages. I also told them to run to the exit. That could also explain why I was all alone, walking back to Matt. And also why Stephanie had burned a quick note onto Matt's box.

Went to the exit, meet us there.

How nice of them to just leave me there. I heard a voice. I could just be imagining it but it sounded so real. Like jack. "Nina! Nina where are you!" Louder footsteps came pounding towards me.

"Jack!" I came running at him and tackled him in a hug. "I missed you!" I cried. He hugged me back. "Come on let's get back to the jet." He told me.

"Not so fast Nina, we can't let you go." A voice said from behind me. I whirled around to face a man who looks rather old. He reminds me of a man in my fathers stories.

"How do you know my name? What do you want."

I stepped in front of jack.

"Nina, I've known of you for years. I even knew your father back in the day." He said striding forward. "And I want what your father refused to do for the benefit of mutant kind."

There was a loud sound of metal to my right. "Striker! Get away from her!" here comes daddy. I knew I recognized him from a story. And it was one of those horrible ending stories.

"And why should I listen to you, Logan. If I can't get you to help me, the next best thing is your daughter." He had an evil grin. And right behind him an evil firing squad. And they raised their weapons at my dad. It figures. He's the most dangerous. Dad went down. With a bunch of bullet holes.

I didn't bother running up to him and screaming like any other girl would. In a minute or two he'd be up. And angry.

And the evil man turned back to me, with the firing squad. "Jack stay behind me." I whispered behind me and he nodded. Striker then starts yelling at me. "You could come with me now, or my friends will shoot."

I heard a moan from where my dad was laying. Jack whispered, "Don't do it, I'll be fine." I looked back and then said to striker. "If you wanna shoot me, shoot me."

The men aimed their guns. And fired at us.

I turned to face jack, and put his head under my chin. Pain. I started counting how many bullets hit me but lost count around 37. And all of those bullets were in my back or limbs.

They stopped shooting when my dad killed them all. I know they had it coming, but I still feel bad. My back feels even worse. The flesh starts healing and the bullets start to hit the floor with cute little tinkling sounds. I bite my tongue and tears well up. There's a hand on my shoulder. "I don't recommend biting your tongue. if you bite hard enough you could cut it of. I smile a bit. And ew... now that you think about what he just said.

I walk over to jack. "You ok?" I ask, and immediately know that he isn't. "Yeah, I got hit a bit, but I'm fine." Just as he said that he dropped to the concrete. I kneel next to him.

He was hit three times, one in the thigh, one in the arm, and one in the upper shoulder. I started having a panic attack.

"Oh gosh, dad, Jack was hit!"

I think that was when he passed out.

Thank you for reading! and voting!

Also there will be one or two more chapters, but don't worry, I'll make another book.

And my friend @MattTheCanadian is going to make me a better cover! Soon...

And sorry for the pov switching... it can be very confusing.

Jack got shot! what will happen?!

It must have been painful to be hit with so many bullets now that I think about it.

Thank you again!


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