Chapter 12

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xX12Xx Nina pov

Two days until I'm 16. I was exited and everything, but I was worried. What if the soldiers came back. While I was worrying I dressed in a gray tank top with a blue plaid button up shirt, jeans, and my boots. I went across the hall to jacks room. He was sleeping with his blankets twisted around him. "Jack wake up." I whispered quietly. He woke and sat up. "What time is it." He asked. "Almost 8." I lifted his arm which was now bandaged near the lower elbow. "I'm sorry." He took my hand. "I know you didn't mean it. It's only a scratch. Nothing." I went towards the door. "Get dressed in something warm. I'm going Outside. Could you bring me a muffin?" He stood and made his way to the dresser. "Yeah. I'll bring you two." I smiled and walked down stairs. I almost ran into Kurt on my way to the coat closet. "Hey Nina. Where you going?" He asks following me to the small closet. "Outside." I answer, reaching for my purple snow jacket. He takes the jacket. "Where exactly?" He teleports to the ceiling. I hate it when he does that. "Some where. Now give me my coat elf!" I jump and try to reach it but is too high. When he finally gets bored of me jumping after a minute, he drops it and it lands right on my head. "Thanks" I say putting on the coat and walking out the door.

I walk out into the snowy winter air, still deciding where to go. I rub my hands to keep them warm when a icy wind blows right at me. As you know, I don't wear mittens. I could but I don't like to. Jack comes out the door and stands next to me. "Muffin?" He asks handing one to me. I take it and smile. "So what are we going to do today?" He asks stuffing his hands in his pockets. There's a small noise and I pull out my phone. Yes I have a phone. It has this black case with silver swirls and purple rhinestones on it. I look at the text. It was from Scott. I turn to jack and put my phone back in my pocket. "We are going to help the community. Come on." I got the motorcycle and a bag from the garage and we rode off to town. Apparently, a massive snow storm took down at least three giant trees and they landed in the middle of a road. They needed someone to help clear it and because the trees were so thick they couldn't use chainsaws without the blades getting stuck in the tree. The xmen had offered to help the town if they couldn't do it on their own. And since it involved certain skills it was normally my dad doing it, but since he had to go somewhere then it was me. And I dragged jack into it.

We skidded to a stop at the end of the snowy street. There was a small crowd of firemen and police. I got off the bike, grabbed my bag, and set off to the crowd. "Hey, are you the x men that were suppose to help us?" A police man asked. "Yes sir." I reply. "Your just kids!" Someone laughed. They all started laughing. Seriously I come to help them and they don't appreciate it. "Listen we'll just clear out the road and you can do the rest later." I said. They didn't hear me. I turn to jack. "Ok then I cut you move the pieces. Got it." He nods."but how are we going to do this exactly?" I opened the bag and pulled out an ax. Yeah. Not only did i have a phone but i also had my own ax too. "Do you know how to use that?" He asks. I set it down and removed my coat. "Yeah. My dad was a lumber jack in Canada. Of corse I know how to use it. So that also means I'm half Canadian, I think." I say picking It back up. I lift the ax over my shoulder and walk over to the nearest tree. I drive the ax into the tree over and over again, forming a steady beat. The crowd stopped laughing and noticed I was actually helping. So they just stood there and watched. I cut through the tree, and move over about three feet and start again. We could have had someone else blast the trees away, or I could use my claws, but it's more fun with the ax. And it gives you a decent work out. I chopped through that tree until the road was clear and moved on to the next. I was drenched in sweat by the time I was half way done so I took off my blue shirt too. So there I was in the end of November chopping through trees like nobody's business, in a tank top and jeans. And it had started snowing.

I could feel jack staring at me. "What?" I say turning at him, leaning on my ax. "Nothing. It's just that you are chopping trees in half in that. In the snow." He said Motioning to my outfit. "I could put my other shirt back on if it would make you feel better." I say trying not to laugh at his face. "No you don't have to. It's just that you look ..." He said stopping. "Look what?" I say coming closer. "Like a redneck? Hillbilly? Crazy?" He jammed one hand in his pocket and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. "Beautiful..." I go back to the tree I left half cut. And laugh. "Your just saying that because I'm standing here in a tank top." I reply hammering my ax Into the tree. He laughed as we finished up cutting down the trees. The crowd looked amazed that one girl could clear a road in three hours when it would take them a whole day. "How'd you do that?" One of them asked. "I only used an ax." They still looked bewildered. "My dad use to be a lumber jack. A couple of you might know him. His name is Logan."I explained. I packed up my things while jack insisted I put my other shirt back on Before I froze. We rode home and went to the kitchen. Scott and my dad were in there. "How'd it go?" Scott asked. "Fine." I replied. "It was more than fine!" Jack said. "She cut through three giant trees. All by herself! I only moved the pieces." My dad raised a eyebrow at me."I used the ax" I said grabbing a muffin and tossing another to jack. I went back outside and climbed our tree. He followed me up a minute later

. "What do you want to do now?" He asked, sitting next to me. "I don't know. Any ideas?" He scooted closer. "I could kiss you." He leaned in and I threw my arms around his neck, him pulling me closer.

I leaned into his shoulder and thought some more. "Oh I forgot to tell you. I thought of a solution. Okay if I tell him I like you he won't kill you, because I like you. so he will probably accept it and tada i have you as a boyfriend." I smiled and did sparkle hands with the tada "I think that is a brilliant idea."

"And kitty was suggesting some party ideas, and I was thinking something like a dance. But I don't like dresses. So maybe it could be like a dance party. Without the formalness. But there will be an occasional slow dance. And maybe we could get some hamburgers!" I said throwing my hands up and almost tumbling backwards in my excitement. He steadied me and I held his hand. "That sounds like an awesome idea. But how does the present system work around here?" He asked "Well, normally it's a present from the whole class, one from the x men and the professor, one from Annie, and one from my dad." I listed. "Annie makes me something every year." He smiled. "This year you get 5."

"You don't have to get me any thing fuzzy." I say climbing back down into the five inches of snow. "I don't need a present." He followed me down and I turned to him. "Your all I want." I kiss him.

"That's sweet and all but I'm still getting you a present." He said as I drag him up a different tree. We reach the top and jump the gap to the snowy roof. "That was scary and fun at the same time." He said dropping to his knees. "You only jumped six feet over a three story drop. Besides you know I wouldn't let you fall." I laugh sitting next to him, fluffing his hair. "Um... How are we getting down exactly? Because I don't want to miss a tree branch and fall to my death."

"That's easy. I go first and I'll catch you if you fall." I said reassuringly. He should trust me more. I jump back to the tree and steady myself. He jumps back over and clings to me. He knocks me off balance and we start to fall. I hook my legs around a branch while still holding tightly to jack. We end up swinging by my legs from a branch, us clinging to each other, the world upside down. "Am I dead?" Fuzzy asked, clinging harder to me. "No. But could you grab the branch with your feet? That would help." He obeys. "So how was your day? Because mine seems a bit upside down." He said smiling. I kiss him. "Fine. Now if you could let go of me I could get us down." He releases me and I grab the branch below me. Or maybe above me, I can't tell. I swing around and pull myself onto the branch and then help jack. We reach the ground and walk back inside. We have lunch and go down to the danger room to practice.

"Ok your going to come at me, and try to pin me down. Ok?" I explain. He nods, and runs at me. I dodge it and try to trip him but he jumps over me. I launch myself onto his back and yell. "Come on try harder." He flips me off and I roll over onto my stomach. He pins me down by sitting on my back. "Am I trying hard enough?" He says laughing. I flip him and pin him down. "Nope. I win." I stand and help him up and we try again. And again. And again until around 8. "We should get to bed." I say getting off of him once again. "Did you get cold last night?"I ask. "A little. But I can live. It's suppose to be ten so ill be fine." We walk up the stairs and down the hallway. "Night" I say opening my door. "Night Nina." He says watching me close the door.

I had another terrifying dream. The soldiers were still chasing me, along with the crowd from earlier. They were chasing me. I woke up screaming. Jack poked his head in. "Nina? You ok?" He said coming in. "Yeah I'm fine just another dream. He sat on my bed as a sleepy wolverine entered. "Dad you can go back to sleep. It was only a dream." I said "I'll go back to bed." He sleepily rubs his eye. "Yeah ok whatever." He closes the door behind him, not even noticing jack. "I better get back to my own room."he says getting up to leave. "No wait stay here please. Just until I fall asleep." I begged. He gave in and sat at the headboard of the bed and watched me sleep.

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