Chapter 19

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"Nina. wake up Muffin." Jack said shaking me. When I opened my eyes It looked around nine. "What. Is there an attack?" I asked. "No it's time for breakfast silly. Come on you can have the last muffin."He said helping me out of the tent. "Why do I have to get up again?" I ask yawning. "We're going to visits my brother. Remember?" I nod. "Why didn't you tell me you had a brother?" He handed me the muffin. "I didn't think it mattered." We ate and I got dressed. I told my dad where we were going and I drove my bike following jacks instructions. When we pulled up to the apartment building I parked and went up to knock on the door. Johnny opened it and led us inside. "Nice to see ya. Come on in sit down. Want breakfast?" He asked as we sat down on his torn up couch. "No thanks we ate all ready. So how you been?" Jack asked. As I looked around the apartment was... Ok. There was exposed brick everywhere and mismatched furniture. It was pretty dusty and there was an old piano in the corner. "Fine, fine. I got fired from that logger place. They said I gambled to much. And I was planning on trying to get a job ant the store. What about you?" As he sat in a wooden chair in front of us. "Went to New York like you told me to, showed up at the mansion, I got a tour, and the guide was pretty amazing." I playfully punched him. "Shut up I wasn't that good." I said as we laughed. "Go on."

"Got some training, also lead by the tour guide. Went around a bit, ate some muffins. It was fine." He finished. I was still looking at the piano. "Do you play?" I asked getting up for a closer look. "Yeah, you?" Johnny said coming up behind me. "Oh, no but I wish I could. Could you play something?" I ask him as he sits in front of the keys. He played a short song, his fingers gliding swiftly over the keys. He finishes and turns back to us. "Haven't played that one in a while..." He looks down at his scuffed up boots. "Why not?" I asked. I know what your thinking, why am I butting into other people's lives. Answer: because I can. "I haven't touched this old thing for three years. Not since my dad passed. I had to take care of jack over there." Jack, hearing his name, looked up from the things he was looking at. "You haven't touched it because you were to busy gambling off all the money we had left!" Burn. "Your really good, maybe you should consider playing again." I added. That ended that conversation. "So what are your achievements, cat girl?" Johnny started. "She's not a cat! Shes a wolverine." Jack said starting at him. I stepped in front of him pushing him back. "It's ok, now sit down." He did as he was told. "Umm, let's see. Recently?" I asked. "Anything."

"Once when I was ten I got an award for being the most destructive ten year-old in the history of the institute. And when I was thirteen I clear cut half a forest when my dad taught me to use an ax. Um... I beat everyone in training. And I killed a third of an army by my self." I smiled. "Is that everything? Because you sound like a natural prodigy." Jack decided to speak up. "That's only a fraction of what she can do. She can survive anything, she has an amazing ability to turn fighting failures into soldiers, and she had me as a boyfriend. That is an achievement." He said turning to face me. I kissed him quickly. "Your right."

"Survive anything?" Johnny asked. "I guess. Healing factor." I said leaning into jacks shoulder. "Like what?"

"Bullets, bombs, knives, getting cut in half. Anything. My dad survived that nuclear bomb in Japan in one of the world wars." He raised his eyebrows. "Nuclear." I nodded. "Anything my dad survived I can to." He smiled. "When are you leaving?" He asked. "The day after tomorrow. Then it's back to the states." He laughed. Johnny got up and headed to a small room which I presumed was his room. "Since your birthday is soon and your here now, here you go." He said throwing an envelope at his brother. "Can I open it now?" He asked as he set it on his lap. "Yeah sure whenever you want to. It's your present." He tore it open and pulled out a wad of cash. "I've been saving it up for you. Your turning 16 and I think you should have something to live off of. Buy yourself something nice." Jack stood up. "Bro you know I can't accept this. I'm fine at the mansion. They make me muffins and everything. I don't need this money." Now that I looked at the wad of cash it looked to be around 7 thousand or more. "If you won't take it for you take it for her. By your beautiful girlfriend something nice. I'm not taking it back. It's yours." I blushed a bit as he sat back down. "But I told you I can't take this. You earned this money."

"Just shut up and take the money." Johnny told him and He listened. it was around lunch time when jack got up to leave. "We better get going if we're gonna make it back for lunch." Jack went to hug his brother. "Come visit soon." He said. Jack started towards the door. "Same to you."

Johnny turned to me and I shook his hand but he pulled me into a hug. "Take care of my little brother for me ok?" He whispered into my ear. "Always." I answered. He released me and I followed jack out the door.

I drove back to camp where we had fish for lunch. "How'd you catch this?" I asked my dad as I took another bite of fish. "The normal way. You know with the sticks with the string on the end." Matt spoke up. "I think that Nina should apply to be on that hillbilly hand fishing show that's on animal planet." We a laughed. "I don't know about that." I said finishing my meal. "But I could go for a swim." I said heading to the river. I jumped into the below zero water and let it flow around me. Jack came through the trees around five minutes later carrying some of my clothes. "Thought you might need these. " he said setting them next to him as he sat down. I swam around in circles spitting water out of my mouth trying to amuse him. "I'm a wale!" I said continuing my circles. He laughed for a good while. "Yes Nina your a wale. An amazing beautiful wale." I climbed back up on shore and shook like a dog, allowing cold drops of water to fly onto jack. "Stop it. Come on take your clothes and change." He said laughing. I picked up the clothes he brought me and walked for a while until I was sure no one could see me and I changed. I went back feeling warm and somewhat dry. I sat next to him and he wrapped an arm around me. "Can you tell me a story? It doesn't matter what it's about." I said leaning against him. "Oh, I don't know. I don't know many stories." He said smiling. "Please fuzzy, I want to hear a story. Please" I begged kissing his neck. "Please" I whispered. He gave in. "Ok fine." He said laying down in the grass. I curdled up next to him as he started the story.

"Once upon a time there was a tree. The tree was in the middle of a clearing with one other tree around fifteen feet away. The tree kept growing to try to reach its only friend and both of them kept growing and growing. One day there was a man who wanted to build a treehouse for his kids. The only problem was he didn't have any wood to make the treehouse. The tree had nice, spreading branches that reached to its friend but they couldn't reach each other. The man thought the tree would make a good tree for his treehouse to be in. He cut down the trees friend and the tree was sad and alone. The man build the treehouse out of the trees friend so the tree was never alone again and they were finally able to reach each other. The end." He ended. "That was a good story fuzzy." I said kissing him. Around three hours had passed taken up by swimming and stories. I was tired around four and drifted off to sleep on jack

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