Chapter 23

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December fifth. Two days till jacks birthday. Two days to find a gift. I' been panicking for the last hour and I'm debating what to get him. I think I'll just give him a whole day to do what he wants, with or without me. Yeah, that will be a good present. I looked out my window to watch the snow. "Good morning beautiful." Jack came up behind me and slung his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on my head. I leaned back into him. "What do you want to do today?" He asked. I just shrug. "I want to sleep more but I don't think I can." He kisses me and laughs. He kisses my forehead and stops. He holds his hand to my forehead. "Nina, do you feel ok?" He asks. " yeah I feel grea-"'I cough. "Great" he looks worried. "Nina you have a fever. Go back to bed." I frown. "I feel fine!" I cough a bit more. He looks at me. "Ok fine. On one condition. You have to stay next to me the whole day." He smiled. "I'd do that any way." He picks me up and carries me to the bed and I laugh. "I can still walk." He goes to the door. "I'll be right back."

Jack pov

I knocked on the door. "Annie!" She opens it. "What is it." She asks leaning against the door. "Nina has a fever so she won't be out today. Ok?" She frowns. "Aww that's horrible! Why do you seem so happy about it?" She made the connection. "Since she's out sick, you'll be with her in her room all day?" I nod. "Do you have any medicine?" I ask. And she laughs. "Nina doesn't need medicine She'll be over it by tomorrow." I nod again and run back to Nina's room. "What are you doing now?" Nina asks me. I scribble out a few words and stick it to the door.

Nina is sick today
knock before entering.

"Why would I need a sign that says that?" She asks. I climb into bed next to her. I pull the blankets up to her chin and kiss her nose. "So they don't come right in for no reason."

Nina pov

It feels like I spent the whole day kissing him. That's probably all I did besides cough. "Do you want to play a game?" I ask sitting up a bit. "What game?" He asks. "Twenty questions. You first." I say. "Who is your role model?" He asks. "My dad. You?"
"You, my sunshine." He said kissing me again. My turn.
"What's your favorite game?" I ask
"Anything I can play with you." He answers. "My favorite game is chess. The professor taught me how to play when my dad went on missions. Your turn."
"Do you love me?" He asks. "Yes fuzzy I love you." I moved to his lap where he kissed me. I kissed him back. "That was t anywhere close to Twenty."We laid back down on the bed and he moved me so I was laying on top of him. "You know, putting me on top of you probably isn't the best idea in the world." He leans forward a bit to kiss me and I lay on him once again. Then someone knocks. I quickly roll back to my spot and lay my head on jacks chest. "Remember act sick." He whispers. "But I am sick! Come in!" The door opens and Annie comes in. We both relax a bit. "Sorry did I interrupt something?" She asks. "Oh, no nothing." I say a bit too cheerfully. So I cough. "Yeah, ok. Anyway. I brought you some food. Mike hit his head again. And Nina I brought you these." She holds out a couple bottles of root beer. "Is this a good idea?" Jack asks. "You see jack. Instead of medicine, root beer works better for Nina." He frowns. "How do you know that?" He asks. "Logan gives a bit to her every time she gets a cold and it goes away in a couple hours. Trust me, it works." I take the bottles. "It's been nice talking but as I said mike hit his head. Bye." She closes the door. "Where were we?" He asks. I open up a bottle and take a couple swallows. "Want some?" I ask holding out the root beer bottle. "Why not?" He drinks the rest of it and I open the other bottle. I take a sip and set it on the table. "If I remember correctly we were about here." I said. He sits up and I straddled his waist. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed me back, moving his hands around my back. We were so preoccupied with each other we didn't even here the knock on the door. Jack noticed first and held his hands still which made me stop. I turned around to see Matt standing in the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt, have you seen Annie?" I turned back to jack. "Clinic." Matt backed out. "Thanks" as he left i heard him say. Why is it always me." and he closed the door behind him.
"Is there anywhere where people won't look for us." He asked. "The roof?" I suggested. Jack got up and stuck another note to the door.

On a walk. Be back later.

I was still in my shorts and tank top. I know I shouldn't go outside but I did anyway. We quickly climbed to the roof from through my window. When we made it to the top we walked inward a bit. Then jack sat down. "I love you." He says as we go back into our previous position. "I love you too." After a while I started to get cold. "Jack I'm cold."
"Then we should go inside." He said trying to get up. "But I don't want to go inside yet!" I whined like a toddler. "Ok ok." He shushed me and then he took off his shirt. All I could think was wow. "Here put this on."He said helping me into his shirt which was to big for me. I pressed myself against his bare skin, feeling the heat. I stood and walked around a bit trying to get the cramps out of my legs. He stood also and walked towards me. "Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you." I do as I'm told. With my hands still over my eyes he scoops me up and wrap my legs around him. "It's me!" He says with a corny smile. I cling to him. Kissing him until after a while I somehow end up lying on the ground with him over me. He's still kissing me. "Jack can we eat now? I'm hungry." I say as he backs off of me and sits by my head. "Yes Nina." We climb down and back through the window. When we get down and into the room I found an unwelcome surprise.

Sorry for all the kissing... I ran out of ideas. PA7

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