Chapter 15

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"Wake up sleepyheads breakfast." Annie said popping her head in my tent where I was sleeping next to jack. I sat up and woke jack. "I dreamed about muffin trees and chocolate rivers." I told him. "What did you dream about?" I asked rubbing my eyes as he sat up. "You." He said simply. I kissed him. "Come on time for breakfast." I said walking out of the tent with him on my heels, into the snow covered clearing. Mike saw us walk over and his jaw dropped. Oh yeah. He didn't see the whole dream episode. Anyway, I sat down on a frozen log as Annie passed me a pice of charred something on a stick. "How'd you sleep?" Mike asked as jack sat beside me eating a muffin from the supplies he packed. "It was fine. I just have a really bad headache." I said putting my hand to my head. "Are you going to eat that?" Matt asked me eyeing my stick. I passed it to him and he seemed happy. Jack offered me a muffin from his bag and I took it. "Today we get to visit some old friends of mine." My dad said walking back from the river. I prayed it was a shop keeper. "The loggers?" I asked. And he nodded. Oh no. I've been visiting them since I was six, and they were always nice to me but they teased my dad a lot.

We drove out to where the woodsman worked which was a good ten miles from the town. We all took Matt's truck with my dad driving and me jack, Annie, and Matt in the back. They looked really cold. Good thing i stashed an extra blanket in the back. I gave it to Annie and matt and i gave jack my coat. When we screeched to a stop we all piled out and went to the main guy who was coming to meet us. "Logan! It's good to see you man! You haven't changed a bit!" He said giving my dad a hug. I remembered him. His name was Cory. "And is this young lady Nina? Last time I saw you you was this tall." He said indicating around four foot. I was 11 last time I saw him. "It's nice to see you too mr. Cory." I said. "So Logan, did you bring us some extra help?" He said. Laughing at my friends. "No Cory I'm afraid the only one who will be some what useful is Nina." He said. "We could use the help. Three of us out sick and we have one rookie, Chris over there." He said pointing to a tall strong young man with dark hair and gray eyes. He was chopping away at branches on a fallen tree. "If you two are willing to help us we could use it," he said. "A couple trees. That's it" My dad said walking over to the others and I followed. "Just stay in the truck. He said to my friends.

We went back over to Cory who handed my dad a chainsaw and me an ax. "Go help Chris take off the branches." I start off towards the fallen tree and I here him whisper, "she does know how to use that, right." I laugh in my mind and look back at the truck where the others were staring at me. I heard my dad say "of corse she does! She's 16! She's known how to use it since she was ten." I went over to Chris. "Hi I'm Nina. They told me to come help you." I said standing on the other side of the tree. He didn't look up "that's nice and everything but could you start chopping these branches off." I walked over to the nearest branch and brought the ax down hard. And then again. And once more, until the branch came off. Chris actually looked up at me "wow... That was amazing. I've never seen someone chop off that thick of a branch with an ax. In three swings." I blushed a bit. We went back to work and I saw my dad chop down a couple trees. When we were done with this tree we moved to the next and the next. We had a water break once and he asked if we could go out sometime. "I'm sorry but I already have a boyfriend and then a stalker. I wish I could but I can't." Jack came over to sit by me for a bit. "Are you tired yet muffin?" He asked "no but you look like your going to fall asleep at any moment. Go back to the truck and take a nap." I said kissing him. I pushed him on his way back to the truck. "I'm guessing that was boyfriend not stalker?" He said and I laughed. "You guessed correctly. The stalker is that one over there sitting on the side closest to us." I said. "Let's get back to work" he suggested. We went at another tree. Chris went to go ask Cory something, and when they were out of sight and no one else was around, I unsheathed one claw and sliced through a couple branches and sheathed it. I moved to the next branch with the ax and Chris doesn't suspect a thing. My dad was calling for me around lunch time. I handed the ax to Chris. "It was nice meeting you. Maybe I could come and help again sometime. I'm here all week." I said running back to my friends and jumping in the back of the truck I stand and wave as we drive away jack and Matt holding my feet. They wave back at me as we go down the long twisted road. "Hey Matt, can I sit on top?" I ask pointing to the roof. "Sure why not." I climb up on and sit cris cross. Annie climbed up on the side and jumped, spreading her wings and flying around fifty feet above us. We drove back to our campsite and sat in a circle. "Who's gonna hunt for lunch?" My dad asks. He sends out jack and me because we are the best. "Jack can you smell any animals around here? Because I can't." I said. "We could try fishing?" He said walking towards the frozen river. I walked across the ice slashing through it on both sides and then in the opposite direction. I cut all the cubes into small chunks that floated underneath the ice. Tada! I went back to the shore. I saw a silver glint in the water. I untied my shoes, slipped off my socks and pulled of my jacket. "What are you doing?" he yelled. I jumped right on top of it and in a couple seconds there was a silver wriggling fish on the bank. "Fishing. What are you doing. I swam back to the bank and he pulled me up. When I saw another silver glint I sprang and another fish was on the bank. "Come on in the waters fine.Its just a few degrees below zero."I yelled to him. He took off his shoes and socks and dipped his feet in and recoils imminently. "That is freezing how are you still alive?!". I dove down and caught more fish. When we got out we had a total of 9 fish we lugged them back to camp along with our shoes. They stared at us a bit wondering why I was wet "Here have a fish"I said to my dad. I gave him a fish and he threw it at Annie who caught it and was busy gutting the other eight next to Matt who was impaling the pieces on sticks and passing them to mike who was cooking them. I took a couple and went back to jack. "Dad were going swimming ok?" He didn't acknowledge that he heard us but we went back to the river. I jumped in and jack sat on the shore eating "You are one crazy animal Nina" he said hauling me back up. "Have some lunch." He said handing me a stick. We ate a while and then decided to go back. When we entered the clearing my dad told me to dry off. I went into the tent and took off my wet clothes and put on a sweat shirt and som warm pants. I went back out and hung my clothes by the fire. We spent the rest of our time that day to explore a bit around the forest and to sleep. When it was well past 9 my dad ordered us to bed. "Dad where are you going to sleep?" I ask him. "On the ground or in a tree." I hurry into my tent and find jack all ready there. "Come here muffin. Time for bed." He said letting me lay down. I was laying sideways with my head on his chest looking at his head. "Love you fuzzy." I say as he wrapped a blanket tight around me. "I love you too. Dream about fuzzy bunnies." He said falling asleep a couple minutes later. When I finally fell asleep I dreamed fuzzy bunnies were all around me.

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