Chapter 8

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The day after the tests there is a celebration for the winner. But I didn't want one so that's that. Instead I had permission to do whatever I want. Five days until my birthday. I'm almost 16. Jack woke up around 7 when he realized I wasn't next to him. "You took me out for lunch, so know its my turn to take you somewhere." I say brushing my hair int a ponytail. "What did you have in mind." He asks still half asleep. "It's a surprise. Now move it fuzzy your wasting time." He shot out of bed and went back to his own room to get dressed. I walked down stairs to the coat closet where I put on my jean jacket and then a leather one I got last year. I pulled on my fingerless gloves and went to the kitchen. I ate breakfast as my dad came in. "Dad can I borrow a motorcycle?" I ask as I finish my food. "Why exactly?" He asks. "Because I need to. I'm almost 16. Please"
"Only if you take the old one. Where're you going?" He asks. "I have no idea. North?" I say as I grab a muffin for jack, and go back to find him. Rouge came in and I heard her say "seriously Logan she's just like you. She goes off on her own without an explanation a lot." There was a brief pause. "She's not just like me. At least she asks permission." I started laughing in my mind. He did have a point.
I found him walking towards the kitchen. I handed him the muffin and started dragging him towards the garage. "Come on fuzzy were going on a road trip!" We reached the garage and headed to the motorcycles. So far this section has only three. One is a Scott's and the others are my dads. I pick out the shiny blue bike and wheel it over to jack. "We're going to drive that? Isn't this illegal?" He asked as I passed him a helmet and an old jacket. "Yes but no. I'm almost 16. And we're not driving, i am. Besides my dad gave me permission. It's fine. Come on jack get on." I was already on starting it up. "Wait your driving?! You can't possibly know how to ride this. And where's your helmet?" He got on and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I don't need a helmet." I said tapping my head. "Never have worn one never will." I ride down the road not nearly as fast as I wanted to. We drove for a while, occasionally slowing down. We were on the canadian border in two hours. I stopped in a field near a forest and his my bike in the trees. "How did you learn to drive like that?" Jack asks as we sit down in the shade of a giant oak. "My Dad. Do you want lunch?" I realized I was hungry. He nods so I go in to the forest and come out with two squirrels. "Wow. Nina you are so amazing." I blush as I skin and clean them. I find some firewood and soon get a fire going. We each roast a squirrel on a stick. "Hey Nina, I've been thinking. You have nicknames for me but I don't have any for you. So I thought you could help me think of some."
The closest I ever had for nicknames was drill Sargent or kid. That was about it. "What about something like wild girl or fighter?"
"What about Nina." I reply. "Hey come on you need one." I sigh. "if you have to chose one I pick none. I don't like nicknames. "
"Come on what would your x men name be?" He asks taking a bite of his squirrel. "I haven't really thought about it. I guess it would be something related to my dad. Everyone always expects me to be like him when I'm me." I say as I fall back into the soft grass. The wind was blowing softly, birds chirping everywhere. It felt to peaceful. "You don't have to be him you know. It's ok to be you." He flops down next to me. "Could I see your claws again please? They are really awesome." I unsheathe my claws slowly so I don't scare him. I have a sudden urge to clear cut a forest. "I thought of one. What about silver blade. That fits."
"I do like the ring to it." I laid there with him for most of the day falling asleep once. He continued to ask me questions about my powers, and me his. "So how does that healing thing work exactly?" He asks. I took off my jackets and held out my arm. I took my free hand, unsheathed one blade and cut my arm. "What are you doing. Your going to kill yourself!" He said sounding worried. "I'll be fine fuzzy. my dad has been shot in the head at least four times. look." I showed him my arm and he looked amazed. I spread my jackets on the ground. I curl up next to him and fall asleep.

I wake up later around three, and yawn. I'm just tired, even though I don't really get tired. "Hey Nina. Do you want to go? We can leave when ever you want to. " jack says helping me up. I stand, still shaky from sleep, but soon fall back into his arms. "Can we stay just a little longer?" We sit down by the fire that was close to dying. "Hey jack. We're not dating, are we?" I ask looking into his eyes. "Why? Do you want us to?"
"No, I mean not if you don't want to. I was just wondering if you would. because not many people would consider me. You know, with the claws and my dad. It gets rather confusing." He takes my hand and squeezes it. "Nina you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. If I had to choose between the queen of the universe and you, it would be you every time." He releases my hand and I lean against him. I reach over and push the button on his watch.
"Please , I love seeing your ears. I don't even mind the teeth and claws any more." I pet his ears, and play with his hand, admiring the claws in the light. "hey you know what." I say setting his hand down. "What?"
"Do you know that you are one of the awesome at mutants I have ever met?" He smiled and pulled me closer. "So I was wondering. Are you and metal man a thing?" I wasn't expecting that."mike? No were just friends."
"I don't think that's what he thinks." He said quietly. "And the last thing I would ever want to do is to take someone else's girl." He said with a smile, his eyes full of laughter. "I know for a fact that mike is not my boyfriend. I never even had a boyfriend because there all scared of the indestructible wolverine." I say sarcastically. "But I think he likes you. You are different." I say leaning against his shoulder. I unsheathe and sheath my claws over and over again, seeing the cuts heal over and over. It hurts but that's ok. "Stop it." He grabbed my hand and I stopped, sheathing my claws. He started rubbing between my knuckles right where the blades come out. It felt so nice, like all my pain just floated away, at least in my hand. "Thanks jack." I lay there for a while, and got up around four.
"We better get home fuzzy. If leave now we can make it back by six."just then those dreadful mutant hunters came out of the trees. They went for me because like my dad, they always go for me. I shooed jack behind me, unsheathing my claws. "Nina I can help you. Let me help you." There were only around fifteen of them. Easy. "No you stay there. I can handle them. I launched myself at the nearest one knocking him to the ground and slashing at his arm. I knocked him out along with a couple others and slowly took them out. I try not to kill unless I have to, so I just scratched them and knocked them out, but my dad says I have to learn to kill if someone's life depends on it. I'm ok with him trying, but this was just a warm up. I kicked the last one right in the head and he dropped. I stood there surrounded by unconscious, bleeding bodies, staring at them. I didn't even notice jack come up behind me until he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Come on silver blade, lets go home."

I drove home at my top speed allowed by everyone, which I am not allowed to say. Anyway, when we got back it was almost five thirty, which was amazing considering the distance I traveled. I parked the bike and jack followed me, my hand in his, up to the mansion. When I walked inside the entryway my dad was sitting in a recliner, working on something in the middle of the room. "Um... Dad why are you sitting here. Shouldn't that recliner be in the living room?" Jack quickly dropped my hand and went to the kitchen for some dinner that was not squirrel. "There's half the mansion in there watching a football game and I couldn't think in there so, this is the quietist place I could think of." He said looking up from his work. "So you brought the chair with you?" I asked trying to look at the words scribbled on the pages. "Yep. Now go get something to eat, and go to bed." I saw jack exit the kitchen with a handful of muffins, trying not to be noticed by my dad.
"But it's only five thirty. Can I go find Annie and climb a tree or something" I walk towards the kitchen knowing that's where I'll find my friend. "Fine, but you must be inside by 8." I rush into the kitchen and find my friend eating a massive plate full of different food. Annie has an excuse because she has to have 4000 calories minimum per day.
"Come on I have to tell you all about it." I say as I drag my friend from her chair, plate and all, outside. I climb up to the highest tree I know of that's not to far from the mansion. I climb to the top and wait for Annie who is finishing her food. Annie unfurls her wings, and flys up to me, narrowly missing the branch she was landing on. "Tell me every last detail." She said exited. I told her about the ride there and laying around. "So we were laying there after lunch, talking about powers and xmen names, and we slept for a while, and when we woke he started asking me questions about mike and if I was dating him." She had a shocked expression."what did you say?!"
"I said no and he smiled. We sat there a bit longer, and when we got up to leave, those mutant hunters, they attacked us. Well mostly me, like always. He offered to help but I did it all myself." She still had her shocked face on. "Did you kill them?" She asked quietly. "Annie, have you ever seen me kill someone? I didn't think so."
"You knocked them out? Did you scratch them?" I nod. "Then we drove home." I ended, shifting on my branch. "Now we know he likes you." She said teasingly. "Oh like you and Matt aren't a thing." I replied. "We're not were just friends. You know that." I start climbing down. "You must be really good friends then."
I reached the bottom and Annie flew down. We went inside and passed my dad who was still in the recliner. "Night dad." I say as I pass. "Good night mr Logan." Annie says As she heads back to the kitchen. Shes always so formal. "Night kid." he said still not looking up from his work.
I head up to my room and find a note on my door with my name. I walk in, close the door behind me, and flop on my bed. It said

Could you meet me tomorrow in the tree we first sat in at 6:30? Thanks.

I fell asleep quickly, dreaming about my day

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