Chapter 4

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I woke early as usual and made my self look presentable. Presentable as in a t shirt and jeans and a jacket (it was cold out) that don't have any rips or blood stains from the occasional scratch, and my best pair of combat boots (with my dog tags of course). I brushed my hair and left it down so it fluffed everywhere. I walked quietly down the stairs and into the kitchen where I quickly ate breakfast. When I was putting my plate in the sink, my dad came in. "Morning. " He yawned. "You ready to be a tour guide?" I nod. "If you need help with anything ask kitty, Scott, or elf. I recommend Scott first and elf last." I follow my dad out the door and to the front of the mansion. "Ok but I don't think I'll need them." When we walk through the door to the front porch, professor Xavier is there talking to our newest recruit. He was taller than me by around 6 inches, and he was muscular but not bulky. He had dark blond hair that was covering his ears, and his eyes looked like a mix of blue silver and a bit of green. Jack was wearing a green flannel shirt and jeans with a couple bracelets and boots. He had a warm smile but looked shy and when I walked in he answered all of the professors questions but never took his eyes off me. "Jack, this is Nina, she will be your guide today." We shook hands and I think I saw my father glare at him for a second. Oh and I missed one major detail. He was hiding something and I knew it. He had one of those fancy disguise watches from the professor.

"Nina, show him the main things and work your way down." Said the professor. That was my exit.

"Come on." I say as I start walking away. Turning around to face him "if your hungry we can get you some food if you hurry." He walked after me. "That's ok I ate before I left." He said as he followed me we reached the door that lead inside. I realized that my dad was watching me "it's 7:45 and training starts at 8. I think you should get to the field." I yelled He nodded And walked away. "So jack." I say as we approached the empty room at the end of my hall. "This is your room you can unpack if you like. We have all day." He went into the room and looked around. He set his bags on the bed and walked back to me. "Done." He said and we laughed.

"So this is the kitchen". I say as we walk inside. I grabbed an apple and put another in my jacket pocket for later. He looked around and took a muffin. "Um... Do you want to go to the survival training, or the clinic next. Because either one you bound to be in." He laughed at my joke. "No seriously, im not kidding. Mike almost got a fractured skull yesterday while running an obstacle course." He went silent. "Clinic." We set off down the halls leading to the clinic where at least one person would be in. "Hi hank did anyone from training come in yet?" He looked up from the book he was reading. "No not yet. Is this the new recruit?" He asked. "Yes this is jack." They shook hands. "Nice to meet you jack." "Nice to meet you to" he responded. We left hank to finish his book and headed out to the field where my friends were training. "Who are they?" Jack asked as we sat down in the grass. "This is your class. My class. The tall red head girl is phoebe she is a telepath, the muscular but wimpy one over there is mike he can change into different metals, the thin pale boy is Alex he can talk to computers, the girl with the dark brown hair and freckles is Jenna can turn invisible, the tall thin girl with the brownish blonde hair is my best friend Annie and she can fly, the tall blond boy is chase he can blend into anything, and the boy with the dark hair is Matt who is super strong." They started the course and I stood up. "Do you want to see what their doing?" He nodded and followed me to the nearest tree. I started to climb it."you coming?" I looked down. It was a pretty high tree. "Yeah I'm coming." He followed me up and sat down on the branch next to me. "Is that wolverine, training them down there?" He asked. "Yep." He smiled "that is so cool! He once got my father out of prison." It felt good to see him happy. "So what's your power?" He asked looking at me. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." I responded. "It might scare you." He said looking down. I laughed. "I highly doubt that. I know people who can read minds, pass through walls, fly, teleport, shoot lasers out of their eyes. I've even met a girl who can turn into this giant monster that destroyed half of New York. I don't think. I'll be scared." He shrugged. "Still. It could." He moved to a thicker part of the branch a little ways away from me. He tapped a button on his fancy disguise watch doohickey. When I look back up at jack I almost fall off the tree. He grabs my arm to steady me. "I told you I would scare you." He said smiling. "No not scared. Just a bit surprised." he had ears and a tail, with claws and pointed teeth. "Your part dog?" I said calmly. "No part wolf" I petted his fluffy wolf ears and smiled. "Your not scary, your fuzzy. I know a person who would have a new fuzzy friend. You'll meet him eventually. It's hard not to." We started laughing. "Your turn." He said. I noticed what time it was. "Maybe later. It's time for lunch." I jumped down and he followed. "And you might want to turn that watch back on. To the kitchen!"

We had lunch and jack met the class. Then we went to the danger room where the senior xmen were training. The advanced danger room is dangerous to younger students. When they were done with the course the came over to meet jack. "It was nice to meet you." Said kitty. She dragged Kurt over, away from his lunch. "Jack this was the fuzzy friend I was talking about." I said to jack.

"Hey who are you calling fuzzy, have you see your hair lately."

"Shut up elf." I took his wrist and jacks and pushed the buttons on both of their watches. They looked at each other stunned. "Wow you have fuzzy ears and a tail!" Exclaims Kurt. "And your a blue fuzzy elf! Dude that is awesome!"They laugh. "I get that a lot" said Kurt. I pushed the buttons on their watches and they looked normal again. "It was nice meeting you jack." Kurt yelled as he ran back to kitty.

"So that was the tour. Any questions?" I asked as I walked him back to his room which was right across the hall. "Just one. What's your power?" Not again. "I can't show you. Well at least not yet. You have training in the morning so be out to the field by eight. If you need anything you could knock on my door, I'm right across the hall." I head back to my room. "Nina?" He asks. "Would you wake me up so I'm not late?" I laugh. "Sure but I must warn you I wake up around 6 or earlier." I close the door behind me and walk to my room. When I opened my door I found dad sitting on my bed. "What are you doing?" I ask him sitting next to him. "I just wanted to talk to you. I didn't see you all day. So how was the tour?" I lay back on my bed. "It was fine. He met the class and I showed him the clinic, and the danger room. Oh and he met the senior xmen. He and Kurt will be friends for sure. Dad did you know that jack is part wolf?" My dad laid down next to me. "No... But I here he's fuzzy. What were you doing in that tree during training?" He raised an eyebrow. "We were watching training and he showed me he was part wolf, and he said quote ' is that wolverine down there training them? That is so cool!' " he smiled "it's nice to have at least one person who realizes how great I am." I playfully punched his arm. "Hey what about me!"

"Ok fine then two people." His face turned more serious. "Did you show him your powers?" I shook my head. "I'll tell him eventually."

"You didn't tell him that I'm your father either did you."

"Nope. Goodnight daddy." He glared at me but gave in. "Night Nina." He hates it when I call him daddy, but I just do it to irritate him.

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