Chapter 2

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3 years later. Ninapov

"Come on dad I can do that to!" Nina wined. She had just seen her dad complete level ten in the danger room. She could do that. Even if she was almost five. "Please I can do that to."

Logan smiled at her , shook his head and laughed. "Nina you can't do level ten you'll get chopped to pieces. But let's see how you do today on yours." She smiled, happy she got to do something.

Nina's course was easy and only had tennis ball shooters and small foot deep pools of water to dodge. She just had to doge everything and make it to the other side and hit a button. It was easy. If she beat this one then on the next course the tennis ball launchers would spin. "Nina's course level three. Start." Said her father from the controls. He was always there in case something happened.

I unsheathed my claws. They were a little too big for me but I would grow into them. I started running, swatting tennis balls away as I went, jumping over the small puddles. I ducked under the machine and pushed the button. Everything cleared and I ran back to my dad. He gave ma a hug as I smiled. "Good job kid, you'll make a great x men." He said as he patted my head. "Dad, can I go play attack the target with kitty and Kurt?"

I used my best begging face. It was either attack the target or have Scott make me climb a rope again, for the zillionth time this week. "Fine." He said "no blades."

I gave him a hug, thanked him and ran off to find kitty. He said no blades because once in a while I accidentally scratch someone (not too seriously) and that apparently hurts.

"Kitty!" I say as I find her sitting in a tree outside. She closed her laptop. And jumped down. "Kitty? would you play attack the target with me?" She smiled at my eagerness. "Sure. Is anyone else playing?" I was about to answer her when Kurt popped up. "Did I hear someone's playing attack the target?" He said. It scares me when he does that. He sees how frightened I look. "Sorry, I forgot the teleporting suddenly scares you." I forgive him and we choose the target.

The game works when one person is the target and the others have to tag them to win. It's not very hard but it's fun. This round's target was Kurt. Kitty and I sat in a tree making our plan. Kitty was going to distract him while I jump on him from above.

We started the game with kitty running after him and I following in the trees. "Come back here elf!" Kitty yelled after him. "You have to catch me first kitty!" He yelled back. I like the way he says her name. It sounds more like keety.

I jumped down from the trees unnoticed and jumped out at the blue fuzzy elf. I grabbed his leg. "Get off me, I mean Help I've been attacked!" He said sarcastically. I released him after kitty caught up to us. "Beat you again fuzzy elf." Kitty said as we walked back to the mansion. She started running and Kurt chased her, she occasionally walking through something and him tellaporting to catch her. Once Kurt pinned her down. "Surrender!" He said and kitty laughed. "Never" she phased through the ground. They kept chasing each other. "I'm going to have some lunch, ok?" They didn't look like they heard me but I just let them play.

I walked back to the mansion and into the kitchen, made myself a sandwich and sat down. Jean walked in and sat beside me. "Hi Nina. I heard you played attack the target outside. Did you win?" I nodded because dad taught me that it's impolite to talk with your mouth full. "There was a crash. And another a minute later. "Don't worry sweetheart. It's just the new recruits in the danger room. Your father is having a pretty hard time training them." There was another crash and I winced as the kitchen shook. The danger room was right under the kitchen. I finished my sandwich and put my plate in the sink. "Tell you what" Jean said. "Why don't you make your father a sandwich and bring it to him. It's lunch time and it might give him more patience with the recruits."

"Ok!" I made a sandwich and went to the danger room. I went in the control center and found my dad watching people train. "Dad I brought you lunch." I walked over and gave him the sandwich. "Thanks Nina." He said taking a bite out of his sandwich. He does love my sandwiches because I remember to put extra ham and less olives.

He gives me all these rules of things not to do, like dont talk with your mouth full or don't call adults by their first name, because its disrespectful. And then he just goes around breaking his own rules. But I think he's trying to make me a better person.

I started watching the recruits. There were five of them. One was boy with pink hair about 17, and was stuck to the wall. Another was a lady with green hair was held above the ground by one of those arms that grab you. Two others were dodging lasers, the girl had antlers and the boy was glowing. The last one was hiding. I couldn't see the boy but he looked sparkly. I spent the rest of my day watching the new recruits, my dad yell at them, and I helped make dinner.

"Goodnight dad" I said as I gave him a hug. "Good night Nina."

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