Chapter 14

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xX14Xx. That Sunday

It was snowing on November 29th as we all were stuffing out things into the back of Matt's pick up.

"Is everything in the car? Come on move it. Do you want to make it before dark." My dad was going on about everything. Everyone put their bags in but me. All I had for luggage was my backpack and a small duffle bag that I just strapped to my motorcycle. For transportation, me and my dad were taking our motorcycles, Annie was flying above us and the guys were taking Matt's truck. "Everyone ready?" I yelled to the truck. I strapped on my helmet which was for show (and so i don't get pulled over by canadian cops or something). Annie took off and I drove after her followed by the truck, which was followed by my dad. Off to Canada we go. We were going to a small town where my dad had once lived. I looked behind me and found jack waving at me. I waved back and sped up a bit. I was under a strict no button rule when traveling with groups. But that was fine. We made it half way to the border around ten. We stopped at a gas station and filled up our vehicles and our stomachs. It was kinda cramped in Matt's truck because it didn't have a backseat. "Hey jack do you want to ride with me for a while?" I ask. "Yeah sure, anything could beat mikes stories." He whispered and I tried not to laugh. He put on a couple layers of coats and my spare helmet (note: do not drive a motorcycle without helmet unless your me, which you are not.) When we set off again jack was with me and I could almost feel the knives that mike was staring into my back. My dad was riding a bit in front of me when we reached the border. We went through security. Those stupid metal detectors wouldn't stop beeping. I almost started laughing. When we made it through that with us still insisting it was a hip replacement, they checked our passports and examined our vehicles and bags. Man these Canadians are thorough. I could imagine Annie laughing at us from above as she just flew over the border, so high no one could see her anyway. We drove a bit longer and finally made it to the town. We drove through, down the one Main Street that lead to the forests. Which was filled with snow. We parked on the edge and went on foot to a small clearing on the hill. We swept away most of the snow. Annie landed as the guys carried up our luggage. "So this is the campsite." Mike said. "Nice." We set our things in a pile and sat around. I sat by Matt who was helping Annie get the tangles out of her hair. I started helping and soon Annie was tangle free. "That feels better. Thanks. So how was your drive?" She asked laying on the ground. "Fine. long, boring. No button." I said. My dad then ordered us all to set up specific things before dark. I had fire, jack and matt had tents, mike and Annie water and my dad was scouting the area. "Annie if I remember correctly there should be a stream that way." He said pointing.

I started gathering fire wood in a small thicket. It wasn't all that dry but it will do. I piled it on and surrounded it with rocks. I was still trying to figure out how to do the spark thing with my claws around five. Everything was set up but fire. "Come on just a little spark." I said under my breath. A couple more try's and I had a fire. When I sat back to look around camp everything looked like a normal camping trip. There were three tents in a half circle surrounding the fire. "It's about time for some dinner. Come on let's go." My dad said. (Note: it is dangerous to leave fire unattended) We all got in our vehicles and drove back to the small town and parked on the side of the road. When we walked in the small wooden building everything went silent. We were having dinner at a bar. I didn't mind the whole bar thing, I didn't like it that people were staring at us. "Come on guys pick out something to eat." My dad said to us as we approached the bar tender. "Logan! It's good to see you my friend. Where have you been!" He said smiling. "Good to see you to Jeff." He ordered us some dinner and it came right out. While we were stuffing our faces, I overheard my dad talking to the cage fight ref. "come on Logan just one round for old times?" He asked. "No I told you I was done with that. But could my daughter do one or two?" He said pointing me out. I didn't here his response but a couple minutes later I was pulled from my chair and thrown into the cage by my dad. "The challenger, Nina howlett." The refs voice boomed. "And the raining champ, the bruiser." My dad never let's me use a last name. The fight started and I was slammed against the side of the cage by a big, mostly muscular man who was not holding back because I was a girl. I managed to turn around and then received two kicks and a punch to the face. I went down. He kicked me again and I didn't want to get up. But I had to. So I dragged myself to my feet and cracked my back and knuckles. I punched but he blocked. He tried to hit me but I dodged and tripped him. When he stumbled to his feet I punched him in the head and kicked him. He got up and punched me squarely in the nose and I swear it cracked a bit.I think that guy broke my nose. I saw stars. I could almost here my dads voice in my head saying "shake it off its only a punch to the face." I punched back and hit him. He then got me in a head lock so I did the only reasonable thing I could think of. I bit his hand kicked him hard in the shin and flipped him over my head. I don't think he was getting up anytime soon. Everyone cheered. I got out of the stupid cage and hugged jack. "Good job" he said into my hair "he looked at my face. "He broke your nose."He said dragging me to Annie who set it for me and it instantly healed. My dad came over with a drink. And he handed it to me. "Am I allowed to drink this?" I asked. He shrugged. "You can if you want to." He said. So I drank it. And about five more later it was time to go back to camp. And boy was I drunk. I had to have jack and my dad half drag me out. "Muffins. I forgot my muffins!" I yelled into my dads ear. "No more beer for you" he said. "But I didn't drink any beer. I want muffins." My dad then dumped me onto jack and went to start his bike. Since I was obviously intoxicated I couldn't drive myself back, so Matt hauled my bike onto the back of his truck, and mike got to ride back with dad. I don't know who I felt worse for, my dad or mike.

When we got back my dad dragged me to our tent and threw me inside. Annie got the small tent and the guys got the large one. "Night" I laughed. As my dad made sure everyone else was in bed. (Note: beer is bad for you. Don't drink and drive)

I quickly fell into a drug induced sleep.

I woke up screaming like always. Ever since my birthday when jack slept next to me I slept fine. Now I'm back to nightmares. My dad shook me awake and I noticed I had cut not only him this time, but the tent. There was a big, long, gash running through the side of the tent with frozen air blowing through. Oops. At least I think the beer wore off. I had woken up everyone but mike. They all came out to see what was wrong. Jack came right up to me and my dad stepped aside to get everyone else back to bed. "It's ok muffin, everything is ok." He said hugging me. Now because of the muffin incident now I was muffin. "Daddy. i want daddy. can you get him for me?" I asked crying. I probably sound like a five year old. "Yes muffin ill be right back." He went off to get Logan. "Daddy can jack sleep next to me? He makes the nightmares go away." I whispered into his ear. I could tell he didn't like the idea. But it was the nightmares he was worried about. So he agreed. He tucked me back in my blankets, duck taped the tent wall, and pulled jack aside. A couple minutes later jack climbed into the tent and zips it up. I went closer to him burying my head into his shoulder. "Jack you make the nightmares go away. Did you know that?" I said. He wrapped his arm around me And kissed my forehead. "No... But I believe you, muffin. Dream of good things like trees and muffins, with chocolate rivers and eatable rocks." He laughed into my hair. I fell asleep once more, and I dreamed of a muffin tree forest with chocolate rivers and marshmallow rocks.

The notes I put in this chapter are things you should follow.

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