Chapter 17

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Pa7 :What's gonna happen?!

Nina: you all ready know. You wrote it!

Pa7: oh...


Jack pov

"Bye Nina!" I yelled after her as she drove away. I turned around and started back to camp. I was expecting more breakfast but instead I got mike. Oh joy! "What were you doing with her!" He yelled at me. He slammed me against a fat tree and his hand turned to iron. He had an iron grip, haha get it? Iron grip. No? Ok then anyway. He was attempting to choke me. "What?!" I kinda yelled. He went on a rant about how Nina liked him. I spaced out somewhere before the middle and daydreamed about what Nina would do to mike if she saw this. So when I noticed he was done and expecting an answer I said. "She likes me more than you. You could never keep up with her. You get hurt way to often. Besides your stories aren't that interesting." He started crushing my throat. Not crushing crushing but pressing. Thank god Matt and the others came when they did. Mat pried him away from me and Annie supported me before I could fall. And then Logan started questioning us like a policeman. Which he secretly could be. He first yelled at mike, then moved on to his side of the story. to summarize It pretty much went like this.

"So I was going to the bathroom and I walked past him kissing Nina." And then my part of the story. "She kissed me goodbye and said she would be back soon. After she left I was walking back and then he was choking me and going on about something."

Then it was back to yelling at mike.

First was wolverine. "Do you seriously think you can handle Nina? She almost sliced jack to pieces because she had a nightmare. She jumps off of roofs. She can handle an ax Better than you can handle a fork. Do you really think I would let my daughter run around with you?" That must have hurt.

Then Annie. "Have you seen them be apart for more than three hours? And even if they were they always tell each other where they are. She's my best friend. Do you not think I've herd her go on about a guy. And by the way it ain't you." Ouch.

And then it was Matt. "If you were in a fight side by side do you think she could defend you while saving the rest of us at the mansion? She could but she wouldn't waste her time on you. Jack got second highest on the test scores. You didn't even do the test. And if she ever needed protecting jack is the number two, Beaten by Logan. And she can dodge anything. You can't even dodge a tree branch" Haha I was on the verge of laughing.

His responses were. "I've never seen her have nightmares. Jack doesn't even have powers. She's only known him for what ten days. I can Use a fork!" The answers he got were.

From Annie. "She doesn't have nightmares any more because jack sleeps next to her. One of jacks powers is to take away nightmares. I've seen her pay more attention to him in ten days then I've seen her give you in five years."

From Matt. "I'm sorry to say this but dude seriously if she finds out that you tried to hurt jack then you'll be dead before I can tell her. And no you can't handle a fork."

Logan. "Do you think I would let my daughter hang out with someone that she just met without asking him everything someone needs to know?"

From me. "Yeah he even asked me what blood type I have. And I so have powers. Why do you think she calls me fuzzy. The only reason we haven't shown you is because she thought you would be scared and faint." I am so awesome.

"Let's see it then. What can you do?" He said tauntingly. I pushed the small button on my watch and poof. He can see the ears and the tail and the claws and teeth. "Tada. Still way better than you." I said with my pointed canines showing. He ended up fainting. Before he fainted he turned himself into lead. We volunteered Matt to pull him to camp. I wonder how he will react when he wakes up. He'll probably be forever jealous of me. I went back to the fire and ate some more rabbit. Yum.

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