Chapter 21

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Nina pov

I woke up on top of jack, my head on top of his chest. He was already awake. "Morning fuzzy." I said as he smiled and I smiled back. "Morning sleeping beauty. You should really have a bed time. No more staying up too late because when you do you wake up late and then your late for everything." I kissed him for a good couple seconds and rolled off him. "Did I crush you a bit last night? I'm sorry." I said as he sat up. "It's ok. Last day in Canada. What do you want to do?" He asked me. I thought about it for a couple seconds. There's really nothing too interesting around here. But there is that cute little street with all the stores on it. "Shopping. All of my good clothes are from Canada." I said standing and picking pieces of grass out of jacks hair. "What do you mean by good clothes. Fighting clothes, training clothes, normal clothes, dress clothes?" He asked. "All of the above." We made it back to camp through the forest, our feet falling through a thick layer of snow to the ground. "Hey dad! Can I have some money to go shopping?!" I yelled up his tree. The branches rustled a bit and a couple seconds later jack was smacked in the head by a falling wallet. I picked it up and I dragged jack to the motorcycle. i wiped fresh snow off of it and we drove towards town. Shopping with jack was fun. He always had an honest opinion and carried all my bags.

"Are you done yet? i don't know how we're gonna drive these back to camp." He said. I was busy looking at a nice new shirt with a wolf on it. And it was purple. "Should I get it?" I asked him. "If you want it." I wanted it so I added it on to my pile. So far I now had five new shirts, a jacket, and three pairs of jeans. I even found jack some clothes too that he insisted on paying for. "Is there anything else you want to buy? " jack asked setting down my many bags. "Yeah, I could use some new boots for when my old ones wear out." We went over to the shoe section of the store and he helped me find a nice pair of black combat boots with shoe strings and buckles at the top. "I think that's it." I said and went up to pay for my new clothes. He carried my other bags and followed me back to the bike. "Here is my solution for the too many bags problem." I said taking the two biggest bags and stuffing the contents from the other bags into those. Then stuffing those into my saddle bags. "Tada!" He smiled and preformed a small applause. "Come on. Lets get back."

We drove down a road with a thin layer of snow back to camp. We had just turned a corner when a big blue truck, bigger than Matt's, zoomed past us and almost ran us over. They kept driving. I skidded to a stop and got off, jack still questioning why we stopped. The truck had stopped at the light. I started speed walking after them yelling nasty things at them. My dad would be proud if he heard me. jack had parked my bike on the edge of the road and was chasing me. "What are you yelling about? They didn't do anything." He asked grabbing at my shoulder. They didn't do anything! Yeah right. "Really? Because I know what they did even before I saw it. Listen, take a good smell." At first he looked puzzled but he obeyed. Then there was the moaning sound. "They ran over an animal? And didn't stop to put it out of its misery? That's just cruel." He said saddens creeping into his voice. "Ok ill go find it, you follow them tell me where their going. I'll be right back ok?" He nodded and ran in the opposite direction after the speeding truck. I run faster than a normal person so I reached the animal in about a minute. It was a deer.

The poor guy looked like it had two broken legs and a deep cut on its back. It started struggling when I approached it. "It's ok... Come on its ok little guy." I sat down by the poor animal and I tried to calm it down. It ended up kicking me in the face. It felt like just a cut on my cheek and forehead but it healed instantly. I tried again. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm trying to help you." Once it calmed it down enough I killed it. I got up and whipped some blood off my knuckles and went off to meet jack.

Jack pov

There was a foul smell that hit me like a wall. The smell of death. Also deer. I could smell the animal that was hit. It was just a bit down the road. Nina told me to follow the truck and that's what I did. I followed them through the stoplight and down a couple roads and some corners they stopped. I don't even think they were aware I was following them. They got out and headed in side. I took out my phone and quickly texted Nina. She would be happy when she found out where.

Nina pov.

I was driving after jack when my phone started buzzing. I opened it and on the screen flashed a text from jack.

At the bar. They just went in. What do I do.

I stopped the bike and wrote back

Stay. Almost there.

I drove faster and approached the bar in minutes. I skidded to a stop and found jack waiting by the door. "Let's go." I walked stiffly towards the doors and slammed them open. They hit the wall and I thought they would shatter but they didn't. The crowd inside all looked up for a minute and then quickly resumed what they were doing. Jack nodded towards a small crowd in the back of the bar, as if to say that's them. I walked over, arms at my sides and asked. "Who's the owner of the blue truck out front?" I asked some what politely. "Who wants to know?" A tall man with a beard said standing up. "I do because a bear was trying to get in." A couple more of them stood and half ran to the door. I followed with jack at my side. When we approached the small crowd they looked accusingly at me. "There ain't no bear out here! What is this a prank?!" I could just make out the corners of jacks mouth rise into a very sinister smile. "Nope it's way worse." That's when I sprung at the truck and landed on the hood, my feet making deep groves into the metal. A few of them gasped. I unsheathed a fist full of blades and walked up to the roof of the cab and down to the back, slashing deep cuts into the truck as I went. I sheathed my claws and jumped down. "Girl you have no idea who your messing with-" the man came at me and slapped me. "Im guessing you don't know who I am then." And I punched him hard in the face. I heard his nose splinter under my knuckles and he fell to the ground. "That was for the deer." And I walked back to the bike with jack on my heels. We got on to the bike. "High five!" He said holding up his hand. I did and twisted a bit to kiss him. "Come on. Lets get back before they think I got arrested." He smiled and we sped off to camp. We had lunch which still consisted of fish. Nobody questioned where we had been or what we were doing or even why I had some blood on my shirt. "Hey, here's your wallet." I said throwing it at my dad. He caught it and stuffed it back into his pocket and taking another bite of his fish. "Since we're leaving tomorrow I was wondering if we could pack now and sleep without the tents, and leave first thing in the morning." I said throwing some fish bones into the fire. "Yeah I guess that's fine when your done you can start." My dad said without looking up. I got up and started stuffing my belongings into a bag and putting my bags into Matt's truck. It took hours to take all of camp down but soon we were left with only a fire and some blankets. My dad climbed his tree and the rest of us surrounded the fire. I was huddled next to jack, and Annie was rather close to Matt, but mike was forever alone. Haha. Alone.

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