Chapter 25

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Annie pov

"Hey Nina wake up!" I say pounding on the door. It was almost time for class. For us who went on the field trip there was a small test to see what we learned on the trip. "Nina! Jack! Wake up! We have class!" I yelled. Nina opened the door. "What?" She asked. Her normally brushed hair was tangled and she was still pulling on a shoe. "We have class today? Remember?" She yelled behind her. "Shoot! Jack hurry up! We're going to be late!" Jack comes out into the doorway still putting on a shirt. "Late for what?" Nina finishes with her shoe and jack throws her her hair brush. She catches it and frantically brushes out the tangles and puts it back. "Class!" She rushes out with jack close behind. I follow and hand them each a muffin. "Thanks Annie" they both say as we turn the last corner to the classroom. Logan was teaching us while the others next door are preparing for their trip next week with Jean and Scott. They're in the hotel group so they don't get to experience the camping part, but will still hike the trails. We sat down in our desks. Logan explained what we have to do. He slapped a stack of paper onto mikes desk for him to pass around. "Fill in the questions with your honest answer. Put it up here when your done." He sat down and leaned back in the office chair reading the paper. I picked up the pencil and started writing.

Nina pov

I can't believe I was almost late for class. I'm normally first one here. I really have to get back to my normal wake up time. I looked at the paper

1. What were some things you shouldn't do that you did or dont normally do. Put at least five things.

Seriously, that was a question. And here is my answer.

I entered a cage fight.

I stabbed someone. (It was his fault.)

I went swimming in the river. (Around 0 degrees.)

I kinda totaled someone's truck. (Purposely)

I got a bit drunk... Ok a lot drunk

I played poker

I put six answers but that's fine. Some other questions were.

What was your job in camping set up?

I started the fire.

Did you catch food for your classmates?

Yes I caught fish (with my hands)

What did you do in your spare time?

Shopping, working with the lumberjacks, exploring.

Did you use your powers?

Yeah. It's kinda hard not to.

I put the paper on the front desk and sat in my seat.

Jack pov

What are some things you shouldn't do that you did or dont normally do. Put at least five things.

What kind of question is this! My answer was.

I helped destroy a truck

I scared mike.

I saw my brother.

I threatened to kill someone.

I don't know what else to put.

What was your job in camping set up?

I did tents

Did you catch food for your classmates?

I helped carry fish

What did you do in your spare time?

I followed Nina, visited my brother, shopping.

Did you use your powers?


I put my paper on the desk after Nina. The bell rung and then it was danger room time. The whole class joined us. This class was also taught by Logan.

"Stay alive for five minutes and you get out of class. If you don't twenty push ups. If your the last one out of the eight rounds, then you get to train with me for the rest of the day while your class mates get the rest of the day off to do whatever they want." I bet I know whose going to loose.

Nina pov

I was counting the seconds in my head. It just reached three minutes. Mike was already stuck, and it looked like Alex would join him in a few seconds. Phoebe was holding her own. I couldn't see chase but then again I couldn't see Jenna either. They could be hiding in a corner for all I know. Annie was flying overhead, and Matt was trying to help Alex. Jack and I were next to each other dodging lasers. Four minutes. Alex went down. Phoebe went down a couple seconds after Jenna and chase were spotted by the arms. Soon it was just Matt jack Annie and I. Five.

Everything shut down and the four of us were still standing. My dad yelled down at us. "You four go. You don't need my help. Phoebe, it's time for your training session. You can go. The rest of you are going to be here a while." The small group of us left. "One of those arms almost got me!" Annie said. She glanced at jack. "Jack I think a laser got you again." And sure enough there was a hole in his sleeve. "It just missed me." He reassured.

"That arm smacked me in the head." Everyone looked at me.

"What? It did!" I said as Jack put an arm around my shoulder. "Would you like me to kiss it, muffin?" I pushed him away. "Shut up." I walked a couple paces in front of them.

"Ooohh! Nina's got a temper." Matt said pointing. I trip him. "Who's talking now?"

See? My life can be normal... Sometimes. I think the key is to have great friends. And metal bones but you know, its all the same.

We walked outside and the normal people grabbed their coats. We're not normal. I'll just say the some of us that need coats. We made our way out. "Let's get something to eat." Matt suggested as we walked out the front doors. I hope they pick that hamburger place.

Out of no where there's a searing pain in my neck. And I'm down.

I wonder who's going to die this time.

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