Chapter 5

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I woke at 5:30. I got dressed and braided my hair and was done by 6. I waited until around 6:30 to wake jack. I crept across the hall and into his room. He was sprawled across his bed in and old hoodie and sweat pants. I poked him. "Wake up jack." I poked him again, and he opened his colorful eyes. "It's nice to..." He mumbled. "What was that?" I whispered as he sat up. "I said its nice that the first thing I saw this morning was your beautiful face." I blushed a little. "Come on if you want breakfast before everyone else get moving. I'll be in the kitchen. You remember how to get there right?" He nods as I start to walk out the door. "Down the stairs second door on the right." He said as I left the room.

In the kitchen I found Scott instead of my dad. "Morning Scott" I say as i grab a plate. "Morning. Logan told me to wait for you here this morning. There was an emergency. He said I could lead training, and that you could test your friends skills in the danger room." Ok... I paused in mid chew. Another day alone with jack. Good thing it's the danger room. I don't have to do examples. "Ok then. Keep an eye on mike though he hit his head" I explained. "Logan said you could test jack until lunch and then he will go to the field. While you train until dinner." How thoughtful of dad. "Hey Scott, where was the mission to?" I asked finishing my food. "I think he said there was trouble near the Canadian border." Well at least it hopefully had nothing to do with magneto. Did you know that he hates cold weather?

I grabbed a muffin for jack and found him walking down the stairs. Today he was in a brown flannel shirt with jeans and his boots. "Jack, come on." I say dragging him with me to the elevator by the kitchen. I push the button and we go down a floor. "Where are we- muffin!" He said as I gave him the muffin. "Thanks." He ate his breakfast as we walked to the danger room. "Today I get to test you in The danger room until lunch, then you go to Scott at the field." He didn't ask any questions as I turned on the room. Yes it's possible to turn on a room.

"Nina, is this safe?" He asked as the room came to life. "Perfectly safe. Just hit the button on the other side. And please don't destroy any thing too much." He was running one of the courses I did. When I was eight. With the tennis balls and robot arms. I thought the tennis balls were much safer than lasers. He started running towards the button dodging the arms and occasionally a hitting a tennis ball. I had him do this course a few more times until he hit nothing. "Good, now you can have a break." We sat in a corner talking. "What's your favorite color?" He asked randomly. "Um purple. What's yours?" He smiled at his attempt of conversation. "Green. When's your birthday? Mines December 7th." I smiled. "November 27th." Today was Thursday November 19th. 8 days until I'm 16. " "your birthdays next Friday. That's awesome." We looked at the floor for a while. "Nina, I was wondering if you'd like to do something tomorrow. We could go to the movies, to a park, anything." I wasn't expecting that. I've only known him for two days. "Why exactly?" He laughed. "Because, you deserve a vacation. All you do is train, eat and sleep." He was right I haven't been out of the grounds since I was ten, when Scott and the others took me to the beach.

And before that when I was seven the trip to Canada. But even then my dad was closely watching my every move. "Maybe but only if we go to lunch. I honestly have never eaten outside of this building." We laughed. "Seriously? You've never eaten anything not cooked here? When was the last time you were out of the mansion grounds?"

"Almost five years ago." I looked away. Maybe my dad will let me go just this once. I hope. "That's just sad." We laughed for a while and went back to his training. "Once more through and your done fuzzy." He had his watch turned off so he had silver ears sticking out of his head. I stroked his ears once more and laughed. He smiled at me and ran through and pushed the button. He came out unharmed. "Let's grab some lunch and off you go to training." I hoped dad was back.

We had lunch and Scott took over. "Nina you could do whatever you want for the rest of the day. Logan called and said he would be back in around thirty minutes." I said a silent prayer thanking the x men who were so use to calling my dad Logan that they forgot to say 'your dad' when talking to me. It made my job so much easier. "See you later jack." I say as I head out the door.

Logan was by the jet talking to the professor. "It seams that the new recruit has improved. This morning he could barely dodge a tennis ball but a couple hours with Nina and he completed the courses she did from 8 to 11. I'd say she has an influence on him." I walk closer and the professor must have known I was there but my dads back was to me. He sniffed the air. And he caught me. "Hi dad where'd you go this morning?" I asked "Canada" he said plainly. He didn't say where exactly in Canada but that was fine. Apparently I'm half Canadian.

"How is jack doing with his training? is he catching up with the class?" Asked the professor clearly trying to get off the subject of Canada. "Oh he's doing great! He's really fast and I think he's ready for lasers tomorrow. And maybe on a timer." I answered cheerfully. My dad raised an eyebrow at me. Maybe a little too cheerful. "Very good. He'll be ready for The placement test tomorrow. Keep up the good work Nina" he said as he rolled out of the room. "Thank you professor!" I yelled after him.

"Hey, dad? Could I practice on the foam dummies outside?" I asked. I never get to use them anymore. "Sure. And since Scott is doing training today I'll come watch you." I give him a hug "thanks."

We head out to my favorite clearing with the dummies it was far enough away that the others couldn't see us. "Dad can I go out for lunch tomorrow?" He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. "Why?" I should just say it. It would save me a lot of trouble. "Because jack asked if I wanted to go with him. Im almost 16 and I've only left the grounds once." I did have plenty of good reasons. I put on my begging face. "No."

"Really, no is all you have to say. Just this once. Please!"

"No, I don't think it's a good idea to go out with a new recruit." Seriously. "Dad it's just lunch. And stop calling him 'the new recruit'. That recruit had a name and its jack. It's only lunch. I'm going to be an x men some day and you can't protect me forever." I sat down in the dirt, and he kneeled next to me. I crossed my arms "He doesn't even know the truth about me and he deserves to know." I have many good points I've been holding back for years. "Fine just this once. But you have to wear the tracker, and have an escort."

"Daaad not an escort. I can take care of myself." I unsheathed my claws and with one strike of goes a dummies head. "What if I had someone near me but not next to me. Kurt could just follow me from a distance and if there's trouble, poof. He's right there." He thought about my compromise. It was pretty good but the only problem was the fuzzy elf. "Ok as long as your back by one thirty."

Yes! "Thank you so much." I turn back to the foam dummies.

"how about you go against a real person instead of foam." I smile "really?!" He nods. "Your old enough and you take after me so you'll be fine." I laugh. the healing part really did help in some situations. I launched myself at him unsheathing my blade-like claws and he his. I went for his leg, but he quickly moved and I only clipped it. He went for my shoulder but I blocked him. I decided to use one of my favorite tricks. I disappeared into the trees. I climbed one and made my way closest to my dad who was waiting for me to come at him from the ground. I jumped and landed squarely on his back. He was surprised. "Do I win?" I asked still clinging to him. "Sure just get off me."

I did as I was told and noticed it was almost dark.

When we got inside I ate dinner and went up to my room. I grabbed a pice of paper and quickly wrote,


I can go but we have to be back by one thirty. There's a training assessment tomorrow at two. Meet me in the danger room at seven. You get to try lasers.


I slid it under his door hoping he was still awake. I went back to my room and swiftly fell asleep

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