Chapter 6

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I went to the danger room at 6:30. Bringing a couple muffins. "Morning fuzzy" I say as I entered the room. I could smell that jack was in here. "Good morning. Muffin lady." He said with his quirky smile. He took a muffin and went to the middle of the room. "I'm ready when you are. Bring on the lasers!" He said. I sighed. "You didn't sleep much, did you."
"Nope." I started up the room. I had the lasers on easy so he wouldn't fry himself. "Just survive a minute. You'll be fine." He survived, so we went onto the next course. And the next. "You do have a talent for living, don't you. Do you want to try one of my levels?" He nods enthusiastically, with a mouth full of muffin. "Nina's run level three, start." It would be easy. It only had three laser guns and four robot arms. It was one of the easiest ones for me. He only had trouble with the arms. I watched him train until eleven, when I decided he'd had enough. I don't know how he could be tired, I only put him through maybe twenty easy courses.

I walked back to my room, and brushed my hair. Ive been told that i have a nervous habit of brushing my hair. I laid on my bed for fifteen minutes wondering how this day will go. The assessment at two was no big deal. But lunch. That was a totally different problem. I walked downstairs, dreading who I'd meet in the kitchen. It turned out to be Scott. And the blue fuzzy elf. I hid behind the doorway.
"I don't see what your worried about." Kurt was saying. "I have everything under control." He looked at Scott with a satisfied expression. Scott just glared back. "Remember when you said that about the trip to Canada? Or at the beach?" I laughed at the memory's. those trips didn't end so well. "That's why I should go instead of you." Scott continued. Seriously. Their fighting over who can be escort/stalker? They all spy on me anyways. I spotted my tracker bracelet on the table. It looked like a normal bracelet, a metal band with patterns on it. I walked in and out and they were so caught up in their argument, they didn't notice me. I've always thought of them as my big brothers, but if they were, Scott would be more of a military freak than he already is and Kurt wouldn't be funny. And that's not even the influence my dad would have on them.

I walked to the hall closet and grabbed my favorite school bus yellow hoodie. It was almost the end of november. When I closed the door, jack was standing right behind me. I was always amazed on how he did this. "You ready to get some lunch? It's almost twelve." " I would but drill Sargent and elf can't decide who's escorting." He looked at me funny. "To make a long story short I can't leave without an escort or x men close by." We stepped out onto the porch as rouge followed me out.
She was always like an older sister, she even helped with my training. But she always went out on her own for a while but that's only during the summer. "Hi rouge, where are you going?" I asked as we walked down the sidewalk. "Logan sent me to look after you two, since them two are still fighting in the kitchen." She added "Don't worry I'll keep my distance." We walked out of the grounds. "Jack, Where are we going exactly?" I asked as we turned another corner with rouge, keeping her distance, trailing behind. "This place that sells really awesome burgers." He said looking over at me. The only burgers I ever had we're made by hank in his hamburger cooker that he made himself. They always come out slightly burned. We walk inside and order our food. Rouge went to look in a store across the street. When we got our food and sat down. I tore open the wrapper and bit into the amazing non burned hamburger. "This is so good!" I say as I take another bite. Soon I finish mine and then a whole box of fries. He checked his watch. "It's almost one if you want to get going. Do you want some ice cream?" He asked. "Sure."

We got our cones and set off down the street. "I've never had ice cream before." I said as we reach our street with rouge close behind. "You've never had ice cream! That's just sad."he said as we finished the delicious treat.
We were almost at the gates and I signaled rouge to keep going without us and she did. "Thank you jack. That was fun." I say as I give him a hug. "Your welcome. It's not every day I meet someone as beautiful as you." I blush and look down at my shoes. We walked in side the grounds where it was almost one fifteen. My dad and the other x men were setting up the tests. My dad spotted me and then continued what he was doing. We walked back inside and he followed me. "I better get changed." I said as I opened my door. "Why? It's only an assessment" only an assessment. Does he seriously expect me to fight in a hoodie? "Because, I want to where something thats more suitable for assessments." I responded as I closed my door behind me, leaving him in the hallway.

I changed into my gray t shirt with my jeans and Combat boots. I left my hair down, because it made me feel better. And i took off the tracker. I went back outside five to two, and found the rest of my class standing around waiting for it to start. I looked way better than all of them. The three parts of the test were first a course, then a drill designed for each of us. Then a hand to hand combat with our other class mates. Mike was out of the competition because he broke his wrist. When I asked him about it all he said was 'well, we all can't have metal bones, can we?' And he started laughing. So there are only eight of us competing. Annie came and stood next to me. "So how was your date?" I glared at her. "It wasn't a date!" I whispered. "It was two friends going to eat lunch." She laughed. "Yeah right. The way he follows you, looks into your eyes. You two are so not together." She said sarcastically. "Sush it's starting" I say.

Professor Xavier had made it o to the stage and was prepared to speak.

"We are gathered here today to see if this class has what it takes to be part of the x men. This is only an placement test, so students don't panic. There are three parts which all of you are aware of. We will be starting the first in five minutes starting in alphabetical order.Good luck to all my students." He said, looking at mostly me. Annie nudged me forcing me to look away. "I'll see you later, I'm going to find Matt." She half whispered as she walked through the crowd. We each do the course individually, fastest time wins. I understand why Annie is nervous because she's second. I was second to last. I was so happy that the other classmates can't see each other preform the first two tests; the scores were posted on our big score board that we put up in the fields with blanks next to all of our names.

I pushed my way through the crowd of mutants to find jack next to the tree we climbed on his first day. "Good luck"he says. "I wont have a chance of winning." Leaning against the tree, I say. "You have a good chance. Don't put yourself down. Do you want to know why you have a good chance?"
"Why" he asks looking down at his shoes. "Because your amazing, and I trained you." I say as he smiled. "But they were trained by wolverine." He argued. I laugh; if only he knew. "I'm way better than him by a long shot. Not really the fighting part, but face it I'm fawesome."
"Fawesome?" He questioned. "Fabulous and awesome. "Come on their starting." I say as we half run to our seats in a small room. Our other class mates were in There including Annie. They called Alex and the room quieted.

As the time came and passed, the people were called one by one to the course. Jack went fourth and soon it was only me and Phoebe "good luck, if anyone deserves to win its you." She says from across the room. I move to sit with her. I'm friends with phoebe and she's a nice person but I just don't talk to her much. "That's not true." I say trying to get the topic off of me. "How's your training with jean going?" I ask. Since phoebe is a telapath she works with jean, and the professor "Fine, its going fine." She answers just as Kurt popped in with a clip board. "Nina your next." He said in his accent. I actually walked through the door, not literally, it was open, while he teleported to the other side of the wall. The course was bigger than most, with a rope and zip line, lasers, most things you could imagine were probably there. I just had to finish with the fastest time. Scott came up to me and said, "you know what to do. Start when we tell you." He went back to the other judges as I took my position. "Start!" One of them said.

I bolted to the rope and climbed it easily gliding down the zip line. I dodged all the lasers, and everything. I ran back around and to the finish. When they showed me my time I was amazed. One min and forty-seven seconds. I win. I went back outside the course when they called in phoebe and put up my score on the board. I got a drink and sat down waiting for the first test to end. We do the second tomorrow at ten and third later. Jack walked up to me and I blushed just a bit. "You beat everyone... That is awesome!" He said giving me a hi five. When I looked at the board he was right behind me with two min ten seconds. So he was faster than most people. No big deal. I could beat him.

I went to bed early hoping to sleep but failed. So I went to my dads room and laid on the couch he had. He didn't mind me, but I just couldn't sleep, so I went outside and slept in a tree

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