Chapter 10

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"Nina. Nina..." I looked up groggily and smiled at him. "Morning fuzzy." I look around and see there's a thick layer of snow everywhere. "Wow, in finally snowed." I look back at my fuzzy friend and see that he's shivering. "You are seriously going to catch something." I take off my sweatshirt and put it on him. "Thanks Nina. Won't you be cold?" Seriously... He was still shivering. "Come here fuzzy." He obeyed and I gave him a hug. "You really need to be more concerned with your own safety. Watch." I lay down in the snow and cover myself. When I got up and he felt my hand I was still warm. "Ok. That is helpful. Can we get going now. I would appreciate a muffin." I pick up the backpack, stuff everything inside, and sling it over my shoulder. "Come on fuzzy hurry up." I say as I run through the forest. We made it out after an hour. When I looked at the field I only saw ashes. I guess they burned the bodies. We made our way up to the mansion, when Annie half ran half flew out the door followed by my dad, rouge and the professor. Annie tackled me in a hug but jack steadied me before I could fall. She was going on about so many things that I couldn't keep track. I heard rouge telling my dad "I told you he would come get her back." I finally got Annie to settle down and I asked her if she could get us some breakfast. She shot off back to the house, as fuzzy and I made our way up the steps to the professor. "You did great yesterday, Nina. We're all very proud of you." He went back inside out of the cold. "Yeah you even had the guts to punch wolf boy over there just to keep him safe." Said rouge. I give her a hug. Then I tackled my dad with a hug. "You did good." He whispered in my hair. Annie came out with food. I took an apple and tossed jack a muffin. He caught it and we went inside into the warmth.

I go up to my room and change my damp dirty clothes. I brush my hair and put it back in its ponytail. I realized it was three days until my birthday. It was more exiting now that it was so close. I go down to the kitchen and sit with Annie, who was making more muffins for jack. She had this amazing talent, not only to fly, and heal quickly (not as fast as me), but to make the best muffins known to mutant kind. She bakes them every morning. She pulled another pan out and put another in. Jack took a muffin that was still extremely hot and started eating it. I picked one up and sat next to him. Annie was going on about plenty of things as she baked. "So while you were gone, we were cleaning up and taking people in and out of the clinic, and I was treating some kids that scraped themselves on the way out. So when I was done the professor came over and told me that I was really good at medical stuff and that the kids thought I did a really good job. So he took me to help with the others. And now Im on the lower ranks of the medical team!" She exclaimed. "Wow that is amazing! Good job! You'll be great." I said giving her a hug. "Yeah. You won't see Nina much down there but you'll see me every hour." Jack said and we all started laughing. I said bye to Annie and went outside. I went around to the side of the mansion and started to climb a tree. When I reached the top of it, I jumped over to the roof. I could have just climbed up the side of the house with my claws, but the professor would have my head. I sat on the roof looking at the sky, when I noticed movement down by the front. I ran and jumped off.( Don't try this at home, you'll kill yourself) I landed right behind him and realized it was mike. I hadn't seen him since the test. His head looked better but apparently he had broken his arm yesterday. "Hi mike! How you doing?" I say, startling him. "Nina! I didn't see you there. You scared me half to death." He said. "I was just going for a walk. Do you want to come?" He asks. "Sure." I follow him down the path. "I hear you defeated an entire army yesterday." He said trying to break the silence. "Not the whole army. Just the right side." I say.

"You defeated a whole right side more than me. Don't you need a coat?" He asks watching me walk through the snow in a t shirt and jeans. Jack still had on my hoodie. He starts to take off his but I stop him. "Trust me. You need that more than I do."

"It's almost your birthday. 16. How you feeling." He says as we pass a small creek. "Exited. Tired." I remark. "So... You and wolf boy, huh." He sounded kinda sad. "I don't like it. You've only known him for what. Five days?"

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