Chapter 3

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I hope you like chapter three. I wrote most of this story a while ago. Please comment.


10 years later. (Nina is 15)

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock. It was 6:30. I dressed in one of my signature purple t shirts and jeans along with my rainbow colored tennis shoes. I also put on my shiny silver dog tags that my dad got me for my 9th birthday. It's a habit now to put them on, but dad wears his so I can wear mine.

It's my first day of survival camp. With my dad. It was either him or this retired general who yells too much. Scott told me all about him when he had to go when I was seven. I felt like I would have a better chance of surviving with my dad. People say he goes easy on me but he doesn't. I think he goes harder on me than the rest of my class. There are only 7 others in my class any way.

Phoebe - telepath

Mike - can change his body to different types of metal

Alex - talk to computers

Jenna -turn invisible

Annie - has wings

Chase - can blend into any background

Matt - super strong

I was brushing my hair back into a pony tail when my dad came around to wake up everyone. When he knocked on my door I said "I'm up. I'll be out in five." He moved on to the rest of my hallway. I always wake up before everyone.

When I walked out there were lines for both bathrooms. I feel smart because I take my shower every night before bed so there's one less person in the shower line. I make it down to the kitchen and find my dad there eating while reading and watching the morning news. He's amazingly good at multitasking. "Morning Nina." He said as I walked in taking another bite of his toast. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?" He put down the paper. "Fine. You?"

"Fine." We have practically mastered the art of morning conversation. "Are you ready for survival training?" He asked. I nod as I pile a waffle onto my plate of breakfast food.

"It sounds fun. Are people betting this year?" I ask because the x men always bet on who has top scores and who will actually survive survival training. "Kurt got most of as to bet, but last time I heard most money's on you." I sat down "how much did you bet on me?" I ate the rest of my breakfast. "I don't have to say " he answered. I walked out and he followed me. "So, there's a new mutant coming tomorrow in your class and since you know this place from top to bottom I will let you show him around." I looked confused. "But what about survival training?" He laughed. "Out of all the people in your class you are the one that is most likely to survive anything. Hell, I've survived a nuclear bomb. Besides I've been having you do training courses since you were four. You won't miss anything you haven't learned already tomorrow."

"But why me besides the facts that he's in my class and I don't need training? I'm not the most friendly person."

He put his hands on my shoulder and looked me in the eye

"Nina you need a friend your age. And it was either you or the elf. Who do you think will likely scare him?" I frowned

"But he should fear me more." We walk out to the course outside. "When he gets to know you he'll be begging to go with the elf." He joked.

It was 7:45 and training starts at 8. I climbed my tree and waited for the others to get here. I sat there as my dad passes the time cutting through small sticks. When the rest of the class got here I jumped down and followed my dad to the line up.

"Xmen, I expect you to do the best you can on each thing. If not you'll have to answer to me. If you use your powers to cheat or harm others, you will answer to me. This is strictly a no power training unless I say so. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" We all answered. "Now your first survival test is to do this course. Move!" We all bolted towards he nearest rope and started climbing. Once we got to the end of the rope we zip lined to a tree. I was winning. When I got to the tree Matt was just on the zip line and the others were almost up the rope. I descended down the side of the tree And took off running to the next part, which was to avoid lasers in a field. I finished it quickly, having dodged actual lasers since I was ten. I then finished the course by running up a steep hill. "When I turned around to look at my class they were still dodging lasers. "Well done sweetheart. You did that in three flat." My dad gave me a high five. He only calls me sweetheart when there's no one around. "Did I really beat them that badly? I would have done it faster but I felt like I was beating them enough as it is." We both started laughing but stopped as Matt and Annie approached the hill. "Nina go see if anyone needs a medic." My dad sighed. When they made it Annie was limping slightly and Matt had a burn on his arm. "Are you guys ok?" I asked rushing over. "We're fine. Nothing serious. But I think mike took a tree branch to the head." They walked to the line up

As the others walked slowly up the hill. Mike was sent to the clinic to see if he had a concussion, Phoebe had a couple minor scratches, Jenna and chase were fine, and Alex would have some bruises. We all joined the line up. "Since most of you are injured I will excuse you all for the rest of the day. But before that, drop and give me ten. If you are able." We all did as we were told and left the training grounds.

Since I had nothing better to do and all my friends were injured, I went to the danger room. My courses were all on a timer now and I wasn't aloud to destroy much. We couldn't really afford much damage done to the equipment. It was hard enough to replace What my dad accidentally destroys... "Nina's run, level 7, start." I unsheathed my blades as the machines started up. I just had to survive for five minutes without getting captured by the arms, crushed, shot by lasers, or stuck to the wall or ceiling. And this is only the danger room for students. The one for xmen has realistic simulations that could hurt you. I rolled to dodge a laser, then darted out of the way of an arm. I survived the five minutes. "Nina's run, level 7, start." I said again. Once I made it past level ten I get to face a sentinel. And that is like Christmas to me.

The good thing about the danger room is that it never does the same thing twice. I continued training in the danger room for the rest of the day, doing the same level over and over again. "Nina? You want dinner?" A voice said from outside the door. "Just a minute!" I finished the course and opened the door. It was Annie. "I brought you some dinner. Have you been here all day?" I shrugged. "What time is it?"

"Almost 8:30. I swear, your going to train yourself to death." I took the plate she handed me and started eating as she talked about the day. "Everyone was fine after survival training. Mike doesn't have a concussion. And I here there's a new guy coming tomorrow! I wonder who's going to give him a tour?" I finished my dinner and laid on the floor next to where Annie was sitting. "Me. I get to take him on the tour." Annie looked confused so I explained how my dad said I could do it. "It was either me or Kurt, so who would you pick." We started laughing. "I'm going to go to bed. You can train more if you want. Your dad just sent me to make sure you ate." So dad sent her. It's like he has another set of eyes that are always on me. It's nice that he cares but a little creepy that he knows exactly what I'm doing at any time. "No I think I'll go with you. I'm done for today." On my way to the shower I run into Jean "You better get a good night sleep if your going to do a tour. I hear he's a tough one." She winked at me and I smiled a little. Ok... I can deal with that. I took a shower and changed into my pjs. I walked to my room and flopped down onto the bed. I fell asleep almost instantly. Annie was right. I would eventually train myself to death.

I warned you my chapters are long. And I have a lot of them.


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