The Fight Outside

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(Hey look a random update from a random person whose feeling random as fuck right now)

             "Dude get oOOFF--ouff!" I get tripped and thrown to the ground by the jackass I met in the club we just exited. I scrape 60% of my exposed arms when I hit the ground and notice the bits of gravel stuck in them from the semi-sheltered, concrete, empty alleyway. Muttering to myself I scramble upright into a brave standing position in front of the 6'8 beast of a man... dammit this guy makes being 5'5 a disadvantage for once. 

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask in a hostile tone that you never want to hear from me.

"My problem is a short, brown hair, green eyed, softie stealing all the prime hookups in the bar" he says with trace amounts of sass and to many shots of venom.

I glare, oh how I glare up at the tall, tan skinned, blue eyed, black haired, blonde dyed tipped haired giant towering over me like some fantasy villain making me some focal point of a weak character.

"It's a club dumbass. And you can't hate a player for bringin' my A game. The softie act really gets jerseys flyin' and bras poppin'" I sass him right back, and do it ten million times better than he ever could. "Oh and for the record; I ain't short, you're just unnaturally tall" I add since I'm going in strong on the defensive front.

"Really? You sure the softie act doesn't just perfectly compliment your height, or should I say: lack there of" he raises and dips his eyebrows with an unnecessarily added snort.

I growl and my glaring stare intensifies. "Well it's not like you were doing well with any of the men, women, or non-binary persons here either hot stuff" I mock with a side to side head bobble and a cross of my arms.

He keeps a neutrally upset in the guy way face on. "Men. And did you seriously just call me hot stuff as an insult? Come on" he snorts.

I huff and push his chest with a hand to scare him off. "Yeah I did, what you gonna do about it dumb fuck?" I ask with another dose of much needed sass.


And now I feel like I've been punched by knuckles of brass. The guy swung a lightning quick punch to my face and I can already feel my cheek swelling up to a bright hue of blue-ish purple. I scoff as I tentatively touch my face. "Oh you dead bitch" I threateningly say before swinging my legs all the way up to his jaw and kicking so his whole body turns to the left. He turns back and kicks me in the stomach. Most fights would go on, but this ones practically over because the guy pins me to the thick brick wall and I can tell just by the firm grip he has on me he won't let go.

I groan and glare up at him as he smirks down at my pinned form. "Jackass"

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