Angsty Teens (messy)

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I woke up feeling groggy and my body heavier than usual. Rolling over my eyes widen as I see a guy under the cover beside me. He had blonde hair, peach skin, plump lips, and a curvy figure.
It was a boy from school, we had a lot of classes together now that I think about it.

But I haven't come out yet, I'm still in the closet! Like waaaay in the closet. So far I'm-surprised-I-haven't-found-Narnia-yet far I was the popular guy! I was both a jock and a smart ass and I was known for my good looks.
But I date girls. I'm not supposed to let anyone know I like guys! Maybe someone out of the school, but it was too risky.

I cautiously turned over to face the small male. His name was Danny Nelson, and he was on my basketball team. He didn't hang out with the jock crowd, he was a kid known for doing his own thing. He was honest... kind... happy, bubbly, and bright. A real crowd pleasure and well known guy despite never sticking to one group.

Unable to stop myself I reached my hand up and ran it through his soft hair, it always had the urge to stare into his eyes during practices and games. He was the fastest guy on the team and was able to weave in and out like nobody's business, making quick work of many match ups.

My fingertips trailed down his jaw to his lips, my thumb ghosting over his plump bottom one as my worries melted away.

Danny yawns softly and opens his eyes. He smiles up at me and scoots closer. "Morning."
"Mornin," I say quietly.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked me as he pecked my chest. My heart skipping a beat.
"G-Good," I stutter making Danny look up at me.
He gives me a tired smile, "what? Never woken up next to a guy before?" He hums and I blush.
"Wait, really?" He asks peaking his eyes open.
"N-no, I'm in the closet man, nobody knows," I say awkwardly as Danny looks perplexed
"Why would you do that to yourself?" He asks me with blatant confusion evident on his face. "Hiding in the closet isn't worth it, it just causes more pain."
"I..." I struggle to get my next words out, knowing how stupid they sounded. "I'd be jeopardizing my reputation..." I mutter softly.

Danny blinks before sighing and snuggling into my chest again, "Alright... you do you I guess... but it's not like the schools gonna hate you or anything."
"They could," I mutter softly as I instinctually wrap my arms around his small frame.

"In other news, some one has broken Danny Nelson's heart."

Oh no.

"Yes that's right folks. Everyone's favorite bundle of joy has been caught crying over 10 times in the past week, and his friends are beyond worried."

The footage cuts to Danny's best friend, "I haven't seen him smile in days!" She says to the cameras. "He's one of my closest friends, and I hate to see him this sad- I've never seen him this sad!" She exclaims.

The screen went back to the student newscaster, "Danny met with us and only answered a handful of our questions, and all his answers were very vague."

The film cut to Danny sitting in the plush chair they kept in the news office. His eyes were puffy and he looked very nervous. Several people in the class gasped and whispered how they didn't like seeing the happy boy so sad.

"Everyone wants to know, who is this guy?"
"You know I can't tell you Leroy," he says to the student reporter. "He doesn't want anyone to know we ever hooked up," Danny gave a weak smile, "he doesn't even look at me anymore, let alone talk to me!"

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