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(Boy in Love with a dangerous criminal known for public stunts. -similar to joker but not as mentally crazy. Just does it for fun and chaos- and he happens to work at a place that the man holds up and he gets lined up with other captives and the sadistic criminal says that the one that kisses him would garner everyone else's freedom. So he leaps forward and willingly kisses the criminal. Everyone is shocked but criminal keeps his word and lets the others go, but he finishes off that particular stunt saying he didn't say anything about the one who kissed him being let go, and taking the boy captive. Naturally the criminal sets some alone time aside with the guy and gets him to confess, to which the boy is incredibly flustered, but the criminal says he finds it endearing and they make out and it quickly develops to more.

Rudy's POV

I was up late. Later than I should have been since I got work in the morning. But I couldn't help it. My eyes were glued to the TV as I sat in my apartment watching all the news outlets I could.
Why? Well it was for one particular reason. Or rather person.
I'd become infatuated with a man who had taken over the screens. A man who's face and name were broadcasted every day without delay. And not in a good way.

No. I'd fallen for a criminal. One by the name of The Fox, or simply Todd.

Hearing a deep chuckle I look up at the screen to see two news reporters listening to a sound bite of a his tell tale laugh. Talking about how he did it purely for the thrill. They shivered and talked about how wrong it was.
Sighing softly I put my chin in my hand. Why did I have to like him so much? That tall and well built man with striking features. Bright eyes, a sharp jaw, a devilish smile, sharp teeth with big canines, tan skin and some bright pink scars along his arms and neck. His fiery reddish orange hair bright and vibrant but entirely natural. And he always dressed so sharply. Looking like some high up business man, but the way he acted and carried himself made him out to be more of a carefree mafia boss.
He was simply enchanting to me.

Laying back into my couch cushions I let my mind wander. I often fantasized about him. I knew I shouldn't romanticize a villain... but he was just... everything to me.
Taking a deep breath I run my fingers through my curly black hair and huff. My bright pink and pouty lips jutting out. I was often called a male Snow White and rather liked the comparison. And with the name Rudolf Whittaker it was even more fitting.
Glancing at the time on the TV I sigh and grab my phone. Standing up I pad across my flat to my bedroom and slip into bed. Yawning I plug my phone in and rest my head on one of my soft pillows. Soon dozing off to a seductive wonderland of my imaginations. Filled with none other than the villain occupying my thoughts on a daily basis.

The Fox. Sly and cunning and full of mischief. The nickname was perfect for such a devious man.

(Time Skip wakes up and gets dressed in a cute outfit for work)

Rudy's POV

Today was boring. After getting a full nights rest and getting up and dressed in my uniform I caught a bus to work. I worked in a fancy clothing place as a retail assistant. Tasked with following around a customer and holding their things before going to the dressing rooms with them and helping them pick outfits. It was an okay job and my bubbly personality helped me be well liked. But once I clocked in today I was given absolutely nothing to do. Only a handful of customers had come in so far and I had already gone around the massive store and made sure everything looked perfect over three times now.
Sighing I stood at the front of the store patiently waiting for something - anything- to do.
The door chimed and I got a big smile on my face as I opened my mouth to greet who came in.

Seeing the all to familiar red hair and wiry smile I freeze up. The red suit and white button up paired with a shimmering red and orange tie. His suit pants the same red color and shoes inky black.
There's no mistaking it. It's The Fox. Two big guys beside him pulled out hand guns and went up to the front. Three other cronies quickly walking in, presumably to search the rest of the store.
Letting out a satisfied sigh Todd's gaze drifts over to me and I feel my face go red.
"Hello darling," he greets as he steps closer and holds out his hand. "I'm Todd. But I think you already know that," he says with a tone of humor to his voice before his eyebrow quirks up. "And you are?"
"R-Rudy sir," I say timidly after taking a moment to find my voice. I offer my hand out and shake his politely. Grinning he pulls me into his side and I squeak embarrassingly loud.
"Mind following me up to the front?" He asks and I nod.

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