The Experimented Beast

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(This is kinky and weird. But hey I wrote something!)

"Jared you did it! You got the test subjects out!" One of my companions cheers as he runs up to me. Our fellow fighters are helping the human experiments out of their cells.
"Almost," I reply holding up a keycard. "I have one more to free. He's under the most security," I say before running off towards the cell. "I'll be right back!" I shout at him before going down the hall.

Getting to the big cell with a one sided mirror I look through. The beast is roaring and scratching at the walls as the alarms blared.
I scan the card and input the code I managed to snag and opened the door.

"Hey buddy," I greet calmly. The massive creature four times my size growls at me before stalking closer. "Don't be scared. I'm here to help. We're getting you out of this scary place," I say just as sweetly.

He comes closer and I stay still. This creature was a massive werewolf... loosely anyways. He was more like a demon with his horns and claws. Not to mention his huge tail that could curl around my entire body twice. but I was giving him a chance.
Bringing his nose to my chest he sniffs me before his ear perk up.

He rubs up against my side before exiting the door. Sitting down on the concrete he waits for me.

Flashing a happy smile I walk out and lead him down the hall. He stays right by my side as we go along.

When we get out to the transportation vehicles everyone is surprised by the huge creature I have with me.
"Jared uhm... heh," one of my co-workers says glancing up at the creature. "I don't know if he'll fit in any of the trucks," he says matter of factly.

"But he has too! We have to save him!" I protest before feeling fluffy arms snaking around my waist and lifting me off the ground.

Surprised I look over my shoulder to see a toned human like figure holding me. But he was twice the size of any human and had the same fluffy fur covering his arms and legs, his tail still present, and his ears and horns on his head.

"A-Alright then," the other recruit says as he leads us to one of the trucks. The man sits down and holds me in his lap. He rubs his head against my neck carefully, being sure not to scrape me with his horns.

Once the container on the truck was packed it was closed up and we made our escape. Some people cheered as we drove down the road and back to base. It would be a fairly long ride though. At least an hour or two.

Suddenly I felt a massive tongue on my neck and I gasped softly. The wolf shifter had licked me. He went on to do it again and I saw one of the other fighters snickering and pointing out my current dilemma to the others.

Blushing I quickly looked down at my lap. The wolf shifter I saved suddenly let out a menacing growl and everyone shut up.
"He's- he's probably just happy I saved him," I say and everyone nods before resuming their small conversations.

But none of the other fighters were laughing at me anymore.

"Th-Thank you," I whispered softly and the wolf guy huffed into my neck in acknowledgment.
"Uhm... do you have a name?" I ask him softly and he lets out another huff. More like a panthers chuff, but close enough.
"Wh-what is it?" I ask again and I feel his chest rumble.

"Hhhunnter," he managed to get out.
Sweet jeezus his voice was so husky and deep. I tried to not let it show how it affected me.
"My name's Jared, I'm glad I was able to save you," I say politely and Hunter just hugs me closer.

Smiling softly I feel him move under me and blush deeply as I realized he wasn't wearing any clothes. Granted I couldn't feel his member, which I just chalked up to him being a wolf, and it would pop out if he ever got aroused.

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