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"Fuck... i just want Alex to be mine,"
Those words alone make me stumble over my feet. Quickly popping back upright no one in the hall glances at me as I take a deep breath.
Who's thought was that? Who's thinking about me like that?!
"Did he just trip? I think he tripped," I hear the muddled voice echo in my head. Masculine, fairly rough and groggy.
Leaning slowly back against a locker I empty my mind as best I can as I catch hints of thoughts from the people walking past. Clutching the straps to my bag I lazily cast my gaze around. Trying to figure out who out of the people staying in this bit of the hall could be the one who... is thinking about me.
Rapidly tapping my foot I review that. In all my years of having this passive mind reading power I never thought I'd find someone interested in me through it. I've never felt more than light crushes, mainly with celebrities or fictional character who I'll never have to hear the thoughts of. Because knowing what someone thinks can weigh down on you, which is why I try to take this burden and turn it into a positive by complimenting people just so.
"I want a monster... Reggie's usually got monsters in his bag," I hear a different voice that I find more familiar from classes say to themselves. And through the hubub of the crowded hall I hear an outspoken convo.
"Ay, Can i have a monster Reggie?"
"Sure, I'll give you some crack," that voice replies before thinking. "I haven't had a monster yet, I should have one soon," he thinks and I finally lock on to them and my face pales.
"Oh Alex hasn't gone to class he's standing over there... he's super red does he have a fever?" I hear Reggie think and I swallow before my feet start to carry me forward. "There he goes- wait is he coming over here?"
Am I going over there?! WHAT AM I DOING?!
passing through the sea of students I get to where Reggie and Liam are sitting on a windowsill. The two dressed in black and pops of color with an overall grunge, punk, vibe
"Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck-" Reggie repeats in his head before his voice dully cuts out. "Can we help you?" He asks and Liam flicks his eyes up at Reggie as he gingerly grabs a monster from the backpack.
"Damn he's grumpy. With his crush? Did something happen?" He thinks before resting his gaze on me.
Squeezing my bag straps I open my mouth before sheepishly smiling.
"Uhm-" think of something Dammit! "I like your haircut. I forgot to say something last week so I came over now." Reggie furrows his brows externally, but internally he happily screams. "He noticed and he's complimenting me?! Aaaa-"
"Thanks I guess," He grumbles out before tapping his fingers on his knee. "Anything else dork?" He asks. "...why did I call him a dork like that- that came off so rude," he chides himself internally before I take a deep breath.
"Uhh... y-yeah actually," I say tilting my head away. Feeling my heart pound I tap my foot before blurting out. "It's my free period. I usually go to the library to study or something but I know you skip a lot and- I dunno if you'd wanna go do something now. Or maybe another time if you don't want to hang out now," I ramble before shutting my mouth and feeling my cheeks burn as I put my eyes back on him to see his and Liam's eyes wide. Reggie's in shock, and Liam looking like the pog face.
"DID ALEX JUST ASK ME OUT?!" He shouts internally before letting a smirk curl his lips. "You asking me out on a date Alex?" He cockily asks and I gulp.
"Yeah. I am," I say before smiling slightly. "Is that okay?"
"AAAAAAAA-" Reggie screams in his head as he warmly chuckles. "Yeah. It's okay," he responds.
"I wanna see these mother fuckers kiss," Liam thinks as he cracks open his drink and takes a sip.
"Sooo... we going out now or later?" I ask as I twist my foot on the ground.
"Now, I need an excuse not to go to class," he says as he slips off the window sill and stands up to his full height. "or just an excuse to gawk at your gorgeous self," he coos in his head and I giggle.
"Okay. I'm ready when you are," I say before he steps closer and drapes an arm over my shoulders.
"You sure you ready for me darlin~" he smirks widely and I snort.
"We aren't going to do that now you play boy," I joke as i lean into his side.
Reggie melts in his head. "Ohhhhoh my god he's so funny and cute."
Reggie turns his head to Liam. "I'll text ya later," he says.
"I better get this tea later," Liam thinks before waving. "You better not ditch our game night," he says and Reggie waves dismissively.
"Yeah yeah I won't," he says as we start to walk away. "Unless Alex wants me too," he thinks to himself.
Feeling my heart swell I rest my head against his arm and smile to myself.

Maybe this reading minds thing isn't a burden after all

(I wrote this onto one of those writing prompts on insta a couple years back, i should have posted this much sooner)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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