Pastel x Punk

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Fuck... fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

What the fuck was I thinking?! This was such a bad idea. The first day of school is not a good day to change appearances!!!

Not that anyone would remember me from the previous years, I was the invisible kid everyone forgot about.

"Hnn..." I bite my bottom lip before taking a deep breath. "Okay... okay I got this," I mumble to myself before opening the door to the school building.

I hear some gasps and internally cringe. Trying to act confident I keep my chin up and start to walk down the hall.

My fluffy, baby blue hair hangs in front of my eyes. I'd finally decided yesterday that it was time to embrace my true personality and get my blonde hair dyed blue. It matched my brilliant electric eyes and pale complexion that made me stand out from the punk and gang oriented school.

I rounded a corner and ran into someone's chest. Squeaking I pedal back and look up at them. Shrinking in size when I recognized who it was.

It was none other than Percy, also know as Pierce since he had knives that could pierce your skin if you messed with him.

"The hell..." he mutters as he looks down at me. "Who are you?" He asks.

I just stand still and look at the ground. Clutching onto my lilac backpack with a flower patch on it. I had traded it out for my worn black backpack last night.

Grabbing me by my sweatshirt he brings our faces mere inches apart. "Who are you?" He asks again in a dead serious tone. If I had worn my usual black hoodie and jeans I wouldn't have been noticed, but of course I'd run into the scariest gang leader when I wear my pale pink hoodie and stretch pants with flowers in a variety of pastel shades. Of course.

"B-Ben," I stutter- which I hate to do- as I avoid eye contact, his gang buddies watch the interaction closely.

"Ben huh?" He says turning my chin side to side. "Well I'm gonna call you Bunny."

"Wha... what?" I look up at him in confusion as he stares at me, brown eyes boring into my soul.

"I'm gonna call you Bunny," he states plainly before releasing me. I shakily take a step back. And he glances at me. "Bye Bye Bunny~," he coos making his friends chuckle and ohh.

I stood stock still, so baffled it took me a solid ten seconds before I scrambled off down the hall to my class.

(Time Skip zooms into school on a motorcycle with a friend of his)

Sighing softly I smile in content, sitting in a quiet, unseen, and neglected corner of the library where there was small sofa and some bean bags. It was hidden behind the rows and rows of books, and it's where I spent most of my free time. When I wasn't at home drawing or listening to music anyway.

Taking a bite of my home made lunch I hum in content happily eating a mint macaroon I had made while listening to the Pray For The Wicked album.

"Have you seen a boy with bright blue hair come in here?" I hear a loud voice ask the librarian. The librarian sighs and mutters something to them.

"Here Bunny Bunny Bunny," I hear Percy call out as I froze up.

I could hear the thump of his combat boots as he waltzed around. Looking for me of all people.

I packed up my stuff and quietly slipped between the bookshelves. I was trying to get to the exit and slip out before he could spot me and do whatever the hell creepos like him do.

Looking around a corner I was about to go around it when I felt hands grab me from behind and yank me backwards. I go to scream but a hand covers my mouth and presses down, effectively silencing me.

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