Horny yandere

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"Hey baby~ so nice to see you," the sleazy guy purrs to my gorgeous boy, Ulysses. He's so beautiful, he came dressed in a red hoodie with roses on the sleeves, a simple black rose on the front, and a nice big gorgeous design on the back, his dark grey jeans and slip on red shoes really brought the outfit together.
"It's nice to see you too," Ulysses kindly smiles as he takes a seat at the counter beside the drug dealing bitch.
Sitting off to the side I was watching over carefully. I didn't trust this guy one fucking bit.
A waitress comes up and starts to take their order before bringing back drinks. I was close enough to hear their conversation, but as usual I went unnoticed. I'd already ordered something and paid, saying I just needed a place to relax. Sipping my soda I carefully watch as the two make small talk. Ulysses ducking down his cherry soda before politely getting up.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," he says before going into the door to relieve himself.
Watching closely I see the white and blue leather jacketed asshole pull something out of his front pocket and tap a powdery substance into the drink.
Fuming I go to stand when the waitress walks over, gasps as she sees the guy about to stir the powder into Ulysses drink and Ulysses comes out of the bathroom.
"You sick disgusting man! Get out this instant!" She says loosing her cool.
"Hey calm down," the guy says gesturing to Ulysses who comes over confused. Before he can even touch his drink the waitress snatches it.
"We do not support blatant drugging and rape culture in this establishment, get the fuck out you vile creature!" She eloquently says and Ulysses looks at the guy in horror.
"You put something in my drink?!" He shouts and the guy quickly runs out of the diner. Ulysses looking shocked as the waitress comes around to quickly console him.

While no one else is looking I get up and quickly walk out, seeing the white leather jacket and grabbing him firmly and slamming his head into the wall. Knocking him unconscious as I drag him around the building.
No one tries to hurt MY Ulysses.

Ulysses's POV:

"I'll take care of the report, don't worry hun. You have a good night alright?" the kind waitress says as I feverishly nod.
"Thank you- have a good night ma'am," I say before going out of the well lit diner into the dim parking lot. Taking a deep breath of fresh air. Might as well go hang around the school, no one will be there since it's nighttime on a weekend anyways.
Going to walk around the diner and go through the woods for a quick short cut I go to take a deep breath of air and- smell blood?
Most people would think it's just metal, or garbage since I'm near the back of a building. But I know better.
Quickly walking I round the corner of the old burger joint I clasp a hand to my mouth as my pupils shrink rapidly. Squeaking in shock I stare in horror at the mutilated body of my shitty date. Cuts covering his face to completely obscure it, but the dumb blue and white leather jacket he was wearing is now stained with dark red blood.
Taking a step back I hear scrambling to my left. Gasping I whirl to face the sound and see a burly form duck behind a pile of boxes. Jostling them slightly.
"Wh-who's there?" I ask as boldly as I can before looking at the lifeless body to my left. The blood coming off the cuts and dripping down his chin. Feeling my cheeks flush I feel my pants tighten and cringe. "No no no why?" I say in embarrassment as I turn towards the wall and hide myself.
Why was I getting hard now?! Grunting in annoyance i suddenly feel breathing on the back of my neck. Stiffening up I go completely still.
Feeling a slightly shaking presence behind me I feel a nose gently run along the base of my neck. Shivering i feel my member twitch and manage to get out a weak, "p-please don't hurt me."

"Never," the person responds. Their voice deep, shaking me to my core. "I'd never hurt you Ulysses, " he says setting a hand on my waist glancing down I see his other hand is holding a bloody knife. Whining I press into the persons touch to try and get away from the sharp object... but I can't take my eyes off the blood dripping from it. Breathing unevenly through my nose I suddenly feel a pair of lips on my neck.
"You're hard... for me?" The person asks.
"Uhm..." Growing nervous I feel torn. I'm scared but way more flustered. "I-" glancing at the knife again I stare as a long drip falls. "I-I have a blood kink," I get out and feel my cheeks go bright red.
Realizing the gravity of the situation I go to pull away only to be pulled back by the wrist and turned around. Locking eyes with the murderer- wait-
"Ch-Charlie?!" I blurt out and he presses a bloody finger to my lips to silence me.
"Quiet baby," he says and I can't help but press my thighs together. Feeling the sticky substance on my lips I slowly open my mouth and lick his finger. Moaning at the metallic taste. Feeling so ashamed at what I am doing but unable to help myself.
"Moss, fuck," Charlie murmurs breathlessly and I pull my mouth off and look away in shame.
"I'm disgusting. What am I doing," I say softly as I bring my hands up to my hair and grip it in frustration. "So bad... this is bad."
"It's okay baby. Everyone has their kinks," Charlie reassuringly says as he steps closer to me. Knife loosely in hand with blood on one hand and sleeve. "But this guy is truly disgusting," he says gesturing at the body of my horrible date. "The way he... tried to coerce you was... vile," Charlie says with a hatred in his eyes as he stares at the body. Hand tightening around the weapon.
Gulping I nod. It was really scary what he'd try to do to me. Putting drugs in my drink? Who knows what he would have done.
Charlie pulls something out of his pocket with his clean hand and carefully sets it on the guys lap.

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