WX # 4

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((( Bit of a preface here; my English 101 teacher has us do these things called 'Writing Exercises'. And because I like most of these, so I'm gonna upload some of them

and if you want me to cave in on myself then ask me to upload all of them!


please don't...)))

            "Access granted" flashes across the enormous monitor I'm situated in front of, and now I begin my daily task of watching the world through technology. 

screen 1: a man faces the most difficult decision in his life. Save his wife, or save the baby. 

screen 2: a rebellious teenager tip-toe's through her parents apartment as she returns home past her curfew.

screen 3: a women surges through a forest knifing her way across the jungle floor.

screen 4: a girl bottles up her overflowing emotions, and runs away. 

screen 5: another girl curls up in a corner on the verge of insanity. 

screen 6: a newly wed scoops up his husband and twirls him around, and around, and around. 

screen 7: a nosy business seeks vengeance on their main competitors. 

screen 8: a woman cups her newborn son in her arms as her wife takes a rest. The biological father smiles from the chair to the left of the alert mom. He's proud to have helped his near and dear friends. 

screen 9: a medical procedure takes place at a painstaking pace. Eyes are being replaced as everyone carefully eyes the mans face. 

screen 10: a check is awarded for an astonishing win, and the one being handed said check has a grin above his chin

             I sigh. Not with jealousy or contempt, not sadness or pain, not sarcastically or inane, but a true sigh that incorporates every meaning to what a sigh could mean. I'm glad I have this job, it makes me feel complete. 

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