Dont tap my shoulder

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"Henry... Henry... hey Henry."

"Tap my shoulder one more time and I'll-"

"SSSHH!" I look up to see the detention advisor glaring at Ray and I. Sighing I put my head back down and try to focus on doing my social studies homework.

"Tap your shoulder again and you'll what Henry?" Ray taunts.

I can feel his god damn smirk from beside me. Huffing I continue to stare at the pages and working. Ray's stare didn't stop though, seemed like he had nothing else better to do than stare at me for the 14 minutes left in detention. Ray starts muttering annoying shit to me as I work on my home work despite the constant distraction.

"Time's up, you're free to go," the teacher says.

As soon as he does I bolt out of the room backpack slung onto my shoulder. I'd quickly packed up my stuff in the last minute and a half. Making it out to the street I sigh in relief as I make my way to my families apartment downtown. Turning down some streets I cut into an alley way I take as a short cut home. About halfway through I feel a hand grab my wrist and yank me into a small space in between two buildings with a small bridge connecting them overhead.

"You never told me what you'd do if I touched your shoulder again," Ray says with that cocky ass smirk he always has.

Growling out of contempt I turn to walk away. "Go away Ray."

"Ay now come back here," Ray says spinning me around back to his chest. "I'm not done with you yet~" he purrs into my ear before biting the top of it.

Blushing like mad I try to push away. I may have been a football player, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't short. Because I am, I'm short. About 5' tops.

In response he just wraps his arms around my waist and nips the back of my neck. What the hell is Ray's problem?! In my attempts to struggle I shove up against him without warning, becoming flush against his frontside with my backside. Shivering at his size hidden underneath his clothes I continue to push him away. This bastard is resilient and manages to keep hold of me. When I accidentally press my self against him he groans right into my neck and starts creating a hickey.

Oh god no my neck is ridiculously sensitive! I'm screwed!

Biting my bottom lip to suppress my moans and groans I continue in the failing fight to get away. Slowly losing my fight I whine weakly. Ray pulls back and turns me around to look me dead in the eyes.

"Was that a moan?~" he teases.

Giving him a venomous glare I retort, "it was a whine," before slamming my head against his.

His grip loosens and I manage to shove him away. He stumbles as I quickly speed walk away and loose him in the maze of buildings.

Once I'm safely locked in my families apartment I have only one thing going through my head.

The hell was that?!

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