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(This is very messy)

This was it. This was the big night, and my final shot.
I was finally 16, able to scent my mate. And I was excited for it! Excited to be finally loved by someone other than my parents. But they mainly take pity on me for being so weak.

Everyone does though, and recently it's been getting to me. So bad I've had to start having frequent check ups with the doctor just to make sure I'm relatively stable.
I'm not though. I've been thinking about doing some not so pleasant things recently... just because all the snide comments and looks have been really crushing me as of late.

But there was a high probability I was gonna find my mate tonight! And if I can just hold out for that I know I'll be okay.

Speaking of which, me and a pair of bright green eyes lock onto each other. They belong to a strong male I've had the unfortunate pleasure of being picked on by.

"Are you kidding me?"
My heart dropped and my smile dissipated. "Wha- what?" I stuttered nervously as I fidgeted restlessly with my fingers.

"There has to be some kind of mistake. You can't be my mate."

He was rejecting me. My mate was rejecting me. The one person who I was supposed to love forever.

And he didn't want me.

It was too much. As the tears came to my eyes I turned on my heel and ran. Feeling light headed as I managed to find an empty bathroom to hide in. Locking the door my legs collapse from under me. Falling onto my knees and soon sprawling myself out on my stomach as my body wrecked itself with sobs. I felt nauseous and quickly slumped over the toilet, expelling out the dinner I had had and all the feelings my heart had with it.

My pack had always valued mates above all else. The bond between mates being sacred to us.
Yet my mate rejected me...

Was I that unlovable?


I lay in bed, sick beyond belief. But not with the flu or anything. Just a sickness of the heart. One that had been draining the energy out of my body as every day passed knowing my mate hated me.
Sighing I shut my eyes once more and lay motionless. Getting out of bed in the morning was always a struggle. Both physically and mentally.
And when I heard a knock at the door downstairs I didn't move, when I heard my mom talking with a voice I didn't recognize I still didn't move. I didn't even open my eyes when I heard my bedroom door open.

"He's awake... but he doesn't move much anymore," my mom says as some other figure comes and crouches beside me. Something about their scent was familiar, but I couldn't remember it.

"I-" the person, I think a boy, says before getting cut off by my mother.
"If you deny him again I'll make sure you pay,"

That got my attention. Enough to open my eyes and be met with bright green ones.

I know exactly who those belonged to. I would never be able to forget the entrancing forest eyes I saw across the dance floor at the party all those weeks ago.

"Hey..." he greets and my eyes widen more and my heart thunders for the first time in days.

"Get. Out," I whisper.
"what? But-"
"Out! Get out!" I suddenly roared as I sat up and threw my pillows at the guy who backstabbed me.
He dodged and I saw his eyes flash with a look of confusion. "I-I don't understand I thought-" he rambled before I shrieked.

"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT YOU HURTING ME ANYMORE!" I screamed as my body shook like a leaf. I was so fragile. More fragile than I had been when I first met him.

"Please! I just want to-"
"To what?! Make me suffer!" I shout in rage as I get up out of bed before immediately collapsing face first onto my floor. 

I hadn't left the bed for at least a week now. The doctors said it'd be best for me to transition if I spent my time in bed.
Transition into my eternal loneliness.

Attempting to push myself up by the arms I feel some of my cut marks reopen. Normally I would hiss at the pain, but I'd become numb to it now.

"W- have you been cutting yourself?!" He shouted and grabbed my wrist. I felt electric pulses go up my arm and I recoiled in shock.
The boy glanced at my stomach and stared. I'd stopped eating full meals so I'd become unnaturally skinny. So skinny my ribs showed and I looked like a skeleton.

Snatching my blanket off the bed I wrap it around myself feeling ashamed of my own feelings and what they'd done to my appearance. I teared up and soon started to cry. Burying my face in the blanket.

"Louis..." Trevor whispered and I flinched. "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?!" I blurted out as I glared daggers at Trevor. "I'm on the verge of death because of you! You were the one person I was supposed to trust. My mate. My world. My everything! But you just- you just rejected me!" I screamed and Trevor hung his head.

"You-... you're right. I know I messed this up. But please I just want- I just want to fix this," he admits with a determined look.
"How? I'm broken now Trevor... you won't want me," I say as I choke up.
"I want you. I want you now and I wanted you at the party. I was just having a bad day and I took it out on you. And ever since then I've regretted it. I felt your heart drop the moment the words left my mouth. How hurt you were when you ran off to hide yourself away from the world... away from me."

"I've- I've been hurting... hurting a long time Trevor," I whisper softly. "Thanks to everyone's comments I..." sighing shakily I closed my eyes. "That night... that was supposed to be the night everything got better. When I found mate and had that stellar connection," I say glaring at my knees. "I was already breaking Trevor. I'd already tried to kill myself a couple of times and the only people who cared were my parents," I whispered as hot tears welled in my eyes. "And- and you just fucking come along and brush me off like I'm nothing? I know everyone hates me but I didn't think I was that unlovable," I started crying again.

"But... It's just jokes. The things people say at school to you are jokes. It's just playful teasing," Trevor says in confusion.

"Clearly fucking not," I hiss angrily as I try to stand and grunt as my limbs shake. "Fucking..." I tried again and managed to get onto bent knees, transferring myself to the bed and curling into a ball once again.

"Look if you're just playing another one of your sick jokes on me-" I mutter before getting cut off quickly.
"I'm not! I swear I'm not..." Trevor ends off in a whisper. "I... I love you."

My eyes widen as I feel my heart stitching itself back together. Blushing softly I clutch the bed sheets tightly. Wordlessly I scoot over just enough for Trevor to sit on the side of me bed. Once he does I glance up at him before carefully setting my head on his lap.

Trevor teared up and started making little crying sounds as he ran his fingers through my hair. Feeling relaxed I fell into a peaceful sleep without having to worry about never waking up again.

Trevor's POV

Louis's mom came in to see me stroking her sleeping sons hair as I stared down at his peaceful form. Glancing at her I felt nervous as she walked over and sat on the other side of her son.
"He took you back... you know your lucky right?" She asks and I nod.
"Y-yeah..." I whisper and she shakes her head.
"I don't think you do..." she starts off with before looking at me seriously. "You and the rest of the kids at school and in the pack have mocked him to the point where he doesn't feel like he matters anymore. The night you rejected him he came home and slit his wrists till we found him passed out and barely breathing in the bathtub. And that's not the first time either," she explains and I start crying all over again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," I sob put pathetically, "I'm such a monster."

"Maybe... but he's accepted you regardless," she says. "Treat him well," she whispers before getting up and leaving the room. Closing the door behind her.

As soon as she does I look down at my mate. My sweet little bundle of joy who I've never treated right. Feeling some tears sliding down my cheeks I vowed to myself to make this up to Louis

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