fuq boi (UNFINISHED)

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Neil Goodman = 22, guy, fantastic grades, nice kid, an upstanding student, secretly loves to get drunk and loves the person he is when he's drunk even though that person acts totally different than his normal self. His drunk self is a flirty risk taker who loves to giggle and laugh and think of all the happy things that are and could ever be.

Randy Henderson = 21, guy, fuck boy (fuq boi XD ), both sexy and creepy at the same time, handsy af. Can be really nice and soft at times; but that rarely ever happens.

Neil's POV

You know, I put up with a lot. And I have many problems that I talk to no one about, but my biggest problem of all-


-is Randy.

"Hey bun-bun," Randy greets with a pet name he's bestowed upon me. He's leaning against the row of lockers beside the one I just slammed shut.

"Don't call me that," I mutter while fidgeting with the string to my hoodie out of habit.

"Why not? It suits you," he starts and I walk outside in an attempt to be left alone, but he follows after me and continues his explanation.

He blabs on and on in an attempt to flatter me and I don't really pay attention. He's been trying to find my little niche for a couple of months now, and it was getting old since he's the schools notorious fuck boy. We walk on the concrete sidewalks all the way to the apartment complex we both happen to live in.

The school system is pretty weird where we live, a couple decades ago it was decided that college would just become the next high school. You didn't have to pay to attend, but it was required that you go to college now. This left a couple years of mandatory schooling to develop some more independence. A lot of students share apartments with their close friends and mates.

'Almost there' I think to myself as we get in the empty elevator and Randy is still talking away, but I tune back in briefly just to amuse myself.

"-oh! I just thought of two more reasons for the whole bun-bun nickname," Randy suddenly presses me up against the elevator wall taking me by surprise.

"One, you've been fidgeting with that drawstring this entire time," he states a couple inches away from my face making me uneasy and gets me to immediately let go of the braided string I always mess with.

"And two," Randy leans into my left ear. "you got them sweet, sweet curves~" Randy whispers before biting my earlobe. He plants a kiss towards the top of my neck and then another, and another, and another as he makes his way down my neck. It's when he starts to push my baggie hoodie over to get to my shoulder that I know I'm in trouble.

"Nya~-aaaa g-get off," I stutter as the elevator dings and the doors open. Shoving Randy off of me I book it to the door of the apartment and get the key into the door.

But getting the key into the lock isn't close enough to being safely inside. A figure comes up behind me and wraps their arms around my waist.

"Hey hey hey hey. Where you running off to little bunny. We're just getting started~" that last part gets said into the back of my neck huskily. I shudder as he places yet another kiss there and I twist out of his grip while turning the knob to the door.

Right before I slam the door shut Randy slips inside and locks the door behind him. I take a step back as he looks at me hungrily. "Come on Neil, just once."

I drop my bag, turn on my heel, and make a mad dash to my room in the apartment. Usually my friends would be here, but they're out a town for some science competition, so I'm all alone in the flat with this sexually driven psycho.

A hand grabs my wrist and twirls me around before smashing me against the wall right next to my bedroom door. I gasp heavily when the wind gets knocked out of me. I look up fearfully at the looming figure mere centimeters away from me.

"Neil, Neil, Neil, oh sweet and innocent Neil," Randy says in a dangerously low tone. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Treat me nicely?" I suggest timidly.

"Treat you nicely huh?" Randy questions, "oh I'll treat you nicely all right.~"

Pressing his lips up against mine I shut my eyes tightly. I refuse to kiss Randy back. After a couple seconds Randy pulls away with a growl and I peek my eyes open nervously. Randy gives me a pouty glare while his long and messy fringe falls in front of his face.

"Do you know how long I've been chasing after you Neil?" Randy asks while staring right into my soul.

"A-a couple months?" I say as nervously as ever.

"Years, fuckin' years at this point," Randy says launching into a monologue, "do you know how hard it is to even get a shred of your attention? It's nearly fuckin' impossible. You're always so absorbed into your school work and you leave time for literally nothing else. And it's annoying because I genuinely like you and-" I tire of Randy's words that make me feel things and cover his mouth with my hand.

"Shut up. Just-" I sigh heavily and the hand covering his mouth falls away, "give me... give me a couple of minutes to do... something and I'll be feeling better. Just... hold on." I try to duck under Randy's arm but he grabs onto my elbow.

"What are you doing?" He asks skeptically.

"I-... I need some fucking alcohol," I say defeatedly before prying Randy's hand off my elbow with my spare hand.

"You drink?" Randy asks skeptically giving me a quirked eyebrow stare.

I've taken a half step into my bedroom before I tilt my head back and answer, "I'm twenty-fucking-two don't question me." I shut the door to my bedroom and head over to my secret stash of liquor hidden in my closet.

(Time Skip waits til Neil has much to many drinks and Randy leans against the wall outside of Neil's room confused and annoyed)

Neil's POV

Aaaannnfff aaawwwaaayy we goooooo!

I pull open my bedroom door and stumble out of my room. Since when does the ground wibble wobble like jello? Hehehe that's bonkers. I must be drunk. *GASP* MAYBE I AM DRUNK!? WWWOOAAAH!!!

"Neil?" A voice to my left asks making me whip my head around to them.

"Oh hhheeeeeeeyyyyyy Rraaaannnnddyyyy," I drawl out before stepping closer to Randy and falling against the wall.

"Dude, how drunk are you?" Randy asks with an amused smile.

"Drrrunk enough to do ttthhis!" I exclaim before falling into Randy and kissing him hard on the lips.

Randy gets knocked back a couple steps, but manages to catch me and hold me up in his big strong arms.

I pull back and chuckle softly, "Sober me never has the guts to do that. Heheh~"

When I look up into Randy's eyes he looks love stricken and lustful. I continue to giggle as I nuzzle into his neck. "You smell nice," I blurt out making Randy chuckle deeply.

"Thanks ya goof," he says kissing the top of my head and running his fingers threw my hair. I beam at this action.

"Do you want to get drunk to?" I ask suddenly

"Absolutely," he answers.

I step back and grab Randy by the hand dragging him into my room and to the alcohol station.

(Time Skip sensibly drinks some water as the two adults get drunk as fuck)

Neil's POV

Giggling for the billionth I lean into Randy's side. His arm subconsciously tightens around my waist making me feel protected. I angle my head upwards and see Randy tipping a now empty glass to his lips. That glass was full just a couple seconds ago.

Nuzzling my nose into his neck I get his attention and lock eyes with him.

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