Saving my Rival

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The Villains POV

A rather loud click made the cool metal cuffs around my wrists tighten before I'm forcibly shoved into a police car.

Venice, the dashing hero of this story, pokes his head into the car while leaning against the side. "Ready to go back to prison, Roger?" Venice asks tauntingly with a crooked smile.

Rolling my eyes I respond back, "you and I both know I'll be out by tomorrow."

"And you and I both know I'll be there to put you back in your cell," Venice retorts.

I shoot Venice a glare, although I had to force it onto my face because my heart did not want to be frowning at this absolutely adorable man, but my brain knew I had a reputation to maintain.

Suddenly, distant screams fill the air as an explosion goes off filling the air with a blue smoke.

"Oh no," I think to myself. Quickly I look at Venice who's head has perked up and he's gone into position so he can take off.

"Venice don't-" I start before he's taken off towards the site. "Go there."

I hear more screams and kick the seat in front of me. "Dammit," I mutter before making a split second and hasty decision.

I have to save him.

Undoing the cuffs with ease I hop out of the car and hop into the air. My specially designed shoes designed by yours truly immediately get me off the ground and speeding towards the decimated buildings.

Once I get there I see the bastard leering over a cowering Venice. The two haven't noticed me and I'm able to pick up on their conversation.

"Is that really all you've got?! Pathetic," the villain known as The Blue Bomber says kicking Venice in the ribs.

My blood boils and I dive down towards the ground. "Not today Satan!" I shout as I swoop in and deck The Blue Bomber in the face. He falls right over, upon landing I grab him by the collar and head butt him knocking him out. He collapses to the ground, but because I'm so bloody furious with this dolt I take my foot and smash it into his side.

Pretty sure I just broke one of his ribs.

Huffing in anger at the inferior villain I turn to Venice who's looking up at me baffled. I push that fact aside and quickly drop to my knees checking his body for injuries.

"Are you Okay? Did he hurt you? Why'd you have to run off and fight him like that?! You could have easily gotten killed-" I ramble but get cut off by Venice engulfing me in a hug.

"Venice?" I say in confusion before realizing the poor boy has started sobbing.

"Oh no. Venice don't cry! Venice- husshh, it's okay," I say to him since no one's around to hear and hold him close. I rub circles into his back as he moves his head to hide in my chest.

The cops starts showing up and approaching us with caution. "Venice... do you want me to keep holding you? There's police men coming," I say quietly to him. He nods and I stand up with Venice wrapped around me like a koala. If something this serious hadn't just happened I'd probably be laughing at this silly position.

The policemen give me strange looks as they come up on top of the wreckage. I, the world's most notorious villain, was cradling the cities favorite hero in my arms with an unconscious lesser villain unconscious.

(Time Skip listens in on the cops conversations and laughs at their utter confusion)

Later, I was sitting in a secluded hospital room that looked was all fancy like it was apart of a fancy facility, which it was.

The coppers had decided they wouldn't take me to prison yet because they wanted answers, but they had an officer watching over me at all times as I waited for Venice to wake up. I was trying to act all calm and collected, but in reality I was all sorts of anxious! I'd rescued what the public considered my rival! Chaos would ensue in the media once word got out about why I saved him.

"My life is ruined," I mumble to myself in frustration.

Hearing a groan and the shuffling of blankets against sheets my head flicks up to see Venice's eyes flickering. Jumping up out of my seat I kneel at the side of Venice's bed. His eyes lift open partially and my name tumbled out between his lips. "Roger..."

I tried not to show just how happy that made me and suppressed the butterflies in my stomach. "Yes Venice? I'm here."

Venice's eyes open and he looks over at me. "Roger you... you saved me... I-" Venice cuts himself off as he stops and thinks. "Why? I though you hated me."

I sigh. "I could never hate you," I say softly to him.

Roger's eyes are opened fully and starting at me at this point. He s me into a hug similar to his one from yesterday. "Thank you."

"Or course, anything for you," I say to him.

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