Don't Hurt Me Like They Did

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(Donovan gets bullied for years. He finds out it freaks out his bullies when he acts like he has a quirky pain kink, which he actually does, so he uses this to keep bullies away. That is until a new kid comes to school. Ver, an openly gay guy who doesn't take anyone's shit, and despite being gay he's popular and sporty as fuck.
Ver sets out to claim the top dog position at the school, and since he can't go and date the snobby rich bitch he has to find a guy to claim.
And then he hears about Donovan
Thus a really fucked up relationship begins)

Donovan Nash - bullied kid
Oliver (Ver) Phelps- Gay Bully

Donovan's POV

It was 8 years ago...

"Hey Gay-novan!" Some loud mouthed kid called out. Making me flinch at the sound of the name I'd been pinned with since I came out.

I was a nobody until then, and now I was the nobody. The gay kid. The Queer

Feeling a book hit the back of my head and fall to the ground, pages crunching I growl and whirl around. "What!" I shout, hoping I wouldn't burst into tears like I normal do.
The pack of boys walk up to me, the leader of the six smirking sinisterly. "It's time for your daily beating," he says cracking his knuckles. I sigh, knowing this was routine. It had been for the past few years.
"Hey! Are you listening to me pip squeak?!" The boy says elbowing me in the ribs. Clutching my stomach I hold in my noises, not wanting to let them know how much that hurt. I looked up pleadingly at them, wanting them to leave me alone.
"Pleas- AH!" the same boy pushed me to the ground, but for some reason I made a... different noise.
"Mmgh~" my eye lids fluttered closed when I felt my body hit the harsh concrete.
"... Did you just moan?!" The kid screams at me picking my up by the collar.
I blushed bright red before realizing this could be used to my advantage.
Smiling devilishly I grab onto his wrist. "Yeah. Why don't you punch me and see how good it makes me feel~" I say in what I thought was a teasing voice but made the boy turn red.
He released me. "You're disgusting," he spat venomously before marching away with his posy of spiky haired boys behind him.
Slowly sitting up with my hands on the grey surface I got a small hopeful smile on my face.

Maybe there was something I could do about my bullying.

(Time Skip hippity hops his way to the future, when Donovan is a teenager in high school)

Donovan's POV

I let out a huff as I sit down at my desk for first period algebra class. I was more of a writing and reading person myself, loving everything to do with books, the arts, and history. Which was convenient, because they all went together.
Already my thoughts of a delightful educational day are ruined by my annoyance caused by the stupid jocks. I wonder how uncomfortable I made them feel by fake moaning my way through their efforts to push me around in the cafeteria this morning.


People scrambled to their designated seats, a couple of them dashing in and sliding into their desks in the nick of time. We started roll call as normal, and then the door opened. One of the counselors ushered in a new student.

This guy was... wow.
He had black hair that was dyed a deep blue on the top where it was all curled and fluffed up. His face harsh and stone cold, but lips plump and soft, a naturally vibrant red color. He had bright blue eyes the color of frost on a window. Standing at a rather tall height of 6'4, and adorned with the most beautiful, tan, caramel skin I'd ever seen.
And his clothes had my mind going bananas. Maroon hoodie with no sleeves showing off his distinct arm muscles. Ripped up skinny jeans that were black and contrasted his high top sneakers that were the same color as the hoodie he wore.
Glancing over him once more I notice something incredibly important.
He had a rainbow bandana keeping his blue hair out of his eyes.

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