The Memory Eraser

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It was a slow day in the Rockington Public Library. Not a single person needed my help today, not a one. I decided to take my lunch break, which led to me sifting through the bins and bins of old newspapers. These date back a long, long ways, but I being the semi selfish librarian I am wanted to only look at dates I have been alive for. Going back a decade ago I pull out a copy of the Rockington times.

The front pages headline reads "WILL VILE'S REIGN EVER END?". I read the tittle again. And then I say it allowed.

"Viles's..." I mumble under my breath. The name rings a bell, and it rolls off my tongue like I've said it before.

I look for a more popular publication and go back a year. "VILE: THE CRUELEST PERSON ALIVE" skimming over the article spurs me on to find another paper, but one with a picture. It only takes me a split second to find such a copy.


"What?!" I exclaim seeing the picture going along with this article. "That... no... it can't-" I groan getting a splitting migraine, but it only lasts a split second.

I open my eyes and hold myself up shakily. Everyone knows that when you remember something that's been erased from your mind you'll get a splitting headache.

Shoving the boxes of newspapers away I gather my things and run out to the front desk.

"Garry, I'm checking out for the day," I state as I turn on my heel and head for the doors.

"Wha- but you never-" Gary stumbles before I talk over him.

"Never mind that. Something importants' come up!" I say before exiting the building and heading for my car, the last newspaper I looked at clenched tightly in my hand.

(Time Skip rips up newspapers and throws them into the air like confetti)

Slamming the metal door to my van I storm up the elaborate stairs to The Memory Erasers mansion. The guys a fucking superhero, no one attacks him with ill intent.

I ring the doorbell and tap my foot impatiently. When the doors pull open I'm greeted with a beaming smile.

"Greetings loyal citizen-" The legend begins grandly. Usually I would let him finish-because I'm a nice guy like that-, but I'm pissed off and I want answers.

I hold up the front page with the fight sequence on it. "I have questions."

The gleam in his eyes drops instantly and he yanks me inside, closing the door with a violent bang making me flinch. "Where did you find that?" He asked demandingly.

"In the library archives where I work," I  state warily. He was still holding onto my wrist tight as ever.

He growls in annoyance, seemingly with himself, and lets go of my wrist. He turns away and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I've made a huge mistake..." he whispers to himself.

My eyebrows furrow. "what do you mean by that?"

(I'm tired, and I feel like writing smut. So from here it's gonna get hot in here)

He whips back around and pulls me close. My breath hitches as I stare up at him. This feels familiar.

"Remember yet?" He asks while staring back at me.

"N-no," I stutter nervously.

He hums in contemplation before pressing his lips to mine swiftly. I'm bewildered, but I kiss back none the less. It only takes a couple seconds for my brain to snap and begin cranking the wheels of memories. Pulling my mouth away I press my forehead up against his chest dumbly thinking that'll make the pain stop and go away. I whimper before relaxing and opening my fluttering eyes.

I remember now. I remember everything now.

Shoving Memory Eraser away I breath heavily and turn away from him. "Why?"

"Why what?" Memory Eraser asks playing dumb.

"Why did you- uuugck" I sigh roughly. It takes me a moment or two to recover. "Why did you just kiss me?" I ask completely changing my question.

"You know why," Memory Eraser says coming up from behind me. He presses up against my back and wraps his arms around my waist under my arms.

Becoming a bright red, blushing mess I stutter out, "n-n-no I-I don't."

"You wouldn't be reacting this way if you didn't," He says acting like he knows everything.

"How would you know-oohh?~" I moan out when he kisses the back of my neck in a very specific spot. "Mmah~ ha~"

(End of part one, since I'm tired and need sleep. Stay tuned for a part two!)

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