The Golden Boy

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"Hands up where I can see 'em!" I shout without a mask on as I hold up a gun.

In a world of powers, mine was shape shifting. And I didn't always use them for good. At the moment I was in some random guys skin and voice, and I was robbing a bank.

"Don't shoot don't shoot!" One of the people screams while a young boy with violet eyes covers behind his mother.
I walked forward to the counter as the people scrambled out of my way. "Take me to the safe," I order and the clerk gulps.

"S-sir I'll get fired if I do that," she stutters before I snarl and point the gun at her nose.
"And you'll have a bullet in your head if you don't," I point out and she nervously tugs at her buttoned up collar.
"R-right this way," she says letting me behind the counter.

Walking behind her I keep the gun pointed at her back.
We go down a couple halls before she gets to the comically large vault door.
"We're here," she says as she gestured at it with both hands.
"Great. Open it," I say flatly and she shakes a bit.
"Uhm... okay. But I wasn't the one who kept them in here!" She exclaims quickly and I give her a strange look.
"Who- just open the fucking vault!" I bark and she squeaks before putting in the code and pulling the door open.

The walls of the vault had the pull out drawers of the accounts, money off in the corner, and much to my surprise a boy.
He was short and had golden hair that gleamed as the lights came on. Looking him over I realized he had many bright features of the yellow variety. His eyes shimmered with the same golden hue of his hair - if not brighter- and his tan skin was sprinkled with thousands of golden specs that I assumed were freckles. He looked delicate, fragile, and when he caught of glimpse of me and realized what was happening excited.


The boy ran forward and stopped in front of me. "Did you come to save me?" He asks with a bright smile revealing his pearly white teeth.
All reason flew out the window and I turned toward the female clerk. "I knew bankers were monsters, but locking up a boy in a safe?"

"The-the owner bought him off the black market," she says giving me a nervous grin.
Rolling my eyes I hit her upside the head. "Even worse!" I shout before turning to the boy.

"So-so you didn't know I was here?" He asks with a crocked smile showing how nervous he was.
"No, but I am going to save you," I say before walking into the vault, grabbing several stacks of one hundreds, and shoving them into my bag.

"Are- are you robbing the bank?" The boy asks and I raise a brow as I lift the bag onto my shoulders.
"Got a problem with that?" I ask curiously and he shakes his head with a grin on his face. His fluffy hair hitting the sides of his face before settling back into its crazy mess.
"Nooo," he giggles, "I could care less!"

The corner of my lip tugs up into a half smile and I nod my head. "Good, ready to go?" I ask.
"Yeah! Where's the car?" He asks bouncing on his feet a bit before I grab his hand and pull him into my chest.
"No car," I say before teleporting out of the bank and back to my studio apartment on the other side of town.

Man I love having two powers.

When we landed safely on my concrete flooring I let go of the boys waist and dropped the bag by my couch. As I did this I effortlessly changed back to my normal form and sighed.
Turning to the boy I flashed him a smile. "Hi, if you couldn't tell already I having shifting powers and teleportation. My name's James," I say extending my hand for a handshake.

The boy reaches his out and shakes my hand with a weak grip. "My... my name's Tyler," he says with as much confidence as he can muster.
"What's your power Tyler?" I ask conversationally, it was high up there beside 'what's your job' and 'boy. That weather huh?'

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