Mate Convention 2 (More Feels)

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"At least let us take you home," the blue haired wolf says. He definitely looked like his other two brothers. The red headed one and the white haired one that was my mate.

Shaking my head I glare up at him. "Absolutely not! That one tried to bite me," he says pointing towards the red headed wolf with his foxy mistress by his side. "And he abandoned me!" He says pointing towards the wolf who was supposed to be his mate.

"I was going for more of a nip," the red wolf says making me groan and start to turn away, but a strong hand grabbed my arm.

"Just let me drive you home... it's the least I can do," he says as I dare a glance back at him. Giving him a fierce glare I rip my hand from his grip.

"Fine," I snap, "but I don't ever want to see you again after that," I spat.

"But you're mates!" The blue one says exasperatedly.

"And what kind of a mate is to busy to come and find their life long partner?! Hmm!" I give that wolf a death glare and give it to the rest of them.

(Time skip)

"Can't I at least-"

"No. You cannot do anything to me ever again," I hiss before getting out of the car.

My roomies Benny and Tucker were standing outside our apartment buildings door. They saw me get out and Benny rushes up to me and engulfs me in a hug, his big round dog ears alert.

"Cam baby what happened?" Benny asks me as he cradles me.

"He... he never came. And... and I ran into his brother who tried to forcibly keep me there until... until he got there. But... but I heard him say over to the phone that he hadn't come because he was to busy and... and-" Benny gently shushed me and I started sobbing all over again.

"Benny, please take Cam inside," Tucker says setting a guiding hand on his mates shoulder. Benny nods and takes me inside and away from the chaos that had transpired that day.

(Vincent's POV)

I got out of the car and watched as my poor little mate sobbed into heir friends arms. I felt bad about being so late... but I had gotten caught up with my job and lost track of time.

The bengal tiger male whispered something to the two submissives' and they went inside the apartment complex. I felt my heart sink as my mate left without a second glance at me.

The tiger approached me with a mighty glare. But I wasn't all to affected by it since I was more powerful than they were.

"Do you realize how much you've hurt him?" He asks simply and when j go to respond he holds up a finger to shush me. "He was so excited for this. He was finally gonna meet you. He hasn't able to stop talking about you for months.
And what did you do?" He asks me with a hate filled glare.

"I got busy..." I muttered simply.

"Busy? busy?! To busy to meet your mate for the first time in person?" His glare hardens and I sigh heavily through my nose.

"I FUCKED UP! I GET IT! BUT I CAN'T HAVE COMPLETELY LOST HIM!" I shout in utter annoyance with myself.

The tiger snorted. "Uh-huh. Yeah. Good luck with that. Once you break Cam's trust it's almost impossible to get it back," he says as he starts to turn away.

"Isn't there anything I can do?!" I ask desperately.

The male pauses and looks back at me. "If you really care about him... you'll find a way to fix this," he says before huffing. "But just to make things a little bit easier, we can exchange numbers. That way if you plan on doing something you can run it by me if need be. And in the event Cam ends up wanting to contact you... then I'll have yours," he says whipping out his phone and heading it to me.

Pulling out mine we quickly exchange numbers. I thank him profusely before taking my leave and he goes back inside where my mate was sitting up in some room. Heartbroken... and it was all because of me...

(Time skip)

(Cam's POV)

"Cam? You awake hun?" Benny's timid voice says as he knocks on my door.

"Yes..." I mumble and he lets himself in. He had a package in his hands.

"Someone left this for you," he says drawing closer and handing me the box. It had no name or address on it. It was just a plain brown box.

"Uhm... thank you?" I say before he nods and leaves the room. Sitting up in my bed I open the box and look inside. It was hand packed full of notes, some trinkets, and some candy. I pull out an envelope first. Looking at it front to back I read the name.

"From Vincent Harry Ilvermore. And to Cameron Elric Johnson," I read out loud before opening the letter with shaky hands. I read it and almost immediately started tearing up.

Dear Cameron,

I'm sorry, I truly am, I've unfortunately lost many friends and family due to how much I work and tend to prioritize my work over my friendships.

I wouldn't be surprised if you never want to speak to me again... but I don't want to go through life knowing I hurt you in such an unrepairable way.


Grabbing the tissues in my desk I wipe my nose and try my tears before moving on to the rest of the box.

Inside of it were all kinds of things; hard copy photographs of all sorts. Three items of clothing, and five poems. Not to mention the sweets inside. Like chocolates and lollis and all things sugary and sweet.

Sighing softly to myself I or a hand over my heart as I look through he whole box.

And slowly, as packages began to come every three days I was eagerly waiting for them, and happy to receive.

The most recent package sat on my lap. Unboxing it I saw a small slip of paper. "Here's my phone number, just in case you ever feel like texting me."

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